Radeberger beer: history, features, how and with what to drink + how to distinguish a fake

Briefly about Radeberger beer

Radeberger Pilsner – German beer from the city of Raderberg near Dresden. Every year, 2 hectoliters of beer are supplied to the international market. Interestingly, the choice of drink is not great: for 000 years there has been only one taste, and the demand for it is still high. Beer’s slogan: “Radeberger Pilsner is always special”, and you can’t argue with that.

The history of Radeberger beer

In the second half of the XNUMXth century, Saxons, representatives of the former kingdom of Saxony, lived in Germany. Of the beer drinks, they liked the Czech pilsner the most. This is a bottom fermented lager and has a Bavarian counterpart. This was especially offensive to the Germans, because Bavaria is in a sense a separate state, and in it cultural nationalism is most pronounced.

To solve the problem, representatives of high society once met in the Knobloch’schen liquor store. Five friends, namely the mayor of Raderberg, the landowner, the owner of a weaving factory, the treasurer and the deputy of the Reichstag, over a glass of Czech pilsner decided to make their own Saxon product and found a company.

A landowner named Gustav Philipp was the oldest of them. He became a manager because he invested all his savings in the enterprise.

The opening of the brewery took place in 1872. The Czech pilsner was made in the city of Pilsen, and, according to tradition, the secret of its taste was in special water from the city’s springs. Philip took this fact into account and sent his son straight to the Czech Republic to deliver 2 liters of water on horseback. His plan was to first learn how to make the original pilsner and then refine it and make it German.

As it turned out, there was no need to travel far. The community of Karslfeld was located 7 kilometers from the enterprise, where it was possible to obtain the same soft water. They did not hesitate and laid a pipeline to the source. As a result, it was possible to achieve such a high quality of products that they began to supply them to other countries. The company was registered in the trade register as Radeberger Exportbierbrauerei.

Philip died in 1885. Conrad Bruhn took over his position, and the best days of production were yet to come.

Beer did not go unnoticed by the Czechs. They sued and demanded that the name “Pilsner” be assigned directly to the territory of Pilsen. In 1910, the court ruled that Saxon beer was not equal to Czech beer, because Radeberger was indicated in its name. So, the buyer will not confuse them.

Thanks to the talented leadership of Brun, since 1905 the plant began to supply products to the royal court. She fell in love with the then ruler Frederick Augustus III. In addition, German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck was a fan of beer, who jokingly dubbed it “Chancellors’ beer”. The main reason for such love is the high quality of products. The brand recognized by the authorities has gained wild popularity. The supply of beer to neighboring countries, Austria, Poland, and then to another continent – to the United States began.

In addition, Brun created a system of “three-malt” ovens and began to use it in the production process. Its peculiarity was that the probability of spoiling the drink was minimal. Even for the disposal of residues, a talented leader developed his own method. And if earlier they were thrown away, now they began to use them in the future.

In 1914, the First World War began, and until 1919 the company suspended its activities, because a significant part of the workers went to the front. After graduation, Brune paid pensions to the disabled and the families of fallen servicemen. The plant continued to operate under Brun until 1923. As director, Brune made such a contribution to the production and development of the brand that after his death, a general education center was named after him.

After the enterprise passed into the possession of the state, as it was nationalized. It secured the status of one of the largest producers of beer drinks in the GDR.

In 1990, the GDR and the FRG merged into a single state, and the company was bought out by the Binding-Gruppe, located in the western part of the country, in Frankfurt am Main. The owners renovated the brewery, set up a production capacity of 13 hectoliters per year. More than 000 euros have been invested in the development of the enterprise.

In the 15st century, a new name appeared: Radeberger Gruppe. Now the sales volume is XNUMX% of the entire German market.

Taste qualities of Radeberger beer

The beer is light, is a lager, which implies bottom fermentation. It has a clear, bright straw color. The peculiarity of the drink is the abundance of foam. The taste is harmonious and refreshing. The taste is dominated by sweet malt, hints of fruit and hop cones, which give a bitter taste. There are more hops here than in the average pilsner. The citrus aftertaste is set off by smoky notes. Alcohol content 4,8%, density 10%.

How and with what to drink Radeberger beer

Pilsner is usually served in special glasses, beer mugs, ordinary glasses or branded glasses with an engraved name. It goes well with bread toast, fried eggs, sugar-free pastries, seafood (shellfish), as well as light dessert dishes.

How to spot a fake Radeberger Pilsner beer

  1. Check the manufacturer’s name. Nothing but Radeberger Exportbierbrauerei GmbH should be written.

  2. Find a logo online and make sure it matches the one in real life.

  3. Pour the drink into glasses. The foam should have the purest white color and not settle for 5 minutes.

Interesting Facts

  1. When beer began to be delivered to the royal court, the king himself visited the enterprise. Since that time, the label began to indicate: “Drink of His Majesty King Friedrich August III of Saxony.”

  2. To this day, the drink is produced according to traditional technologies.

  3. If a tourist decides to visit the plant, he will definitely be offered to drink Karlsfeld water.

  4. Beer is included in the drinks menu of HAPAG LLOYD and GERMANIA airlines. It can also be found aboard AIDA ships and even within the walls of the opera house.

Relevance: 23.03.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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