
Useful properties and application of quebracho

Description of quebracho


Quebracho is an evergreen powerful tree that has long been growing in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. It usually grows up to 20 meters in height. The crown of the tree resembles a weeping willow. For medicinal use, the yellowish-brown or gray bark is harvested. It must be removed from an adult tree, and then thoroughly dried in the open air. In medicine, the bark is used in small bent pieces no more than three cm thick.

Useful properties of quebracho

The main active ingredients of the plant are alkaloids, represented by aspidospermine and quebraquin-yuohimbine. From ancient times, alcohol and water infusions were prepared from the bark, and then they were used as an excellent remedy for liver diseases, fever, against suffocation, and for general health promotion. In addition, these funds are also indicated for the effective treatment of cough.

To date, some doctors recommend taking special preparations based on querbacho for spastic bronchitis, pneumoconiosis and asthmatic conditions. They significantly alleviate the condition, relieving a person of shortness of breath and shortness of breath. In some cases, a special tea from the bark of the plant is shown.

Application of quebracho

In homeopathy, the modern drug Quebracho is often used for serious lung diseases. It is used in optimal dilutions of D1 or D1, depending on the development of the disease. The main indication for use is cardiac and bronchial asthma. With some ailments that have appeared on the basis of cardiac disorders, this remedy is also effective. To prepare querbaho tincture, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. well crushed bark and 300 ml of ordinary vodka. The tool is recommended to insist for at least 20 days. After that, the tincture can be filtered, and taken twice a day, 2 tsp. after meal. Regular intake of such a wonderful medicine will help alleviate the condition in acute bronchial asthma, as well as facilitate the excretion of sputum when coughing.

In folk medicine, there is also another recipe for making a healing tincture. For 200 grams of dry white wine, two tablespoons of the bark is enough, which must first be thoroughly ground into powder. Pour the mixture with wine and insist for about 10 days in a dark place. The course of treatment involves taking the drug 4 times a day before each meal. The dosage is not more than 50 ml of tincture. This treatment is effective in severe circulatory disorders.

Quebracho extract

Quebracho Miracle Extract is a hygroscopic reddish brown powder that is soluble even in cold water. It is an excellent plant-type tanning extract. Such a magnificent extract boasts a rather high tannin content, which reaches approximately 72%. This tool is obtained from wood and bark by a modern method of extraction with water. Usually such subtropical tree species from the well-known families of kutra and sumach are used.

It should be noted that in addition to its medicinal purpose, quebracho extract is indispensable for combined tanning of leather and skins. As an excellent dye, the product is used in textile production.

Contraindications quebrajo

No special contraindications and side effects have been identified with the use of various querbaho products. However, it is necessary to avoid possible overdoses during treatment, as this can cause nausea in a person, and in rare cases, vomiting.

which may result in vomiting.

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