Manure is an excellent organic fertilizer that has all the minerals necessary for vegetation. Everyone knows how useful cow or horse droppings are, but this is not the whole list of fertilizers. Not everyone knows that rabbit manure is also an invaluable source of plant nutrients. The useful elements contained in it elevated it to an honorable second place in useful fertilizers.
Bait and compost based on rabbit manure have a high concentration of nutrients, so they are used to fertilize seedlings and depleted soil. It is often used for planting carrots, table and sugar beets, cabbage or radishes. Litter must be used to fertilize the garden in order to prevent the depletion of the earth. This is especially true of the soil on which potatoes, cereals or other root crops and cereals are grown.
How to apply
Rabbit manure can be applied in the method that suits you best. And there are several of them. Each of them has both positive and negative sides.
This option is the simplest, however, there is no guarantee of XNUMX% efficiency from it. It consists in direct scattering of rabbit droppings right in the garden. You need to start work in autumn plowing or harvesting. Fertilizer is recommended to be transported during autumn and winter, since during this time the litter may cool down somewhat, decompose and partially freeze. Melt water will dissolve trace elements and feed the soil.
Video “Useful information about the litter of rabbits”
Informational video about rabbit litter and its properties.
The use of slurry
This type of fertilizer can rightfully be considered the most effective. It is used after preliminary watering of the site for feeding vegetable crops. To cook it, you will need a large container, for example, a barrel. Up to half of it must be filled with rabbit droppings, and the rest filled with water. After that, the mass begins to ferment, most often this procedure lasts for ten days, during which it should be mixed. Before pouring the fertilizer, it must be diluted with 5 times the amount of water.
Application in powder form
This method is mainly used by flower growers. To create a powder, the balls need to be dried well in the sun or burned, and then rubbed on a simple metal mesh. Only one teaspoon is needed per bucket of earth. Mix everything thoroughly and put everything in a pot.
Compost and manure
The oldest and most effective method that makes it possible to get a big harvest. In this case, rabbit manure can make the plants stronger. Recycling manure left over from rabbits is no different than any other. To create fertilizer, you will need manure, soil, and plant waste.
The resulting mass must be moistened with a solution of mineral additives and plain water. After 45 days, the fertilizer must be mixed and compacted. The compost should lie in the shade and under a tarp, if the heap was formed in the spring, then it can be used for the next winter. That’s the whole secret of processing rabbit manure. The methods, although simple, are quite effective.
How to get and prepare litter
You can get rabbit manure only after carrying out certain manipulations, or rather, arranging a cage for rabbits. It is necessary to make slots or holes in the floor through which excrement will exit. Many livestock breeders use an ordinary metal grate as a bottom, under which there are special waste trays. You can use rabbit manure only after carrying out the preparatory work in its pure form, it is strongly not recommended to fertilize the garden with manure.
Procurement and storage
Composting is the most common way to harvest manure. As described above, rabbit droppings can be mixed with earth, leaves, and any other manure. Most importantly, do not forget to mix the pile and water.
This harvesting method is also the most reliable storage method. Fertilizer must be protected from drying out, but even if this happens, you should not be upset. Even in this case, it retains useful elements (up to 50%). From the dried litter, you can prepare liquid bait.
Why you should give up fresh
Rabbit manure is not recommended to be used in its pure form, since it is supersaturated with nitrogen, which, when decomposed, releases substances harmful to the soil. Ammonia and methane are produced by it in large quantities and not only pollute the soil, but also have a depressing effect on plants.
Video “How to prepare litter before applying to the soil”
Informative video with helpful tips for handling manure before applying it to the soil.