Ranetki apples: why they like to plant them in Our Country
If the description of the apple tree says that its fruits are very small, it is unlikely that anyone will like this variety. But it is worth adding that these are ranetki apples, and the matter immediately takes a different turn. In Our Country, these babies are very fond of

Ranetok apples have an unusual tart taste that many people like, and they are also fruitful and extremely unpretentious.

The advantage of ranetok apples

  1. They are the fastest growing. Some varieties give the first harvest in the second year after planting.
  2. Very unpretentious. These are truly apple trees for lazy gardeners! Any soil is suitable for them. They can do without watering. Fertilizers do not need to be applied to the planting pit – ranetki are undemanding to fertility. And they do not need to take a sunny place – they bear fruit well in the shade.
  3. Incredibly winter hardy. Ranetki are direct descendants of the Siberian berry apple tree, and this is the most frost-resistant apple tree of all. It easily tolerates cold down to -45 – 47 ° С. In addition, her descendants are resistant to sunburn, which affects fruit trees in early spring.
  4. Extremely productive. From one tree, on average, you can collect about 30 kg of fruit. In addition, they do not have a frequency of fruiting – they give a harvest annually (with the exception of some varieties).
  5. And finally, just beautiful. In spring, they bloom much more abundantly than ordinary apple trees. And in the fall they amaze with an abundance of multi-colored fruits.

Varieties of apple ranetok

Dobrinya. Autumn variety, fruits ripen in September. They are bright purple, juicy, sweet-sour taste with noticeable astringency. But if they get frosty, they become sweet. Apples are stored for a long time – they lie in the cellar until February. They make excellent juice, puree and jam.

The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, Chita, Irkutsk, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions (1).

Long. Also an autumn variety, apples can be harvested in early September, and they are stored for up to 30 days. They are red, with a bluish bloom, juicy, sweet and sour with a plum aroma. Fresh fruits are stored for 30 days. Very good at processing.

Recommended for the West Siberian, East Siberian, Northern and Northwestern regions (1).

Ranetka purple. Another autumn variety – ready for harvesting in early September. Its fruits are bright scarlet, very juicy, but very sour and tart. In general, taste for an amateur. But the wine they make is excellent. Stored fresh for a month.

The variety is resistant to scab at the genetic level and is even used in breeding new apple varieties as a resistance gene donor (2).

Recommended for Western and Eastern Siberia (1).

Laletino. Autumn variety. Apples are orange-red, sweet and sour tart taste. It makes a very tasty jam. It has a lot of vitamin C.

Ideal for small gardens as this variety is semi-dwarf. It is also fast growing and productive. But he has a drawback – weak resistance to scab (3).

The variety is recommended for the Far East, Western and Eastern Siberia (1).

Siberian souvenir. This variety is considered summer – the fruits ripen at the end of August. They are yellow, with a beautiful bright red or orange blush, juicy, sour-sweet, with a slight aroma. Among ranetki, these are the largest apples – their weight is up to 38 g (for most other varieties, 8 – 10 g). Very good for various types of processing – they can be used to make delicious juices, compotes, purees, jams, marmalade and other goodies for the winter. Fresh stored for 2 months – until the end of October.

Other advantages include a low compact crown and – most importantly – resistance to scab.

The variety is recommended for the Western Urals (1).

Popular questions and answers

We talked about ranetka apples with agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova – she answered the most popular questions of summer residents.

What is the difference between ranetki apples and Chinese apples?

Gardeners often call ranetki Chinese, believing that they are one and the same. They are actually similar, but have different origins. Ranetki are hybrids of a domestic apple tree with a Siberian berry apple tree. And the Chinese are the children of the domestic apple tree and the plum-leaved apple tree.

How to care for apple ranetki?

Caring for ranetki is no different from caring for an ordinary apple tree. They are watered, fed and pruned in the same way.

What is made from ranetok apples?

From ranetki you can make very tasty preparations for the winter – jam, marmalade, confiture, compote. They can be added to fresh salads and to meat, for example, to add while frying chicken. They also make delicious wine.

Sources of

  1. Federal State Budget Scientific Institution All- Scientific Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding // Catalog of Varieties


  2. Makarenko S.A. Priority areas of apple tree breeding for areas with harsh climatic conditions // Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University No. 8 (178), 2019
  3. Gunina Yu.S. Inheritance of resistance to scab (venturiainaequalis) in the offspring of immune apple varieties // Contemporary horticulture – Contemporary horticulture No. 2, 2019

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