Question-answer: intimate health of a woman

Question-answer: intimate health of a woman

Glukhova Marina Vladimirovna, an obstetrician-gynecologist-endocrinologist of the highest category, a candidate of medical services, head of the gynecology department of the Samara diagnostic center, answers frequently asked delicate questions.

Question # 1:

Now the services of aesthetic gynecology have become popular, how necessary is it for women?

obstetrician-gynecologist-endocrinologist of the highest category, candidate of medical services, head of the gynecology department of the Samara Diagnostic Center

– We can say that aesthetic gynecology is at the junction of several medical branches, such as: gynecology, plastic surgery and even psychotherapy. As you know, it is very important for any woman to look good. If a woman begins to doubt her attractiveness, then her self-esteem falls, she begins to be ashamed of her own body. Because of this, serious problems can begin in her personal life. A woman’s complex can develop even when it comes to the appearance of her genitals. The Samara Diagnostic Center performs intimate plastic large and small labia and vagina.

Question # 2:

What is the indication for vaginal plastic surgery?

obstetrician-gynecologist-endocrinologist of the highest category, candidate of medical services, head of the gynecology department of the Samara Diagnostic Center

– Indications may be prolapse of the uterus and prolapse of the walls of the vagina. The indications are always determined by the gynecologist at the reception… The service is carried out due to excessive expansion of the vagina, which is a consequence of childbirth and can interfere with the woman’s intimate life. All these types of surgical interventions are usually performed under local anesthesia, but there are exceptions. Such operations are usually performed on an outpatient basis. In these types of operations, self-absorbable sutures are used, which do not need to be removed later. There is a very small chance of complications after the procedure. This is due to a good blood supply to the genitals, which promotes rapid healing.

Question # 3:

What other procedures can be attributed to aesthetic gynecology?

obstetrician-gynecologist-endocrinologist of the highest category, candidate of medical services, head of the gynecology department of the Samara Diagnostic Center

– AT Samara Diagnostic Center gynecologists carry out:

– introduction of plasmogel and fillers based on hyaluronic acid;

– augmentation point G;

– creation of an orgasmic cuff.

And also with us you can go:

– a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist for 1 visit: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, colposcopy, smears for the degree of frequency and oncocytology;

– Truscrin consultation of a gynecologist-endocrinologist;

– consultation with a mammologist;

– ultrasound of the mammary glands;

– surgical interventions in gynecology;

– study of the strength of the muscles of the pelvic floor;

– Treatment of prolapse and stress urinary incontinence.


Samara, st. Mägi, 7a.

Make an appointment by phone. 8-800-500-35-49

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