Raising a number to a negative power

In this publication, we will consider how a number, an ordinary and a decimal fraction can be raised to a negative power. We will also analyze practical examples on this topic.


Rules for raising a number to a negative power

To fully master the material presented below, you need to know what a power of a number is and what properties it has. We discussed this issue in detail in a separate article.


Algorithm of actions:

  1. We represent the number as an ordinary fraction, in the numerator of which is one, and in the denominator – the original number.
  2. We change the negative degree to a positive one.
  3. Raise the resulting fraction to a power.

The general formula looks like this:

Raising a number to a negative power

  • a ≠ 0;
  • n ∈ Z, i.e. set of integers.


Raising a number to a negative power

Raising a number to a negative power

Note: Any number raised to the power of zero equals one.

a0 = 1Where a ≠ 0


  • 70 = 1;
  • (-16)0 = 1.


To raise a decimal to a negative power, follow the same steps as for integers.


Raising a number to a negative power

Raising a number to a negative power

Common fraction

To raise a fraction to a negative power, do the following:

  1. Swap the numerator and denominator;
  2. We replace the negative degree with a positive one;
  3. We raise both the numerator and the denominator to a power.


  • If the fraction is positive, then raising it to any power also gives a result greater than zero.
  • If the sign of a fraction is negative, then when it is raised to an odd power, a negative fraction is obtained, and when it is raised to an even power, a positive one is obtained.


Raising a number to a negative power

Raising a number to a negative power

Raising a number to a negative power

Note: an ordinary fraction can also be first converted to , and then exponentiated.


Raising a number to a negative power

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