Children and adults always single out those who are somehow different from the majority – height, weight, hair color, manners of speaking or dressing. If you calmly answer insulting words: “Yes, I am the longest!” or “Yes, I am the fattest!”, then sooner or later everyone will get tired of repeating what we are offended by.
“They tease me that I am the fattest in the class. And how to write off – so immediately everything to me! I’m afraid to refuse, so as not to be teased at all … “
Sonya, 10 years old
Anna Skavitina, child and family psychologist answers:
“Sonya, children and adults always single out those who are somehow different from most people – height, weight, hair color, manners of talking or dressing. I understand you: for example, I was above everyone in the class. I was teased with a tall one, I was also worried. But then I realized that if you answer all the teasers: “Yes, I am the longest!”, then sooner or later everyone will get tired of repeating what I am not offended by. And so it happened! Maybe you really are the biggest in the class. But if you calmly and friendly answer: “Yes, I am the fattest,” then it will be very difficult to offend you. Of course, it’s not easy to say the same thing over and over again. But if everyone feels that you really don’t care, they will definitely fall behind. And look at the situation this way: everything is written off from you, because you are the smartest! Those who tease are actually jealous. They’re so hurt that they can’t be as smart as you that they have to be teased about something else! It is important for the guys who bother you (even if they don’t really realize it) that you also have at least some shortcomings, which, strange as it may sound, make you closer to them, so that it is easier for them to communicate with you. And one more piece of advice: read the book “Correction Class” by Ekaterina Murashova. I think you’ll be interested.”