Radish Rudolf F1

Radish is one of the suppliers of the first spring vitamins. Many gardeners try to choose seeds of early varieties and hybrids in order to quickly harvest. It is to them that the radish variety Rudolf belongs, which many consider a hybrid.

Radish Rudolf F1


The radish variety Rudolph was created by the Dutch company Bejo Zaden, one of the leaders in the seed production market. Its maturity is one of the earliest. Harvest can be harvested after 16-20 days after germination. In cold weather, this period is slightly extended – up to 25 days. Round-shaped root crops of the Rudolph variety with a diameter of up to 4 cm have a rich red color with a sheen. Their average weight is 20-25 g. The taste is very good, rich, the sharpness is weakly expressed. The white flesh is juicy.

The bush of the variety Rudolph is low. The leaves do not grow above 15 cm. Its productivity is high: up to 2,5 kg of tasty and healthy root crops can be harvested from each square meter. The purpose of the radish variety Rudolf is to obtain early beam products.

Radish Rudolf F1

The radish variety Rudolph was entered into the State Register in 2002. It is suitable for growing in the spring in open ground and in stationary greenhouses all year round.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of the Rudolph variety can be summarized in a table.



Early ripeness and friendly return of the crop

Poorly tolerates lack of moisture

Evenness of roots

Does not like excess mineral and organic fertilizers, they must be strictly dosed

Excellent taste


High yield


Long shelf life and good presentation


High immunity to diseases


Low light tolerance and color tolerance


Preparation of seeds for sowing

Bejo Zaden radish seeds are ready for sowing. They are treated with thiram and do not require soaking. On sale there are seeds of the Rudolf variety of domestic producers.

Radish Rudolf F1

They will have to be prepared as follows:

  • calibrate – large seeds will sprout earlier and give a good harvest;
  • place in hot water for 15 minutes, its temperature should be 45 degrees;
  • wrap in a damp cloth for a day to swell.
Warning! Swollen seeds cannot be stored, so they must be sown immediately.

Radish Rudolf F1

Peculiarities of growing

To place the Rudolf radish variety, you need to choose a sunny place. Warning! Its predecessors should not be cruciferous vegetables.

The acidity of the soil does not matter much. The Rudolf radish grows well in both slightly acidic and slightly alkaline soils. This crop is best suited for soil with a high humus content.

In open ground

The sowing scheme is 5×15 cm, where the first number is the distance between the seeds, and the second is between the rows.

Radish Rudolf F1

Advice! Do not sow Rudolph seeds too thickly. Root crops will not gain the desired size and may go into the arrow.

It is better to prepare the bed in the fall, and just loosen it in the spring: radishes can be sown very early. Since autumn, mineral fertilizers have also been applied: 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per square meter. m.

Seeding algorithm:

  • we make grooves on a loosened bed – on fertile soil no deeper than 2 cm, on lean soil – 4 cm;
  • pour a layer of humus 2 cm high on lean soil;
  • sprinkle the grooves with ash and add a little nitrogen mineral fertilizer. Radishes of the Rudolph variety do not tolerate excess nitrogen in the soil, from which the roots become flabby and lose their rounded shape.
  • spread the seeds at a distance of 5 cm and fill the grooves;
  • if the soil is dry, they should be well watered.

Radish Rudolf F1

You can sow radishes in several periods.

  • In early spring. Radish Rudolf can be sown in open ground immediately after the snow melts. In order for the soil to warm up better, it is covered with a film before sowing.
  • Starting from the end of July. At this time, the day becomes shorter, so you can get marketable root crops. With a light day of more than 12 hours, even the Rudolf variety of radish that is resistant to flowering can partially produce flower arrows.

    Radish Rudolf F1

  • Under the winter. A bed for winter sowing is prepared in advance by making grooves in it. Sowing begins when the ground is already frozen. Fill the grooves with dry peat or humus. Before winter, radishes of the Rudolph variety are sown only with dry seeds, increasing the seeding rate by 2 times.

Further care consists in thinning, if the seedlings are very thick, loosening the soil and mandatory watering. With a lack of moisture, the roots of the Rudolph variety will be woody and lose their juiciness.

Radish Rudolf F1

In the greenhouse

The soil in the greenhouse is prepared in the same way as for open ground, but the sowing time is different. In an unheated greenhouse, you can sow as early as March. And if it is heated, then all year round.

Radish Rudolf F1

In order to make the most of the limited area of ​​the greenhouse, the row spacing can be reduced slightly. Caring for a root crop in a greenhouse has its own characteristics:

  • crops should be watered regularly, preventing the soil from drying out;
  • air temperature should be regulated by ventilation – it should not be higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

Even in an unheated greenhouse, you can harvest as early as the end of April.

Radish Rudolf F1

Growing problems

Despite the short growing season, gardeners often face a problem when growing Rudolf radish. They can be summarized in a table.



What to do

No seedlings

Too early sowing in cold soil – seeds rotted

Warm up the soil before sowing

There are tops, but no roots

There is little potassium in the soil, the bed is poorly lit

Plant in a sunny place, add ashes when sowing

Hollow and fibrous roots

Too much nitrogen in the soil, unnecessarily deep planting, late harvest

Water in time, do not bury crops, remove root crops in a timely manner

Plants shoot

Late or dense sowing, damage to the root system when loosening, old seeds

Use of fresh seeds, optimal sowing time, thin out by pinching excess plants

Diseases and pests

It happens that even if all the necessary conditions are met, the harvest cannot be obtained. And pests or diseases are to blame. The table will tell you what they are.

Disease or pest

How it manifests itself and when it hurts

How to fight

Preventive measures


The root neck darkens and rots

Treatment with a solution of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of copper sulfate, dissolved in 10 liters of heated water

Pre-sowing heating of seeds

Root blackening

Rot and bluish spots on the roots

Remove diseased plants, disinfect the soil in the greenhouse

Sowing only in light soil without stagnant water

Powdery mildew downy

White bloom on leaves

Removal of diseased plants

Seed disinfection

Phomosis or dry rot

All parts of plants have white spots with black dots.

Proper care and timely weeding

Seed warming

Cruciflo flea

As soon as the soil warms up to 10 degrees

Treatment with Fitoverm, dusting wet leaves with ash

Spraying with a solution of shampoo against fleas in dogs, diluted in a bucket of water 3 tablespoons

spring vegetable fly

When the cherry blossoms

Treatment with Fitoverm or Karbofos

Watering with salt water – a glass on a bucket

Caterpillars of the cabbage white

Harm crops in the second half of summer

Treatment with Spark or Fitoverm

Planting next to marigold radishes

The leaves of the plant are damaged by the cruciferous flea.

Radish Rudolf F1

Root rot.

Radish Rudolf F1


Rudolph variety is an excellent choice for those who want to get an early harvest of tasty and marketable root crops.


Mayan, Vologda
I love radishes – these are the first spring vitamins, when there is absolutely nothing in the garden yet. I plant it in two terms – in early spring and in August. For spring sowing, I chose the variety Rudolf. It ripens very quickly and the root crops are not small, the taste is also very pleasant.
Igor, Ryazan
Sowing radishes is a profitable business for me. I have a large unheated greenhouse in which I grow it. Among varieties with round root crops, Rudolf variety is most liked. You can collect it on a bunch after 16 days. All root crops are marketable, leveled, and therefore they are snapping up it well.

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