rabies in humans
Everyone has heard of rabies. Everyone knows that this disease is transmitted from animals to humans. Meanwhile, the statistics are not encouraging – the number of cases in Russia is growing every year. Why is rabies dangerous and how to protect yourself from a deadly disease?

WHO statistics are sad – every year 59 thousand people die from rabies in the world. True, 95% of deaths occur in Africa and Asia, however, we should not relax either – we are in the middle of the list of countries in terms of the number of cases. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in Russia every year about 400 people seek medical help – all of them were bitten by animals. Of these, 250 thousand need treatment, that is, they are vaccinated against rabies, since the likelihood of infection is high.

Most often, rabies is infected in the Central Federal District – 52% of the total number of cases. In second place is the Volga District – 17%. Then follow: Ural – 8%, Southern and Siberian – 7% each.

Rabies is dangerous because the first symptoms of infection do not appear immediately. And by the time they appeared, it is no longer possible to save a person – in such cases, the lethality is 100%.

Signs of rabies in humans

In general, you should not wait for any signs – after a bite, you should immediately consult a doctor! The incubation period for the rabies virus (rabavirus) is 9-99 days, but more often 30-40 days. And in history there were cases when the disease manifested itself after a few years!

– Cases are described when the incubation period lasted 444 days and even up to 5 years, – says PhD, virologist Anna Demina.

And all this time the virus in the body actively multiplies. For some time after the bite, the victim feels well.

– Then the prodromal period begins – this is an early stage of the disease, – explains the virologist. – Then – a period of aggression and the third period – a period of paralysis.

The first signs of the disease (the first period) appear after 1-3 days:

  • the bite site begins to hurt – aching and pulling pains appear;
  • a wound or scar, if it has already healed, becomes inflamed, swelling appears;
  • pain and itching appear along the nerves;
  • body temperature rises – it does not fall below 37 ° C, but at the same time it does not rise above 37,3 ° C;
  • headache;
  • weakness appears;
  • nausea and vomiting may occur.

In general, if you do not take into account the wound, the initial symptoms are similar to many diseases, including SARS. Therein lies the danger.

Further, the symptoms worsen, mental problems appear – depression, fear for no reason, irritability, apathy, nightmares. If vinegar hits the face, hallucinations may develop – the victim begins to be overcome by non-existent smells and visions.

And again, this is only the first stage.

Symptoms of rabies in humans

The next, second stage lasts 2-3 days – this is the stage of excitement (the period of aggression). Her symptoms are:

  • increased excitability;
  • hydrophobia – fear of water: the sick person cannot even take a sip of water, spasms and vomiting begin, and subsequently such a reaction appears even to the sound of water;
  • the patient begins to breathe convulsively;
  • facial convulsions begin – they appear in the light, wind or loud sounds, which causes fear in the patient;
  • the pupils become dilated, the eyes bulge, the person begins to look at one point;
  • pulse quickens;
  • strong sweating begins, the patient constantly drools;
  • aggression appears – the infected rushes at others, fights, bites, beats against walls and tears his hair (this is a reaction to hallucinations).

During an attack, there is a high probability of dying – the heart and breathing may stop. But if you managed to survive it, the aggravation passes, and the person again behaves adequately.

The third stage is the final one, it lasts a maximum of a day. This is the stage of paralysis, during which paralysis of muscles and organs begins. In addition, there are 3 other symptoms:

  • the temperature rises to 42 °;
  • tachycardia begins – increased heartbeat;
  • the pressure drops.

The outcome is always the same – paralysis of the heart or respiratory center. And death.

Usually, from the onset of the first symptoms to death, it takes from 3 days to a week. But it happens that rabies progresses very quickly and a person dies within a day from the manifestation of the first symptoms.

Treatment of rabies in humans

As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, treatment is meaningless. All that doctors can do is to alleviate the patient’s condition with the help of opioid analgesics. They also try to protect him from annoying factors – light, water noise, sharp sounds. With difficulty breathing, artificial ventilation of the lungs can prolong life, but death is inevitable.


To make a diagnosis of rabies, several laboratory tests are carried out:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for antibodies to the virus;
  • examination of the skin on the back of the head;
  • study of lacrimal, salivary and cerebrospinal fluids for the presence of a pathogen.

In addition, electroencephalography (EEG) may be required, which will determine the functioning of the brain, its electrical potentials.

Modern treatments

Probably, many have heard that for rabies they make 40 injections in the stomach. In fact, 30, but this is in the past – since 1993, such a treatment regimen is no longer used. Now they use a modern, purified vaccine – KOKAV. It is introduced in several ways:

  • first introduction – at the time of the patient’s treatment;
  • second – on the 3rd day;
  • third – a week later;
  • the fourth – In 2 weeks;
  • fifth – in a month;
  • the sixth – after 3 months (the latter is recommended by WHO).

However, vaccinations may be less if bitten by a pet, which can be observed for 10 days. Alive? Is he behaving appropriately? Then vaccinations are cancelled.

In the event that there is a threat of rapid development of the disease, the patient is injected with anti-rabies (against rabies) immunoglobulin – this is important to do within the first day after the bite.

Rabies vaccinations are available at any emergency room. Children – in the thigh, adults – under the shoulder blade. The effectiveness of the vaccine is 98%, but on the condition that it was introduced no later than two weeks after the bite. After vaccination, the first antibodies to the virus appear after 14 days, and they reach their maximum concentration after 30 days.

There are no contraindications for the introduction of the vaccine – vaccinations are given to pregnant women and people with acute pathologies. And the side effects of KOKAV are minimal – only 0,03% of patients develop an allergy. Swelling and pain may appear at the vaccination site, sometimes the temperature rises to 38 ° C and chills appear, there may be headaches. But this is all nonsense compared to guaranteed death if not grafted.

During treatment and for six months after it, it is important to follow a number of rules. Absolutely forbidden:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • steam in the bath and sauna;
  • supercool;
  • be physically overloaded.

Immunity against rabies, formed after vaccination, is valid for a year.

Again, remember that the only cure for rabies is vaccination. And the sooner they begin to do after the bite, the higher the chances of not getting sick. After the onset of symptoms, it is incurable, and the mortality rate is 100%.

Prevention of rabies in humans at home

The simplest thing is to avoid animal bites. Especially the wild ones. But if everyone has bitten you, rinse the wound with running water and run to the emergency room. Vaccines are the only way to prevent!

Popular questions and answers

What animals can get rabies from?
Most often, rabies is infected from foxes – in Russia these are the main “suppliers” of the infection. But besides them, the following can be infectious:

● raccoons;

● raccoon dogs;

● wolves,

● sand,

● jackal,

● bats;

● Domestic cats and dogs.

Bears, moose, lynxes, hedgehogs and, oddly enough, crows can also be carriers of the virus. But this is rare.

Most often they become infected by a bite. But there may be another option – when the saliva of a sick animal got on the skin, where there were wounds or scratches.

Where is rabies more common?
Usually in nature, if a sick animal has bitten. But pets can also be infected if they were not vaccinated and were taken out into the wild. Dogs, for example, love to attack hedgehogs that carry the virus.

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