With a sharp abolition of nicotine addiction, people often gain excess weight. This happens because a person begins to look for a replacement for an addiction, and food is readily available and can improve mood. When quitting smoking, you should think over your diet in advance.
It takes about 9 months to completely cleanse the body of nicotine – this is the period, psychologists say, is the most risky to return to cigarettes again. At this time, first of all, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and monitor your physical form.
All meals should be distributed over 5-6 meals – in small portions.
In the early months, look for foods that contain niacin. This is primarily:
- cereals,
- coarse bread
- legume side dishes,
- fish and meat,
- milk products,
- vegetables and fruits – especially potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants.
Depleted by nicotine addiction, the body is in dire need of vitamins and minerals. He especially needs vitamin C, so start your morning with a glass of water, to which add honey and lemon, or with a glass of orange juice.
To cleanse the body of stagnant toxins, consume a lot of fiber – this is oatmeal, zucchini, cucumbers, and prunes.
In order not to fall for the old habit, it is recommended to eat foods containing oxalic acid – spinach, apples, sorrel. Apple cider vinegar, diluted in water, works well – just one tablespoon.
During nicotine addiction, the digestive system suffers, therefore dysbiosis is a frequent companion of tobacco smoking. To restore the flora, you should eat as much fermented milk products as possible – cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir.
When quitting cigarettes, do not consume spicy foods that irritate receptors and remind the body of tobacco smoke. Also, you should not drink alcohol, so as not to lose your guard and not be tempted to take a cigarette or two.
Be sure to add sports activities – they will help to expend calories more actively, and excess weight will not be deposited on your figure.
Be healthy!