Rancho Viejo

Rancho Viejo is the perfect tequila for a picnic: not too strong, with a pleasant taste, slightly spicy, but not sharp. It is made at the distillery-distillery owned by Casa Tequilera de Arandas, one of the largest producers of tequila.

Tequila “Rancho Viejo” goes well with meat and fish dishes, well suited for cocktails. Due to its moderate strength and mild taste, it can not be eaten with lime and salt.

In 2004, three Mexican businessmen – Ramon Eracleo Vargas, Leonides Gomez and Daniel Munoz – registered a new brand of tequila, Rancho Viejo de Los Altos. Tequileros, who created the recipe for a new drink, rightly reasoned that for a picnic in nature or just evening friendly gatherings, they rarely buy premium tequila. In such cases, they are content with cheaper ordinary varieties containing, according to Mexican standards, at least 51% blue agave alcohol. But this does not mean at all that when creating ordinary tequila, you have to sacrifice quality. On the contrary, it is important that such a drink invigorates rather than intoxicates, and does not cause a hangover.

Rancho Viejo means “Old Ranch” in Spanish. This name in Mexico is found literally at every turn. Rancho Viejo is located in the state of Guanajuato. In any city you can find a hotel or restaurant bearing this name. For Mexicans, the Old Ranch is a symbol of an orderly, “correct” life, in which, after a hard day’s work, a set table and a friendly company await a person.

The brand owners entered into an agreement for the production of new tequila with Casa Tequilera de Arandas, a family-owned company that is known for a particularly strict product quality control system. Raw materials for Rancho Viejo are grown on the fertile volcanic soils of the Los Altos mountain valley. The fermented blue agave juice is distilled twice in stainless steel pot stills.

Initially, the label of the drink bottle depicted a tired cowboy returning to a hospitable old house at sunset. However, in 2014, the well-known Moscow agency Alexandrov Design House changed the tequila logo, and now a flying sombrero flaunts on its label.

Types of tequila Rancho Viejo

Casa Tequilera de Arandas produces two varieties of Rancho Viejo tequila:

  • Rancho Viejo Silver – a young colorless tequila with a rich taste and aroma of blue agave;
  • Rancho Viejo Gold is a light amber young tequila mixed with a small amount of cane sugar syrup. It smells nice of vanilla, the taste is a little softer than Silver, with a sweet caramel undertone. This drink is considered ladies’, it can be eaten with an orange slice flavored with cinnamon.

Rancho Viejo

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