Radish seeds: planting, growing

Radish seeds: planting, growing

Radish is a healthy vegetable that can be easily grown outdoors. To do this, you need to prepare radish seeds, follow the rules for sowing and caring for the crop.

Autumn and spring planting of radishes

You can sow radishes in the garden in spring or autumn.

You can buy radish seeds for planting at the store.

Spring radishes are planted in mid-April and do it like this:

  1. Choose a location that is sunny and calm. Plant your radishes where you grew potatoes, legumes, cucumbers, or tomatoes.
  2. In the fall, start preparing the soil: dig up and add compost and humus. The soil should be loose and neutral. If they are too acidic, add lime. In the spring, dig up the ground again and add phosphorus and potassium.
  3. Prepare the seeds: soak them overnight in a nutrient solution, rinse and leave on damp gauze for a day.
  4. Make grooves in the garden bed 10 cm apart and up to 3 cm deep. Water the soil and fill in the seeds. It is advisable to leave about 5 cm between them, then in the future you will not have to thin out the bed.
  5. Dig in the seeds with loose soil, compact it and sprinkle it with water.
  6. Mulch the top layer with peat and humus.

Observing these rules, you will receive the first spring shoots of radish in 5-7 days.

For autumn planting, which takes place at the end of November, you also need to prepare the soil in advance. Dig it up in the summer, add humus, superphosphate and sulfuric potassium. In this case, seeds must be applied to dry soil. For the winter, the garden bed is mulched with peat and covered with snow. An autumn planting will allow you to taste ripe fruits 2 weeks earlier.

In the process of growth, it is necessary to properly care for the vegetable crop, namely:

  • Water your radishes every day – morning and evening, they love moisture. If it is a rainy spring, then one watering in the evening is enough. With a lack of moisture, the fruits will be bitter.
  • Water the soil and remove weeds.
  • Loosen the soil between the grooves.
  • If the land is poor, fertilize it 2 times during the growing season. Add a mixture of humus, compost, potassium, superphosphate, saltpeter and ash to it. It is enough to feed the fertile soil with mineral elements once.
  • In summer, cover the garden with a dark film a few hours before sunset. And in the morning, after the sun rises, take it off.
  • In the fight against diseases and pests, special means cannot be used. This is because radishes ripen quickly and chemicals can get into the root crop. Therefore, it is better to sprinkle tobacco, mustard or ash between the beds.

Follow these simple rules when growing a vegetable, then in a month your own fresh and healthy radish will appear on the table.

Planting radishes in the garden beds and caring for them is a snap. Enjoy its taste and be healthy.

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