Children think that mom can do everything — read, play, cook, and go for walks. But some parents can’t play, others can’t cook, and some can’t teach their kids to ride a bike. Why?
“Mom doesn’t play with me, she says she doesn’t know how. How can I teach her to play cars, Lego, train with me?
Petya, 6 years old
Anna Skavitina, children’s analyst:
“Of course, Petya, there is a big difference when you play alone or with someone. I understand that you would like to play with your mother. Children think that a mother can do everything — read, play, cook food, take walks, and most importantly — love her children. Perhaps you think that if your mother does not do something that is important to you, then she does not love you. But it’s not! Some parents can’t play, others can’t cook, and some can’t teach their kids to ride a bike because they don’t know how. Why is that? Because they are living people, not omnipotent robots. Mom can try to teach to do what you like. This will also be a game: you are like your mother’s teacher, you teach her to play. But still remember that not all mothers are good students. Let’s hope you succeed. If not, then you can think about who you will play with instead of mom. Because this occupation is very important for your life. In the kindergarten you can play with your friends. When you walk — with the guys on the street. But when you’re bored, you can ask your mom to go visit with you or invite the guys to your house. I think that if she understands how important this is to you, she will try to find a replacement for herself. Perhaps you are offended or even angry. Remember, Petya, that mom doesn’t play with you not because she doesn’t love you. But she, as you say, is great at reading aloud — believe me, not every mother can do this. So you are very lucky in this!