General description of the disease
Neuropathy refers to diseases of neurology, which is caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the peripheral nerves.
Read also our special article food for nerves.
Causes of neuropathy:
- inflammation, squeezing (compression);
- violation of blood supply;
- intoxication of the body;
- violation of the nutrition of nerve tissues.
Neuropathy manifests itself in different ways, it all depends on where the disease is concentrated and what functions of the nerve itself are affected – sensitive, motor or autonomic.
Symptoms of the disease are caused by damage to the nerves of the peripheral parts.
The motor symptoms inherent in this disease are:
- 1 complicated flexion and extension of the joints;
- 2 muscle weakness in the arms and legs;
- 3 involuntary muscle twitching;
- 4 violation of gait.
If the sensory nerves are affected, then it may be:
- numbness;
- a constant tingling sensation;
- dry skin;
- increased aggravation to external stimuli (hyperesthesia);
- violation of coordination of movement.
Vegetative symptoms are manifested in:
- 1 redness or blue skin;
- 2 pallor of the face;
- 3 increased sweating;
- 4 in a number of other common features.
Treatment of neuropathy in traditional medicine combines methods of local (where the nerve is affected) and general effects on the body. In general, therapeutic measures are aimed at restoring nerve tissues, improving the quality of nutrition, restoring motor functions, decompression and relieving inflammation.
Useful foods for neuropathy
Food should be mushy, runny, boiled or mashed. The calorie content should be 2800-2900 kcal. It is necessary to drink at least 1,5-2 liters of liquid per day.
For a diet, it is recommended to add the following foods to your diet:
- wheat bread of the highest quality, which should be slightly dried;
- soups from boiled and mashed cereals cooked in weak vegetable broth;
- milk soups, with the addition of butter, milk and egg mixture, as well as vegetable puree soups;
- boiled and steamed dishes of lean lamb, veal, beef, pork, turkey and chicken;
- boiled or steamed lean fish or fish cakes;
- cream, milk, non-acidic kefir or yogurt, lazy dumplings, curd pudding or soufflé;
- semi-viscous buckwheat, rice, semolina porridge in water or milk;
- carrots, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, cauliflower, beets – boiled or steamed, mashed potatoes and soufflés made from them;
- all kinds of salads from boiled vegetables, with the addition of boiled tongue, low-fat boiled sausage;
- jelly, fruit purees, mashed compotes, jelly, honey, sugar;
- weak tea, fruit or berry juices are suitable.
The stage of neuropathy, the causes of the onset of this disease, as well as the symptoms of the course of the disease should be taken into account.
Traditional medicine for neuropathy
Tip # 1
The easiest, but also the most effective way is to stomp on the stalks of the nettle three times a day for 20 minutes.
Tip # 2
Baths with a decoction of sage, Jerusalem artichoke leaves, motherwort and oregano have a good therapeutic effect. You need to take 100 grams of each herb and pour the mixture with 3 liters of hot water. You need to infuse the broth for an hour. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes.
Tip # 3
If there are no medicinal herbs at hand, then take the usual warm baths. After that, lubricate your feet with a cream with the addition of bee venom or leech extract.
Tip # 4
A lemon peel tied to the feet at night with the addition of olive oil helps a lot. Lemon relieves cramps and oil softens rough skin.
Tip # 5
In diseases of diabetic neuropathy, Jerusalem artichoke is effective, lowering blood sugar and improving the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver, digestive system organs and normalizing fat metabolism. Jerusalem artichoke can be used in any form, and you can use both root vegetables and leaves to make salads from it. Do not be lazy to eat Jerusalem artichoke, the speed of recovery depends on it. You can season it with vegetable oil or olive oil, adding other permitted vegetables.
Dangerous and harmful foods for neuropathy
With neuropathy, you should not eat freshly baked rye bread and other types of it, all products made from puff or pastry.
Fatty varieties of poultry and meat, canned meat, smoked meats, meat, mushroom, fish broths are prohibited from animal products. Also removed from the diet are strong vegetable broths, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka.
dairy products with high acidity are contraindicated.
Of cereals, millet, barley, pearl barley, legumes, pasta are undesirable.
From vegetables, the consumption of rutabagas, white cabbage, radishes, turnips, onions, sorrel, both fresh and sour and salted, is limited.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!