Quick mash for moonshine: 4 recipes at home

Moonshine, like any other craft, does not tolerate fuss and haste. However, in life there are situations when, well, it is very necessary, and also very quickly. In this and other similar extraordinary cases, one can resort to the last resort. Namely, to the accelerated production of the required amount of aquavita.

It is achieved by preparing an early maturing mash, which takes from one to three days, instead of the usual period, often reaching up to two weeks.

It is important to know

When choosing a quick home brew recipe for moonshine, you should keep in mind that when you win in time, you lose according to other criteria:

  1. A smaller amount of the final product will come out of such a mash than from a full-fledged semi-finished product.

  2. The distillate itself, most likely, will not be particularly pleasant in taste and smell.

    Of course, the resulting moonshine can be double or even triple cleaned by passing it through charcoal, but this procedure only partially solves the problem.

  3. Early maturing moonshine can be more toxic compared to drinks made according to all the rules of the genre.

    As a lover of cooking and drinking home-made distillates figuratively put it: “even with a moderate tasting of the product, there is a noticeable fatigue in the head.”

If, despite all of the above factors, you still want to learn how to make a quick brew for moonshine, please follow me.

The fastest brew for moonshine with potatoes

This recipe allows you to achieve the desired result in a day.

Let’s talk right away. Do not try to prepare the coveted distillate in a shorter time. If you are told that a quick mash can be prepared in 2 hours by running it in a washing machine centrifuge, be skeptical about this information. In a similar way, you most likely will not achieve anything, except for enriching your future drink with detergents, which is unlikely to benefit him.

List of ingredients

  1. Potatoes – 2 kg

  2. Rye bread – 4 loaves

  3. Granulated sugar – 5 kg

  4. Brewer’s yeast – 5 kg

  5. Milk – 1 liter

  6. Water – 25 L

Method of preparation

  1. Peel potatoes, boil and crush. Mix it with crumbled bread, add sugar, yeast, milk and pour hot water over all this.

  2. Mix the resulting substance well, then leave to ripen in a dark place at room temperature.

  3. The next day, the mash can be used for its intended purpose.

Quick brew for sugar moonshine

The slogan for this method can be a familiar phrase from childhood: “catch a fish big and small.”

List of ingredients

  1. Granulated sugar – 3 kg

  2. Yeast – dry 60 g or pressed 300 g

  3. Water – 15 L

Method of preparation

  1. Dissolve sugar in water heated to 30°C. Add separately diluted yeast there.

  2. Place the fermentation container in a dry, warm place, after lowering the aquarium heater into it, adjusted to + 25 ° C.

  3. After 3 days, the substance will be ready for distillation.

Quick brew for moonshine in 2 days

You can try to speed up the fermentation process by splitting sugar into glucose and fructose with citric acid, but we personally cannot vouch for the two-day result promised by the author of the video.

Quick brew for moonshine on peas

Peas are an ideal nutrient medium for intensive fermentation. This quality of it is successfully used in obtaining early-ripening mash.

List of ingredients

  1. Granulated sugar – 7 kg

  2. Shelled peas – 2 kg

  3. Cream – 200 d

  4. Yeast – dry 60 g or pressed 350 g

  5. Water – 35 L

Method of preparation

  1. Pour water heated to a temperature of 25 ° C into a forty-liter fermentation tank. Send peas and yeast diluted in warm water there, then mix the contents of the vessel well.

  2. Then, after 15 minutes, add sugar and sour cream (the latter is needed to prevent an overly active foaming process).

  3. Mix the substance again, close the container with a tight lid, wrap it with a blanket or some other suitable dense cloth and leave it for 3 days in a warm, dark place.

  4. After the specified period, you can safely proceed to the distillation.

Relevance: 05.11.2016

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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