“Dad, how much toothpaste is in a tube?” the child asks the father. – “Grams 150-200.” “No, dad, just enough to stain the walls in the kitchen, in the hallway, and a little more in the toilet.”
“Dad, how much toothpaste is in a tube?” the child asks the father. – “Grams 150-200”. “No, dad, just enough to stain the walls in the kitchen, in the hallway, and a little more in the toilet.” With this funny example, the author of the book, Doctor of Psychology Rada Granovskaya, illustrates the concreteness and objectivity of a child’s thinking. Similarly, with the help of parables, stories, anecdotes, the book reveals all the basic laws of psychology (perception, memory, thinking, emotions, consciousness, etc.), which allows them to be presented not only logically, but also emotionally, figuratively, intuitively .
Speech, 247 p.