Rabbit flower: care

Rabbit flower: care

The woolly plant is popularly called hare ears because of its shaggy, small leaves. The flower reaches a height of 25–35 cm.

Woolly chisel belongs to the genus of perennial plants. Its difference is small, up to 10 cm, leaves covered with miniature villi. The color can range from deep green at the time of planting to gray-green.

Hare flower in the garden with other plants

The purist can form peduncles, however, for greater decorativeness, it is customary to remove them. Peduncles are not particularly decorative. On a long stem, more than 20 small light purple flowers are formed, surrounded by small leaves covered with pile.

Planting a flower bunny ears

Hare ears can be propagated by seeds, dividing rhizomes and dividing the bush. The seeds are usually planted in the ground in early spring, after 3 weeks the first few leaves can be expected. The seeds are not buried deep, 5 cm is enough.

A young plant is usually bright green in color, without lint, but after a month the purse will completely change

The division of rhizomes should take place during the warm season. The bush is dug up, divided into several small bushes, so that each has several roots and leaves. Seated in pre-fertilized soil. A little sand, peat and humus are pre-added to the ground. Of the fertilizers, superphosphate is preferred.

The purifier should not be watered too abundantly, the plant will simply die

One of the simplest types of planting is considered to be the division of the bush. To do this, cut off part of the bush; there should be at least 3 leaves on the stem. The young plant is transplanted into loose soil, keeping an eye on the humidity. In too wet ground, the chasteur will die. After a few weeks, the hare ears will acquire small roots. The ground around them must be periodically loosened, leaving the earthen lump with the roots intact.

To get a lush carpet of silvery leaves, a rabbit ears flower is planted 10 cm apart.

Caring for the flower bunny ears should not be regular. In the first half of May, it is fertilized with superphosphate. Periodically, once every 3 weeks, pour some sand and peat into the ground to make the ground breathable. In severe drought, plants are watered, but with very little water. Hare ears will grow especially well in the sun and in partial shade.

The hare flower is quite unpretentious to care for. Regular pruning will help create the most beautiful rug in your area. The plant is suitable for creating an alpine slide and will not allow weeds to break through its roots.

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