Radeda (Radeda) – Abkhazian wedding wine

“Radeda” is a red dry wine produced by the Sukhumi plant, known as “Wines and Waters of Abkhazia” LLC. The production of the drink is based on the traditional technologies of Abkhaz winemakers, reworked taking into account the peculiarities of modern production. The aroma of ruby ​​wine is saturated with strawberry tones, and Isabella grapes give it a special taste. The manufacturer recommends serving “Radeda” at wedding celebrations.

The wine is named after the national anthem that guests sing to mark the bride’s arrival at the groom’s house.

Historical information

Abkhazian wine production technologies at the beginning of the XNUMXth century were quite primitive. The grapes were harvested as they ripened, then the berries were processed in a wine press, the mass was left for two days, and then the operation was repeated. When the must began to ferment, the juice was separated from the pomace and placed in ceramic jugs or wooden barrels. Wine aging was practiced in a few farms, mostly they drank it young.

The industrial production of wines in Abkhazia was established only in 1925, when Nikolai Achba, a descendant of an old princely family, headed the construction of a new enterprise, which was subordinate to the Georgian Samtrest. On the initiative of a group of enthusiasts, more than 1,5 hectares of vineyards were planted and work began on the restoration of native species destroyed by the phylloxera epidemic.

Radeda (Radeda) – Abkhazian wedding wine
Variety Isabella, vineyard in Abkhazia

In the early 1990s, the Sukhumi enterprise fell into decay. The business project for the reconstruction of production was launched by Nikolai Achba, the grandson and full namesake of the first head of the plant. The entrepreneur managed to attract more than three million dollars of investments from Russia, repair buildings and replace outdated equipment with modern Italian-made lines. In 2001, the plant began with the production of five brands of wines that have been popular since Soviet times, including Bouquet of Abkhazia, Lykhny and Psou.

Wine “Radeda” appeared in 2002 in a new line, developed by technologists already on the basis of a reconstructed enterprise. The blend contains 75% Isabella grapes. The unpretentious and frost-resistant variety occupies more than half of all plantings in Abkhazia, as it tolerates a humid climate well and is resistant to fungal diseases. As a basis, winemakers took the proven recipes of ordinary wines from Isabella, which were in demand back in the 1960s.

Radeda (Radeda) – Abkhazian wedding wine

Production technology of wine Radeda

The grape harvest begins in early September and continues until October. Previously, grapes were imported from Moldova, now the company has significantly expanded the planting area and prefers to use its own raw materials. Abkhazian winemakers consider this moment important, since even on different slopes the taste of berries can vary. Clusters, as in the beginning of the century, are harvested by hand.

The technology itself has changed somewhat. Instead of wooden presses, modern gentle presses are used, and enameled containers are used instead of jugs. “Radeda” is a young wine, immediately after the end of the fermentation period established by GOST, the drink is filtered and sent for bottling. The plant uses bottles purchased from Czech enterprises. They close the wines with corks from Portuguese manufacturers, who supply their products to all major wineries in Europe.

How to drink wine “Radeda”

The strength of the drink is low and is only 10-11% by volume, but it should be noted that this wine is young and therefore intoxicating. The color is ruby ​​red with reddish reflections. The Sukhumi plant produces a lot of products from Isabella, but mostly they are semi-sweet wines. “Radeda” differs from them in a lower sugar content and slight sourness. Astringency is not felt in the bright strawberry taste, so the wine is easy to drink and, when chilled, quenches thirst well on a hot day.

Radeda (Radeda) – Abkhazian wedding wine

The manufacturer advises serving “Radeda” with any grilled meat. The drink is combined with aged cheeses, as well as baked vegetables. The wine is in harmony with the traditional dishes of the Abkhazian cuisine: shish kebab from fresh Azhy dzna meat, stuffed eggplant Abaklazhanchapa, chicken on a spit with barberry or cherry plum sauce. The recommended serving temperature is + 16-18 ° С.

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