Rabbit cabbage flower
The tender rabbit cabbage flower is one of the first spring garden decorations. It can be used for decorative and medicinal purposes. Try growing this plant in your area.
Useful properties of the rabbit cabbage plant
In folk medicine, the leaves and roots of this plant are used. Juice is squeezed out of them, all kinds of infusions and decoctions are prepared, they are simply consumed fresh. They are rich in various useful substances – vitamin A, oxalic acid and others.
In spring, hare cabbage is covered with delicate flowers
Here are the main benefits of this unusual cabbage:
- stops blood and heals wounds;
- heals abscesses and inflammations on the skin;
- increases appetite, useful for people with anorexia;
- normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
- helps with gastritis with low acidity of the stomach;
- removes helminths;
- is a first aid for mercury vapor poisoning;
- fights vascular atherosclerosis.
There are no strict contraindications to the use of cabbage-based products. However, if you suffer from gout, serious liver or kidney disease, check with your healthcare provider before using traditional remedies.
This plant looks like a succulent – it loves the sun, calmly tolerates exposure to direct sunlight. Consider this when choosing a landing site. Rabbit cabbage has no soil requirements, but before planting, the soil must be fertilized with humus. Do not dig too deep a hole for the seedling, its roots are located close to the surface. Planting can be done in autumn or spring.
Usually the plant blooms in the first year after planting.
Often you do not need to water the flower; during the peak of the summer heat, slightly moisten the soil, make sure that it is not excessively wet or waterlogged. Top up occasionally during the summer. Ash or any liquid organic fertilizer is suitable for this. It is not necessary to cut off faded flowers in autumn. Even when dried, they look good, especially under snow caps. This is a nice winter garden decor. Bushes tolerate frosts without problems.
Cabbage usually does not get sick and does not suffer from pest infestations. In rare cases, aphids can start on it. Destroy it with phytoverm, fufanon or actellik.
Hare cabbage is an unpretentious plant that can help get rid of many health problems. You can easily plant it in the garden; care also does not require special skills.