Question to the expert: “How to train attention?”

If “background thoughts” seem more important or interesting than reading, then the brain, switching to them, no longer seeks to perceive what is read.

“When I read books, I always have some information spinning in my head. I have to re-read the same thing ten times to understand what I’m reading. Distract from reading music or memories. How to learn to concentrate, train attention?

Vladislav, 13 years old

Tatyana Bednik, psychologist:

“When we enter text on a computer keyboard, at that time it executes other programs, only periodically switching to us to process the entered information. Likewise, while reading, all sorts of thoughts are spinning in our heads. The only difference is that the computer, working according to a hard-coded algorithm, will give priority to the active user, tracking his work and processing the information coming from him when it first appears.

A person is not a machine and does not live according to a rigidly set algorithm. If “background thoughts” at the moment seem more important or interesting than reading, then the brain, switching to them, no longer seeks to perceive what is read.

In such cases, you need to either break away from reading for a while and think about more important things at the moment, or replace passive reading with active work with text, thereby reminding the brain of information processing priorities. You can underline key words and write out the main ideas, or, after reading a paragraph, repeat to yourself what you read about.

For a better perception of the text, you can also display schematically the structure of the material read or the information received. Choose for yourself what you like. Sometimes, however, it happens that no techniques help a person – it is so difficult for him to concentrate on his own. Then a neurologist can help.

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