Radish with honey for a child: video prescription medicine
For the treatment of a child’s cough, it is important to find a safe and at the same time effective remedy. A good alternative to drugs is black radish juice with honey.
Radish with honey for a child: a prescription for a medicine
Black radish has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and mild antibacterial effects. It is not without reason that it has long been used as a highly effective remedy for the treatment of cough in children. By itself, the juice of black radish is not very pleasant to the taste, and therefore it is customary to use it in combination with honey. Honey, in turn, is rich in vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids. It is an excellent addition to the bitter radish juice and enhances its beneficial properties.
Most often, radish with honey is used for:
- colds
- tracheitis
- bronchitis and pneumonia
- pertussis
- tuberculosis (in complex treatment)
- bronchial asthma
You can also use radish with honey for the prevention of seasonal colds. These two products increase the body’s defenses and help resist viruses and bacteria.
Radish with honey can be used not only to combat bronchopulmonary diseases, but also as an external agent in the treatment of joint pain and poorly absorbable hematomas.
Method of preparation and dosage of radish with honey
Radish with honey can be prepared in several ways. The traditional recipe is as follows: for a thoroughly washed medium-sized root crop, cut off the top and remove a small amount of pulp so that a shallow hole is formed. Put two teaspoons of honey in it, and then cover the radish with the cut top. In a few hours, the honey pit will be filled with the healing radish juice. It will need to be given to the baby for the treatment of cough.
You can prepare a radish with honey in another way. To do this, grate the thoroughly washed and peeled root vegetable on a fine grater, squeeze the juice from the pulp using two-layer gauze and mix it with honey in a 2: 1 ratio.
The dosage of radish juice with honey depends on the age of the child and the severity of the disease.
When treating babies under one year old, it is better not to use this remedy because of the high probability of an allergic reaction. In other cases, treatment should be started with taking a few drops of the healing mixture. If well tolerated, the dose can be gradually increased.
The maximum that is acceptable for a child aged 1-3 years is one teaspoon at a time. Children 3–7 years old can drink a dessert spoon of juice. At an older age, it is allowed to take one and one and a half tablespoons of this self-prepared “medicine” at a time. You can use radish juice with honey up to four times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5-7 days. If during this time the cough has not completely disappeared, you should re-show the child to the doctor.