
Useful properties and use of ragwort

Useful properties of the ragwort


Ragwort is an excellent perennial plant, which is distinguished by a thick horizontal rhizome and an indirect thin stem up to 150 cm high. Large leaves and yellow tubular flowers are located on the stem, which are collected in baskets. The fruits are represented by cylindrical achenes with ribs. The ragwort usually blooms in August. It grows in the wooded and shady gorges of the Caucasus.

For therapeutic purposes, roots are mainly used, which are collected in the fall. The ragwort has soothing and analgesic properties. All parts of such a plant contain alkaloids, which cause strong pharmacological effects, most characteristic of atropine. The ragwort has a positive effect on the central nervous system. In addition to its sedative properties, it also has antispasmodic properties.

The use of the ragwort

Often, a decoction of the ragwort root is prescribed for intestinal and acute gastric spasms, for convulsive constipation and exacerbation of ulcerative conditions, for bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, as well as for inflammation of the colon and renal colic. In addition, the presented plant is indicated for paralysis and during bouts of pain behind the sternum. An alcoholic tincture from the root is used for recurring pain, 30 drops once a day. The ragwort is also indicated for bronchial asthma and spasms of cerebral vessels. Such an excellent pain reliever is also effective for intestinal spasms, constipation, peptic ulcers and cholecystitis. It should be noted that ragwort extract is prescribed for uterine and other internal bleeding. To prepare such a remedy yourself, you need to take 10 grams of crushed raw materials and pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol into it. It is advised to insist the mixture for at least 7 days, after which you can start taking 3 times a day for 30 or 40 drops.

ragwort flowers

Medium-sized ragwort flowers have a yellow tint. They are located in oblong baskets, which are formed into sparse paniculate corymbose inflorescences. Flowering occurs, as a rule, in the second half of summer.

Types of ragwort


Many types of ragwort are annual or perennial specimens. They differ among themselves in the height of the stem and leaf plates.

Rawley the godson. This species has leaves in the form of small peas that sit on succulent thin stems of a creeping type. The plant branches well. As a rule, the color of the stems and leaves is light green with a slight bluish tint. This species blooms with small yellowish flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 2 cm.

Indoor ragwort. This unusual plant resembles an ivy vine. It has lobed fleshy leaves and grows as an ampelous species. Each leaflet has pointed edges. Small inflorescences attract attention with their grace. Such an unpretentious plant will easily tolerate dry indoor air. In order for the plant to bloom continuously, it will need good lighting. Experienced gardeners recommend pinching the ends of the stems to enhance branching. You should also maintain the optimum temperature in winter – not lower than 12 ° C. In summer, the plant will need direct sunlight and fairly abundant watering. Then, throughout the year, it should be sprayed regularly with water. The indoor ragwort is propagated by stem cuttings. It is recommended to plant it in spring or summer.

Common ragwort. Such a biennial plant has erect, slightly branched stems no more than 30 cm in height. This grass has regular leaves of notched-pinnately lobed shape. Graceful flower baskets have a pale yellow hue. False-lingual and tubular flowers are collected in a dense corymbose panicle. Common ragwort blooms from May to August.

The flat-topped ragwort. This perennial plant, whose height varies from 50 to 150 cm, has a long creeping rhizome with transverse scars. Basal large leaves are complemented by long petioles, and stem plants gradually decrease towards the top. The unequally toothed leaves at the base have deep recesses of the heart-sagittate type. The flat-leaved ragwort blooms in summer, from June to the end of August, and this plant bears fruit only in September. As a rule, it can be found in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

Cineraria ragwort. Such a perennial plant is often grown as an ordinary annual. It has a highly branched stem, the height of which ranges from 30 to 65 cm. Large leaves are collected in a rosette. They have a petiolate shape. Stem leaves are slightly smaller. Simple inflorescences are represented by chic baskets with reed white tubular flowers. These baskets are always collected in thyroid terminal umbrellas. Flowering in cineraria occurs from early June until the first frost.

Large-tongued ragwort. This common species is very similar to ordinary ivy. However, this plant is distinguished by the most pronounced proportions of leaves. Its fleshy leaves have pointed edges. They have a solid green color. The stems and petiole of the large-tongued ragwort are bright purple. This type of plant blooms with small yellow flowers almost all year round.

Swamp ragwort. The presented type of plant boasts dark green leaves with scattered pubescence and numerous reed flowers. It is often found in the wild along the outskirts of water bodies. The diameter of the baskets does not exceed 2,5 cm. Such a plant often blooms only in the second half of summer. It reproduces not only by rhizomes, but also by ordinary seeds, and requires large areas for good growth.

Bloody ragwort. This species is native to the Canary Islands. Such a herbaceous plant does not grow above 40 cm. The presented pubescent perennial is often grown as a typical annual. Its heart-shaped leaves with a serrated edge have winged light green oval petioles that are slightly hairy. Numerous delicate inflorescences are presented in the form of baskets, which are collected in small shields. The flowers of the bloody ragweed are very similar to ordinary daisies. Often they are two-tone and have terry edges. This species is very demanding on a certain moisture and drainage of the soil. It reproduces only by seeds.

Contraindications to the use of ragwort

For the appointment of various drugs containing ragwort, there are some contraindications: for glaucoma, chronic circulatory disorders, for organic diseases of the liver and kidneys, the use of such a plant should be limited.

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