Randy Zuckerberg: “The most important thing in work is the team”

On October 4-5, the Gazprom Arena will host the Synergy Global Forum, which will bring together more than 50 participants from all over Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad. Among them will be entrepreneurs, top managers, CEOs of large companies, specialists in various fields. Ahead of the forum, Zuckerberg Media CEO, sister of Facebook founder Randi Zuckerberg talks about her experience working with aspiring entrepreneurs.

Randi Zuckerberg’s journey in Silicon Valley began with a job at Facebook, where she led the marketing team. Since then, Randy has been investing, mentoring, and supporting hundreds of business people. Usually these are start-up entrepreneurs who come up with a potentially successful business idea. As Randy has pointed out many times, the most important thing in a job is the team. She believes that only through joint efforts can the business plan be implemented and the required level of productivity be maintained.

“I really consider myself a patron of business. Every morning I ask myself: Can I help more entrepreneurs? That is why I support the Pledgecamp project (cryptocurrency token issued on the Ethereum platform),” Randy explains. Supporting businessmen from all over the world and attracting investments with new methods is the main goal of her work.


Crowdfunding is the collaboration of people who come together to support entrepreneurs or organizations. Crowdfunding, according to Randy, is still at an early stage of development, but this tool can provide serious support in the business environment.

The ideal team consists of participants who take into account the parameters of the market and understand the basic concept of the business

Since backers are not always sure if the project they are investing in will pay off, crowdfunding now works on an outdated model. As a result, many projects are unsuccessful: sponsors are disappointed and do not return. This problem becomes even more urgent in the new economic conditions, when trust becomes one of the most important factors.

According to Randy, crowdfunding is the first step towards decentralized finance, project support. Prior to that, it was necessary to turn to large investors, of which there are few – usually banks or film studios. Now crowdfunding is becoming available to everyone in the world. Randy also advises eliminating schemes that result in intermediaries making a profit anyway, even if the project “failed.”


Randy believes that trust will soon become a prerequisite for doing business. Therefore, mechanisms are already needed to make it possible to invest funds under certain conditions and receive them back after achieving specific results. She focuses on the idea of ​​smart contracts, the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies.

Command support

The ideal team consists of participants who take into account the parameters of the market and have a good understanding of the basic concept of the business.

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