Queue to the sanatorium – choice of a sanatorium, referral from ZUS, referral from the National Health Fund. How long does it take?

Sanatoriums, i.e. spa treatment facilities, are very popular due to the combination of medical treatments with relaxation surrounded by nature. Taking advantage of the spa offer is especially recommended for seniors, children, people struggling with stress, suffering from chronic diseases. Depending on the place of stay, the prices range from PLN 2,5 to even PLN 5 for a 14-day private stay. Such a price is not affordable for everyone, so many patients decide to go at the expense of the state. This, however, is associated with a long wait for your turn.

Who is entitled to be admitted to the sanatorium out of sequence?

Skip the line to the sanatorium in particular, meritorious honorary blood and transplant donors, veterans, military and war invalids, soldiers, veterans, employees and other military injured, who can heal diseases and injuries acquired while performing official duties outside Poland. In addition, adolescents up to 18 years of age on the basis of a certificate from a primary care physician or a doctor who has a contract with the National Health Fund and a second degree specialization, or is a specialist in the field of paediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, neonatology or perinatology.

How long does it take to be referred to a sanatorium from the National Health Fund and ZUS?

You have to wait over two years for a referral issued by the National Health Fund. Moreover, the fund does not cover all costs related to the stay in the spa. You have to pay extra for additional treatments, meals and accommodation depending on the standard chosen by the patient. The cheapest are dormitory rooms without a bathroom, and the most expensive are single rooms with their own sanitary and hygienic facilities. The billing season also affects the price.

However, it is possible to receive a referral from the Social Insurance Institution if the patient collects a sickness benefit, a periodic pension due to incapacity to perform work or a rehabilitation benefit.. The most important condition is prognosis – it must indicate that the patient will regain fitness and return to work. Moreover, those who are insured by the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and who do not receive benefits, but who are at risk of losing their ability to work, may also take advantage of the stay in a sanatorium at the expense of the insurance company. The waiting time for a referral from ZUS is up to two months. In the case of urgent medical indications, the trip may also take place during the period of sick leave. Patients do not have to incur any travel costs sanatorium, stay and treatment, and they do not use their holiday leave because they receive a sick leave. Please see your GP for a referral.

How can you check your place in the queue without leaving your home?

Just go to the official website of referrals financed by the National Health Fund – https://skierowania.nfz.gov.pl. When the application is registered, the patient receives a referral number from the doctor – it is also the password to the browser.

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