Quince jam: the benefits of quince treats, a classic recipe, with apples, through a meat grinder, with oranges

Quince jam has a pleasant tart taste and a beautiful amber color. This fruity winter preparation can be made with different flavors. Preservation from such a fruit is done by analogy with an apple. The finished product is served with tea and other drinks, it can be the filling of any pastry. In the article you will find popular jam recipes.

fruit properties

Quince is great for making a fragrant treat, because not everyone likes the fresh version of the fruit and can be difficult for the stomach. Heat treatment of the fruit allows you to soften it, make it more pleasant in taste while maintaining a specific aroma. The composition of the workpiece, in addition to quince, may include apples and pears, oranges and lemons, sugar or honey. The zest, nutmeg and cinnamon, which are added at the second stage of cooking, will help emphasize the taste of the fruit.

Quince jam: the benefits of quince treats, a classic recipe, with apples, through a meat grinder, with oranges

Cooking Technique

For quince jam, the peel from the fruit can be left on, but for a lighter dessert, it is better to do this. Quince is usually rubbed through a sieve, after steaming. According to the recipe, the delicacy is not prepared without water, which makes the pulp of the fruit more tender. Try to cook at home a classic jam, a dish with the addition of apples or citrus fruits, as well as using a meat grinder.

The classic way

Quince jam: the benefits of quince treats, a classic recipe, with apples, through a meat grinder, with oranges

To make such a dish, you need to take 1 kg of quince, about 700 g of granulated sugar, 1 vanilla pod for flavor and water.

The fruits should be washed under the tap and allowed to dry. Then remove the cores and cut into slices. Thin slices are placed in a saucepan or a special saucepan, water is added. The dish is cooked over medium heat for about 30 minutes. After that, the container is removed from the stove, its contents are crushed with a blender to a puree state. Sugar and vanilla are added, the delicacy is cooked over low heat for another 45 minutes with occasional stirring with a spoon. It is important to avoid burning, so as not to spoil the smell and taste of the finished dish, and use an immersion blender to grind the ingredients.

Video “Jam from quince for the winter”

From this video you will learn the recipe for delicious quince jam for the winter.

Quince jam

With oranges

Quince jam: the benefits of quince treats, a classic recipe, with apples, through a meat grinder, with oranges

The tandem of quince and citrus fruits is very successful, since the latter add spicy notes to the preparation. To get such a treat, take 2 kg of quince, 1 orange, as well as 1,5 kg of granulated sugar and about 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon, you can use sticks.

Fruits are washed and dried well, then cut into halves, then into smaller pieces. The core must be removed. Orange should be crushed in a meat grinder. You will need a saucepan with high walls, where the ingredients are poured and sugar is added. When at least 2 hours pass and a lot of juice appears, cook the dish until it becomes thick, and add cinnamon 10 minutes before the end of the process.

Through a meat grinder

Quince jam: the benefits of quince treats, a classic recipe, with apples, through a meat grinder, with oranges

Despite the advent of modern kitchen appliances, the meat grinder remains a faithful assistant to many housewives, including making a delicious quince dessert.

For the dish, you need the following products: quince – 2 kg, granulated sugar – 1 kg, as well as 1 lemon slice.

After the fruits are washed and peeled, they must be cut into small slices and gradually sent to the meat grinder. Sugar is added to the fruit mixture, it is boiled in a saucepan with a thick bottom over low heat, stirring from time to time. If many years ago they used basins made of copper or brass, but now cast iron utensils with a non-stick coating are in favor. In the resulting jam of characteristic density and color, there may be small grains.

With apples

Quince jam: the benefits of quince treats, a classic recipe, with apples, through a meat grinder, with oranges

A delicious and healthy dessert is obtained from 3 kg of Japanese quince, 4 kg of apples, 6 glasses of plain water, 3 kg of granulated sugar and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, which is sold in bags.

The fruits must be washed and cut into cubes along with the peel. They are boiled in water to soften, later sprinkled with crushed pieces of apples. Cooking time at this stage does not exceed 7 minutes. Fruit is drained using a colander, temporarily set aside. Sugar is poured into the broth and cooked over low heat. The cooled pieces of fruit are rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a blender, a meat grinder is also suitable. The fruit mass is placed in boiled syrup and simmered over low heat until thick, about 50 minutes. An important role in the consistency of the finished dish will have the chosen method of chopping fruit.

Remember that the jam should not boil too much, otherwise it will darken and acquire an unpleasant burnt aroma.

If the dish thickens quickly, it should be removed from the stove, add water or juice and cook again. Jam after cooling will become much thicker than in the process of cooking, and on cold winter evenings it will warm the whole family gathered for a cup of hot tea or coffee.

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