Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

When raising rabbits at home and on a farm, it is more convenient to use cages made of steel mesh. The mesh structure is easier to clean and disinfect, it takes up less space, plus animals do not gnaw on it. You can make cages for rabbits from a grid yourself. You just need to choose the right materials and draw drawings.

Varieties of mesh cells

Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

Before you start assembling mesh cages for rabbits, you need to decide where they will be installed. The design of their house depends on the choice of a place for the permanent maintenance of eared pets. Rabbit cages from the grid are divided into two types:

  • The frameless cage differs in the compact sizes. Such a house is convenient to use when keeping animals indoors. A cage is made from a single mesh, after which it is installed on a solid stand.
  • When keeping rabbits outdoors, frame technology is used to make housing. First, a frame is assembled from wooden or metal blanks, and then sheathed with a mesh. In frame cages, a roof is necessarily provided.

Any mesh structures can be installed in one, two or three tiers. The battery can be raised even higher, the main thing is that it is convenient to take care of the rabbits.

The video shows a three-tier cage:

Three-tier cage for rabbits

Sizes and drawings of cages for rabbits

Having decided on the place where the rabbits are kept and the design of the house, it is necessary to draw up drawings. But first you need to calculate the size of the cell. Young animals for slaughter are kept in groups of 6–8 heads. Sometimes farmers increase the number of rabbits up to 10 individuals. For one such animal, 0,12 m² of free space is allocated. The young animals left for the tribe are kept by 4–8 individuals, allocating 0,17 m² of free space to them.

The optimal dimensions of the cage for one adult rabbit are 80x44x128 cm. Dimensions are listed in order: width, height and length. Housing for a rabbit is made taking into account the fact that a queen cell with dimensions of 40×40 cm and a height of 20 cm should fit inside. In principle, the proposed dimensions of the cage will be enough. An example of a frame structure for a rabbit with an offspring is shown in the photo.

Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

Important! A mesh cage for a rabbit with an offspring is not suitable. In extreme cases, the mother liquor is attached to the side as a separate structure.

When drawing up a scheme of a mesh cage, it is necessary to provide for a stand, the location of the door, drinking bowls, feeders for grain and grass. In the photo you can see a drawing of a frameless structure on a stand with dimensions.

Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

And this photo shows a diagram of a cellular battery. The most complex structural element is the steel frame. Such models are more often used in farms.

Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

Choosing a grid

Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

Judging by the photo, the variety of mesh on the market is great, but not every one is suitable for rabbit cages. The plastic version should be immediately abandoned. Eared pets will gnaw through such a mesh even on the ceiling, and under their feet it will quickly stretch and break through. The best option is a metal mesh, the cells of which are fixed by spot welding. This method of fixation gives strength to the material. However, rabbits do not need any mesh, but made of wire with a minimum thickness of 2 mm.

The steel mesh is characterized by a protective coating. It is galvanized or polymer. There are also stainless steel meshes and, in general, without a protective coating. It is optimal to choose galvanizing for the cage. Stainless steel and polymer-coated mesh will cost the owner dearly, and the material without a protective layer will quickly rot.

Important! Aluminum mesh is not used in the manufacture of cages, even if a grate is made for the feeder into which grass will be loaded. Soft metal quickly deforms, causing large cells to form. Through them, rabbits can fall out or an adult can get stuck with its head.

Let’s look at which grid is used in the manufacture of different cage elements:

  • The floor grid is used with a mesh size of 20×20 mm, or 16×25 mm. For adults, material with cells of 25×25 mm is suitable. In this case, the minimum wire cross-section is 2 mm.
  • The walls are made of a mesh made of wire with a cross section of 2 mm. The optimal cell size is 25×25 mm.
  • The ceiling is made of thick mesh with large cells. The optimal material is wire with a cross section of 3-4 mm. Cells can be 25×150 mm in size.

Cell sizes can be selected individually, depending on the breed of rabbits and their age. For example, for adult giants, you can make a cage from a grid with larger cells.

Important! A high-quality mesh for the manufacture of cells must have the correct geometric shape of the cells. Curved wire makes it clear about the violation of production technology. The cells of such a grid are capable of moving apart, and damage to the protective coating may also be observed.

Self-made cage for rabbits

Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

Now we will look at how to make your own cage from the grid. The process is simple and within the power of any owner. So the workflow is as follows:

  • Making a house for rabbits with your own hands begins with cutting the grid into fragments. According to the dimensions of the drawing, two identical parts of the back and front walls are cut out. A similar procedure is performed with the side elements.

    Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

  • If it is decided to build a frameless cage, then two identical fragments are also cut out for the floor and ceiling.
  • The assembly of the structure begins with the side walls. The mesh is connected with pieces of galvanized wire. For this, staples are bent with pliers. The mesh connection process is shown in the photo.

    Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

  • The bottom needs to be reinforced so that it does not sag under the weight of the rabbits. To do this, a bar or a galvanized steel profile is inserted in steps of 400 mm.

    Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

  • For a rabbit, the floor is partially sewn up with a net. A board is placed in the mother liquor and the sleeping compartment.

    Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

  • Frame houses installed on the street need to be insulated. Fragments are cut out of plywood equal in size to the walls of the structure. They are fixed to the frame with loops or hooks. In winter, the cage is closed, and in summer, the plywood walls are opened.
  • A stand frame is made from a bar or a steel corner, on which the cage will be held. Be sure to include legs. The house should rise at least 1,2 m above the ground.
  • In the manufacture of the floor from the side of the front wall, a gap is provided. A litter collection tray is inserted here.
  • If several individuals live in a cage and they need to be divided, then partitions are provided from the grid. At the junctions of the fragments, sharp protrusions of the ends of the wire will necessarily remain. They are bitten off to the maximum with wire cutters, after which they are cut off with a file.
  • The pallet is made of sheet steel with a galvanized coating. The workpiece is cut out 2 cm more on each side than the dimensions of the bottom of the structure. The stock is needed for the sides. Galvanized edges are bent at an angle of 90о. If the height of the sides does not allow the pallet to freely enter the gap left near the floor, they are cut a little. The edges of galvanizing must be cleaned of burrs.

    Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

  • Under the door and the feeder on the front wall, a fragment of the grid is bitten with wire cutters. For the sash, this piece will not fit. The door is cut out from another piece of mesh. It should be larger than the opening. The sash is fixed with rings, and on the opposite side a latch is placed on the door.
  • A street cage must be equipped with a waterproof roof. First, the mesh ceiling is covered with plywood. Slate or other material is fixed so that a gap of about 40 mm is obtained between them and plywood.

    Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

  • The finished structure is equipped with a feeder and drinker. Rabbit breeders are advised to mount them on the outside to simplify inventory care. Yes, and rabbits will not be able to scatter food.

    Rabbit mesh cage dimensions + drawings

  • This completes the cell assembly process. You can run rabbits and fill them with food.

The video shows the assembly of cells:

Assembling a cage for rabbits

In the manufacture of any type of housing for rabbits, materials that contain plastic cannot be used. Animals love to chew. Plastic that gets into the stomach of a rabbit will cause indigestion, and the eared pet may even die.

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