Quince is a deciduous tree or shrub with fragrant, amber-colored fruits that look like apples. Initially, it grew only in warm regions, but thanks to the painstaking work of breeders who tirelessly developed new cold-resistant varieties of quince, the culture quickly spread to European countries. In accordance with the modern classification, the Quince genus is monotypic, however, several species and forms are distinguished in it, the description of which will be presented in the article.
Varieties and varieties
Quince is a fairly ancient culture, the history of which dates back centuries. During this time, its scientific classification has changed several times along with the development of botanical science. At first, the plant belonged to the genus Pyrus along with pears and apple trees, since their fruits were similar. It also included other varieties of quince: Chinese, Japanese, evergreen (Quidonia). All of them had one common feature – multi-seeded fruits with hard pulp and a pronounced aroma, but at the same time there were many differences between them.
Therefore, at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the English botanist John Lindley proposed a more precise classification, according to which the Japanese quince was separated into a separate genus Chaenomeles (Chenomeles), the Chinese quince into the genus Pseudocydonia, and the common quince became the only monotypic representative of its genus. To date, this species combines five varieties (groups) that differ in some biological features: leaf color, crown and fruit shape, taste.
Of these five varieties, two have a decorative shape (marble and pyramidal), and the other three groups are represented by garden quince, intended for fruit production. Garden varieties differ in the shape of these very fruits: pear-shaped, apple-shaped and pear-shaped ribbed (Portuguese quince). All these varieties and groups are divided into varieties, of which there are more than four hundred, but in our latitudes no more than four dozen are found and grown.
Quince ordinary, it is also oblong quince – the main and most common species in modern gardening. It occurs in the form of a low (up to 3 m) tree or multi-stemmed shrub. The root system is shallow (about 1 m), but very branched – in diameter it can be several times larger than its own crown.
Young shoots are gray-green, densely pubescent, without thorns, eventually becoming dark, almost black. The leaves are oval, smooth, dark green above, glossy, small cuttings.
During the flowering period, the tree is especially magnificent – large white flowers cover the branches so densely that the leaves are almost invisible. The fruit is large, spherical, oblong in shape, light yellow or amber in color, which depends on the variety. The peel is very dense, slightly bumpy, covered with the smallest soft villi.
The taste of quince is oblong and tart. Its flesh is tough, astringent, but very fragrant. Inside the ripe fruit there are multiple brown bones, similar to apple ones, but glued together with a slimy substance. The productivity of quince is very high – it bears fruit abundantly and annually, in especially fruitful years, the branches are literally hung with golden fruits.
Decorative forms of quince are represented by two garden forms: marble and pyramidal, as well as Japanese quince (Chenomeles) and evergreen (Tsidonia). It should be noted right away that all varieties are able to bear fruit, and with rather beautiful and unusual fruits, which, to a certain extent, are inferior in taste to garden quince.
All decorative forms are distinguished by their original appearance, due to which they are used in landscaping and landscape design.
For example, quince plants remain green all year round, and in spring they bloom with amazing bright flowers that look very impressive against the background of green foliage. A distinctive feature of the marble variety are the leaves of the original yellow-white color. The pyramidal quince got its name due to the shape of the crown, similar to a pyramid.
However, the most decorative of these forms is the Japanese quince, or Chaenomeles. This is a flowering monotype, which is characterized by very long and lush flowering. Japanese quince blooms at the end of May, and its flowering period lasts about 2 months. All this time, the tree fascinates with its beauty and exoticism. Chaenomeles blooms with large densely double flowers, the color of which, depending on the variety, varies from white to dark red.
The height of these shrubs usually does not exceed 1-1,5 meters. They are very thermophilic, they need a lot of sunlight and moisture. However, their beauty is worth it to tinker with plants. By the end of September, no less original fruits ripen on the bushes. They taste sourer than ordinary quince, but in appearance they are more exotic in both shape and color: bright yellow, reddish, and even dark red. The fruits of Chaenomeles are not consumed fresh, but they are an excellent raw material for the manufacture of sweet dishes and preparations: preserves, jams, marshmallows, marmalade.
Garden quince is represented by several varieties. It includes varieties that have both decorative and economic value. According to the accepted classification, the garden group includes decorative forms: pyramidal and marble, which have very original leaves, but also give fragrant, though not very tasty fruits. But also fruit forms belong to garden quince:
- apple-shaped quince, as the name implies, has apple-shaped fruits, has a good mild taste;
- pear-shaped (the shape of the fruit is similar to a pear) – this quince is large-fruited, has a pleasant, sweet taste, it is also grown for tasty fruits with a pleasant aroma;
- portuguese – the fruits are oblong in shape, they look a bit like a pear, but their surface is ribbed.
Pear-shaped quince is a monotypic variety, characterized by fruits of the corresponding shape. Trees of medium height (3-4 m), have a powerful and densely leafy crown, and the fruits are of high quality. The peel of the fruit is light yellow or greenish, very dense, in some varieties it is bumpy. The fruits themselves are large (200-250 g), ripen late. Taste qualities are estimated at 4,6 points, which is a very high indicator for quince.
Indeed, pear-shaped varieties taste favorably with other garden forms. Their flesh, although tough, is relatively sweet, creamy in color and has a pronounced aroma. The yield of quince is regularly high (up to 60 kg per tree), since the trees bear fruit from self-pollination. You can grow pear-shaped quince in any climate and region, as it is completely unpretentious, frost-resistant and easily tolerates drought.
Video “Description”
From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this type of fruit.
The most common varieties
Despite the wide variety of varieties, it is still possible to distinguish several of the most popular and suitable for cultivation in our latitudes:
- Golden. A beautiful undersized tree with a compact rounded crown and no less attractive fruits of a bright golden color, ripening at the end of September. Productivity is high – 50-60 kg from 1 adult tree. The fruits are very large (280-400 g), apple-shaped, the peel is dense, slightly pubescent. The pulp is light cream in color, medium hard, mild sour taste.
- Angers. A variety of French selection with a consistently high yield and precocity. Trees are compact and of medium height. The fruits are apple-shaped, the peel is smooth, light yellow or lemon in color. The pulp is hard, medium sweet, suitable for processing.
- Ilmennaya. Variety of domestic selection with medium winter hardiness. Trees are powerful, tall, need pollination. The fruits are large, the peel is a beautiful bright yellow color. The pulp is hard, sour, with the presence of solid particles. Suitable for processing and fresh consumption.
- Muscat. A heat-loving and drought-resistant variety, cultivated mainly in the Caucasus and Moldova. It has a consistently high yield (up to 80 kg/tree), and is practically disease-free. The fruits are large, the peel is dense, strongly pubescent. The flesh is creamy, firm and rough.
- Collective. Drought and cold tolerant, high yielding variety. The fruits are large, even, rounded apple-shaped. The peel is golden, the flesh is slightly astringent, with a small amount of hard inclusions.
- Teplovskaya. High-yielding and quite drought-resistant variety. Trees of medium height, compact. The fruits are round, intense yellow color. The flesh is very fragrant, but firm and with a lot of stony lumps concentrated around the core.
- Juicy. A low-growing tree of small height, bearing medium-sized rather sweet fruits. Productivity is high (up to 50 kg). The fruits are suitable for both processing and consumption, the pulp is dense, but very juicy, without stony points.
- Early maturing. Early ripe (end of summer) and high-yielding variety with large pear-shaped fruits. The disadvantages include low fruit preservation and shedding.
Unfortunately, quince in our latitudes is not as popular as apples or pears. And this is due to the astringent sour taste of the pulp, and also the uncertainty that the culture can be grown in a cold, and even more so northern climate. In fact, quince is not at all demanding, and its sunny fruits, although not sweet enough, have a lot of vitamins and healing properties. Isn’t that a reason to grow such a useful tree in your garden?
Video “Reproduction”
From the video you will learn how to properly propagate this fruit tree.