Ramson: benefits and harms to the body
Ramson is famous for its beneficial properties for the body, it is often used in folk medicine. Are there any contraindications? Let’s figure it out

In Chekhov’s play “Three Sisters”, Captain Solyony and Dr. Chebutykin argued about what wild garlic is. The doctor insisted that it was a lamb dish, and the military man shouted that it was an onion, which smelled the same as garlic. The playwright inserted wild garlic to show the senselessness of the dispute, and we took the text of the classic to start material about the harm and benefits of this plant for the body.

Ramson is greens with garlic flavor. Since childhood, we hear that any greenery is useful. And since garlic is added to it, the beneficial effect is twice as powerful. But what does it mean for men, women and children? Together with a nutritionist, we talk about the benefits and harms of wild garlic.

The history of the appearance of wild garlic in nutrition

Bulbs, fresh young shoots, leaves, wild garlic flower arrows are used for food. The plant has a characteristic garlic odor. Ramson appeared in nutrition in time immemorial: it grows well, does not require care.

Already in ancient Rome they knew and ate wild garlic, noticing its vitamin properties. She was taken with them on long sea voyages to support the body after exhausting work on the ship. Among the peoples of the Caucasus, wild garlic is almost a national plant. In the Neolithic settlements in the foothills of the Alps, traces of wild garlic were found, which means that it was used 5000 years ago.

Mass production and harvesting of wild garlic began in the postwar years – in the second half of the XNUMXth century. It was hard with food, they were looking for what could be added to the diet of a Soviet person. Pay attention to the wild garlic.

Today, the canned plant is sold in numerous supermarkets; in the markets in the departments of “Korean” snacks, you can find wild garlic marinated in savory additives. There are also fresh herbs. And wild garlic extract is also used by bakeries – they are added to the sourdough so that the dough rises better.

The composition and calorie content of wild garlic

Let’s talk about the beneficial substances that are contained in the plant.

  • Essential garlic oil – affects the condition of the skin and hair, has antiviral, antiparasitic, antibacterial and antifungal effects.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – supports immunity.
  • Beta-carotene (provitamin of vitamin A) is an antioxidant that stimulates the immune system.
  • Sulfur-containing compounds, polyunsaturated fatty acids are antioxidants, lipid-lowering agents (reduce cholesterol), improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, thin the blood.
  • Selenium-containing amino acids – have an anticarcinogenic effect, i.e. protect against the formation of cancer cells.
  • Pectins are a good enterosorbent that removes toxins.
Caloric content for 100 grams34-35 kcal
Proteins2,4 g
Fats0,1 g
Carbohydrates6,1-6,5 g

*Indicators may vary depending on the place of growth, variety and part of the plant

The benefits of wild garlic

Ramson – early spring greens. It is important to include it in your diet due to the acute lack of vitamins in the body during this period. The plant has a strong phytoncidal effect, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves appetite. 250-300 grams of salted wild garlic cover the daily human need for vitamin C (1).

In Our Country, wild garlic has long been used in folk medicine as a remedy for scurvy – this disease is caused by an acute lack of vitamin C. Wild garlic was also used in the treatment of various infectious and colds, rheumatism, and purulent inflammations.

Infusions, alcohol tinctures and juice with the addition of wild garlic lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. This is confirmed by scientists: the use of wild garlic prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, stimulates cardiac activity, lowers blood pressure and contributes to the normalization of metabolism (2).

— Leaves, stems and bulbs of wild garlic have a strong garlic smell due to the content of alliin glycoside and essential oil. Ramson is rich in vitamins: B1, B2, A, E and carotenoids. The plant contains a lot of ascorbic acid. The higher wild garlic grows in the mountains, the greater the content of vitamin C in the plant, says endocrinologist, nutritionist Anastasia Tarasko.

The benefits of wild garlic for women

Vitamins A, E, C, group B are considered vitamins of beautiful skin, youthful hair and reproductive health. Therefore, a vitamin supplement from fresh wild garlic will be useful for women. There are folk recipes for skin care with wild garlic as a rejuvenating and anti-pigment agent.

– But before using wild garlic as a mask, I would recommend applying a small amount of it to the back of the wrist in order to avoid negative reactions and allergies. If after 5-10 minutes there is no redness, burning and any other symptoms at the site of application, you can apply it on the face, says the doctor.

Due to the intense stimulating effect, you should not eat a lot of wild garlic during pregnancy. Maximum – a few leaves a day. It is also not recommended to add wild garlic to food during breastfeeding – the herb changes the taste of breast milk and can provoke the baby to refuse to feed.

The benefits of wild garlic for men

“It is thanks to the essential oil, as well as the rich composition of microelements – there are about 11 of them (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, etc.) – that wild garlic is recommended as a remedy that normalizes sexual function and increases potency in men,” explains the Healthy Food Near Me expert. “.

The benefits of wild garlic for children

– Due to the abundant content of vitamin C and trace elements, the addition of wild garlic is recommended to be introduced into the diet of children from the age of three. This will support the immune system during seasonal respiratory viral diseases. As with all new products, you need to start with small portions: 3-5 leaves per meal. Be sure to monitor the well-being and reaction of the child’s digestive system, – reminds the doctor Anastasia Tarasko.

Harm of wild garlic

– Due to the intense stimulating and irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, wild garlic is contraindicated in children under three years of age. You should not use wild garlic for any acute and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, erosion and stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Ramson is contraindicated with increased acidity of the stomach (hyperacidosis) and allergies, a nutritionist warns of the possible harm of wild garlic.

The use of wild garlic in medicine

Pharmacists admit that in Our Country wild garlic is still little used for medical purposes. Although they emphasize that foreign colleagues have been experimenting with this plant for a long time (3).

For example, in America, Canada, Australia and the UK, pharmacies sell capsules with dried wild garlic powder. This is a dietary supplement with a number of properties: antioxidant properties, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, relieving spasms. Wild garlic preparations have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. In France, an alcoholic extract of wild garlic is sold as an antibacterial and antifungal agent to maintain the immune system.

In Our Country, there have been attempts to release preparations based on wild garlic, aimed at the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as purulent wounds. However, for commercial reasons, production was closed.

The main difficulty with the use of wild garlic in medicine is that during long-term storage and drying, the concentration of useful substances is significantly reduced. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies are working to extract the maximum from raw materials. For us, in order to benefit from wild garlic, it remains to buy the freshest product possible.

The use of wild garlic in cooking

– As a spice, the aerial part of wild garlic, as well as its bulbs, are used. Leaves and petioles can be eaten raw in spring, added to salads, soups, pie fillings. Ramson is an interesting addition to meat, fish and vegetable dishes. The plant improves the aroma and taste of game. Use with caution, given its garlicky taste. Wild garlic is harvested for the future: salted, sour, marinated. The aerial part is also dried, and then crushed, leaving it in an airtight container for the winter, – says nutrition specialist Anastasia Tarasko.

Cream soup with wild garlic

To all fans of the European variation of soups, note the recipe for a green dish

Potatoes2-3 pieces.
Onion1 large or 2 medium
Olive oil2 Art. spoons
Ramson, lettuce, spinach150-200 g each
Salt, pepper, spicesto taste

Chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden. You can immediately in the saucepan. Add one liter of hot water, vegetable or chicken broth. Throw in the diced potatoes. Cook covered for 15 minutes.

At this time, we throw leaves of wild garlic, spinach, lettuce into another pan. As part of the greens, no one limits you: instead of lettuce, you can take a salad mix from the supermarket to your taste. Add 300 ml of water to the greens and simmer under the lid for five minutes.

We take out the wild garlic, spinach and another salad and transfer it to the pan where the potatoes and onions were boiled. Stir, wait a minute and remove from heat. Pour the soup into a blender or use a submersible. Salt, pepper, add other spices to taste and serve.

Submit your signature dish recipe by email. [email protected]. Healthy Food Near Me will publish the most interesting and unusual ideas

Salad with wild garlic, chickpeas and avocado

Summer-spring dish to the table that will surprise guests

Leaves of wild garlic1 beam
canned chickpeas1 Bank
medium sized avocado2 piece.
Eggs2 piece.
Onion, parsley, dilla couple of branches
Lemon1 piece.
Oil for dressing (can be olive, grape, avocado)to taste

Boil eggs and cut into cubes. You can also cook chickpeas at home, but it takes a long time. Therefore, it is easier to buy ready-made canned food. Cut greens and wild garlic. Avocados are best taken slightly unripe, because the soft fruit will be inconvenient to cut. Mix everything in a salad bowl.

Season with oil, sprinkle with lemon. If you like fatter, try mayonnaise instead of butter. If the salad seems empty to you, add red fish – salted or fresh.

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How to choose and store wild garlic

To choose fresh wild garlic, you can study GOST R 56563-2015 (4). The document states:

  • stems should be young, not coarse;
  • with an unfolded leaf;
  • healthy, whole, clean, not yellowed;
  • without damage by pests and diseases;
  • without excessive external moisture.

Minor leaf defects such as bruising and tearing, as well as slight wilting, are acceptable. However, when choosing wild garlic, of course, it is better to try to avoid such samples.

Fresh pine tree can be found in “modified atmosphere” packaging. You should not be afraid of such a wording. We have been buying minced meat and other semi-finished products in such packaging for a long time. The bottom line is that the plant is pumping out air and catching up nitrogen and carbon dioxide inside. Oxygen oxidizes the product. Simply put, without a modified environment, the plant wilts faster. As for the storage of wild garlic, fresh stems are stored in a cool room for three days from the moment of collection. In the refrigerator – no more than five days.

If you buy salted wild garlic, it is better if it is packaged in glass jars and hermetically sealed with a lid. Ideally, if nothing but a salt solution was used in preservation. However, in this case, the shelf life will be only two weeks.

К marinated cheremshe less stringent requirements. Here, unfortunately, until you try, you will not know whether it is tasty or not. It is better if the composition is as concise as possible: salt, sugar, vinegar or citric acid, some spices. Pickled wild garlic is stored for up to three years.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to eat wild garlic raw?

Yes, wild garlic can be eaten raw. It is unlikely that it will turn out to be an independent dish, but it will be tastier as a snack at lunch or as one of the salad ingredients.

What is another name for wild garlic?

From a botanical point of view, wild garlic is an onion of the lily family. Moreover, there are three types: bear onion (grows in the west of Our Country and the Caucasus), victorious onion (grows in Western Siberia) and Okhotsk onion (in the Far East). Victorious bow is also called flask or kalba – these are synonyms for Siberian wild garlic. Wild garlic is also called wild onion in a different way.

When does the wild garlic season start and end?

It all depends on the region. In the warm Caucasus, wild garlic can go already in March-April. It is one of the first plants to emerge immediately after winter. In other regions of Our Country, the main time for harvesting bear onions is May-June, victorious onions – June-July.

Sources of

  1. Kositsyn V.N. Ramson resources and their use in the forests of the Federation // Actual problems of the forest complex. 2007. No. 19, https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/resursy-cheremshi-i-ih-ispolzovanie-v-lesah-rossiyskoy-federatsii
  2. Manukyan K.A., Senchenko S.P., Kompantseva E.V. Determination of alliin in the aerial part of the bear’s onion (Allium ursinum L.) by capillary electrophoresis // Biological resources: flora. 2013, http://www.ssc.smr.ru/media/journals/izvestia/2013/2013_3_741_743.pdf
  3. Manukyan Karina Arturovna The study of biologically active substances of the leaves of the bear’s onion (Allium ursinum L.) and the creation of a drug based on them: dis. for the degree of Cand. farm. Sciences. Pyatigorsk. 2014, https://www.pmedpharm.ru/content/documents/df19e191df2b603d223a9e7c0bce7301.pdf
  4. National Standard of the Federation, http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200123904

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