Schools are closed, many parents have a week of forced days off or work from home, but after all, the lessons have not been canceled. And what to do in such a situation – we figure it out together with an expert.
“Each teacher sent us about 40 assignments – that’s all. What to do with it, I don’t understand, my head just swells! I don’t remember mathematics for a long time, I can’t explain English either. And if Leshka himself studies, I can imagine what will come of it ”, – the cry of the soul of my friend, the mother of an 8-year-old schoolboy, merged with the chorus of thousands of the same quarantined parents.
Not only parents were not ready for distance learning, but literally everyone: teachers, children themselves. After all, no one has tried anything like this before, except for those who have already been homeschooled. Fortunately, the teachers quickly got their bearings and began to conduct video lessons in the format of online conferences. Practically the same lessons are obtained as in school, only each has its own “school” – a kind of home class. But the parents will have to try so that the child does not pip and treat the classes as some kind of frivolous game.
Педагог Wunderpark International School
“Parents found themselves in a difficult situation, in a very short period they had to turn from a mother into a teacher and educator for their children. You need to understand, master a new role and understand how to act in this unforeseen situation. “
In order to competently approach this issue, it is important to follow the rules:
1. If your child can independently prepare the material for the lesson, then you do not need to take this responsibility upon yourself. This will free yourself up some free time.
There is no need for unnecessary heroism – you will not be able to transform into a professional teacher. Moreover, you have your own job and a bunch of household chores.
2. In order not to run around the apartment in the morning in search of the necessary material and workbooks, prepare everything you need with your child in the evening or remind him of the upcoming classes (it all depends on age).
The teacher sends in advance a plan for preparing for lessons for each day, according to which it is easy to collect all the necessary material for a lesson and be ready for classes.
“We were warned that there will even be physical education and dancing,” the mother of seven-year-old Nika smiles. – They asked me to prepare a rug and put the camera so that the child could be seen. You know, it turns out very interesting – such an online school. “
3. The child should have a specific place where all the necessary textbooks, notebooks and stationery will be located. So it will be easier for him to navigate and prepare on his own.
In addition, the student should not be distracted by anything: a brother or sister playing next to him, a naughty pet, extraneous sounds and other things to which the child will happily switch his attention.
4. Support your child, discuss the lessons every day, ask what worked out and what was difficult.
Remember to praise your child. Indeed, for him, such a situation is also stressful, new, he adapts to the new format of study literally on the fly.
5. Do your homework in a timely manner, as requested by the teacher. Then the child will not have a load of unfulfilled lessons and he will always be ready to learn new things!
And this is where your help comes in handy. You’ve done homework before, haven’t you? Do not take on too much, but if a child asks for help, do not refuse.
6. Turn on your computer / tablet in advance to check all technical capabilities, and connect to the conference 5 minutes before the start of the lesson.
This will save you a lot of time should a technical problem arise. The child must understand that home is home, and the schedule of classes is very important. Timely start of the lesson – respect for the teacher!
7. Talk to your child in advance about the rules of conduct in online classes: keep quiet, raise your hand, eat breakfast before class, and not on time.
And don’t forget about the regime. It is a bad idea if a student only sits down to study after getting out of bed. A neat appearance disciplines and shows respect for oneself, classmates, and the teacher.