Raising children with disabilities: method, features, conditions, family education
Parents, on whose shoulders the upbringing of children with disabilities falls, is having a hard time. They experience the same problems and difficulties, regardless of the age and illness of their children. Boys and girls are very emotional, they cannot cope with their feelings on their own. Kindergartens and schools with inclusive education come to help the family.
Family education, features and common mistakes of parents
Children with disabilities have a hard time criticizing people around them. Despite the fact that they have developmental difficulties, they compare themselves to others, and want to be no worse. Parents try to limit children’s contact with strangers in order to avoid psychological trauma. This is wrong, isolation from peers creates fear of society. With age, a child who grows up alone loses interest in communication, does not seek to make friends, it is difficult to get used to new people.
For the correct upbringing of children with disabilities, they need friendly communication
The earlier the developmental classes begin, communication with the children’s team and teachers, the better, the adaptation process will be more successful. Parents need to accept the child as he is. The main thing for them is patience, emotional restraint and attentiveness. But it is impossible to focus on the child’s illness, his inferiority. For the normal formation of a personality, self-confidence, a feeling of love and acceptance by loved ones are necessary. Favorable conditions for the development of children with disabilities are created in inclusive kindergartens and schools.
Upbringing methods and conditions for teaching children with disabilities in educational institutions
In some ordinary kindergartens, conditions have been created for children with disabilities; such institutions are called inclusive. Much depends on educators. They use in their work all available methods of upbringing and development of children – visual aids and audio recordings, a developing environment, art therapy, etc. Good results in preschool education are achieved with the interaction of educators, parents, doctors, psychologists, and defectologists.
When children with disabilities experience chronic diseases in autumn and spring, parents need to undergo treatment with them. After recovery, learning ability improves.
Children with developmental disabilities require special conditions that will help compensate for their limitations. But despite this, when raising special children, it is necessary to look at the prospects for their integration into society, and not focus on the difficulties.