All of us will benefit from good news at this difficult time, and here is one of them – in the notorious Chinese city of Wuhan, a strict quarantine regime was lifted. This was done only after not a single case of coronavirus was registered for two days. Healthy Food Near Me contacted a Russian woman, Lyubov Gordeeva, who lives in those parts, and found out how they survived a 2-month quarantine in China.
What is happening today will go down in history forever, and a whole chapter will appear in textbooks, telling about the “new plague of the XNUMXst century.” This is how the coronavirus was dubbed, which scientists around the world have not yet been able to cope with.
Positive dynamics were outlined only in China, from where COVID-2019 began its deadly march across the planet in December 19. Recall, the outbreak of the disease, which turned into a global pandemic, began in the city markets of Wuhan, where wild meat was sold.
Over the past four months since then, 887 people have become ill in the world, 000 have died, and about one hundred and eighty-six thousand have recovered.
As for the Wuhan statistics, out of 11 million inhabitants, 50 people were infected during the epidemic, two and a half thousand died.
Today, the city is gradually reviving: the last temporary hospital has closed, public transport has reappeared on the roads, the AliPay mobile application, which monitors health status, is now displaying a green code (you can move freely), and hundreds of doctors who have been working day and night for the past few months, the masks were solemnly removed.
According to the Chinese authorities, from April 8, people will be able to calmly leave their homes, return to their offices and return to their usual way of life.
Healthy Food Near Me managed to talk to a Russian woman living in China, who told us about what was happening with them during the epidemic, how the locals reacted to the quarantine and what is happening now. So, meet Lyubov Gordeeva, a native of Chelyabinsk who moved to China in August 2018. Lyuba’s word:
“I work in an ordinary city school, I teach English. I went to China with my boyfriend.
In our province of Guangdong, alarming news appeared in the first half of January, and soon everyone was quarantined.
The Chinese are by nature a very disciplined people: it is said to sit at home, which means they will sit. They said to wear masks – all at once in masks. Even now, when China is practically cured (in our province with a population of 130 million, only 125 people are undergoing treatment), 99% of people on the streets are in no hurry to take pictures of them. Do you still think that masks are needed only for the infected? Everyone needs masks! With us, if you are without her, at least a reproach in your views is guaranteed to you.
The government of the country also influenced a lot – the corresponding laws were issued. Decisions on violators were made by local authorities and varied from region to region and province to province. For the spread of the virus, they could easily have given 10 years in prison, and in especially serious cases, the death penalty or life imprisonment was threatened. The ruble, that is, in our way, the yuan, was also punished.
In large supermarkets, shopping centers, restaurants, pharmacies at the entrance, the temperature is still required to be measured. You also need to show the QR code that you receive when filling out a very detailed questionnaire (where you came from, where you have been recently, health information).
No code – they won’t let you in!
In some cities of our province, being, for example, in a subway car, you need to scan a code in the WeChat program – this is an alert system that will warn you if an infected person is found in the same car.
For foreigners, entry to us is still closed – this restriction is in effect from March 28. Before that, anyone could come, but subject to 14 days of isolation.
What is most interesting, in recent weeks, quarantine could only be served in a hotel and solely at their own expense.
This rule was valid for both foreigners and locals returning from abroad. That, of course, sharply reduced the flow of applicants. The sums for hotel accommodation were serious and, depending on the availability of places, could reach $ 1 per person for the entire period of quarantine.
The locals, who had returned earlier, self-isolated in their apartments. But there was also strict control over them. For example, this is what happened to our floor neighbors. On the day they returned home, their doors were sealed with the date of the beginning and end of the quarantine, as well as the telephone number where to contact if you witnessed a breach of isolation on their part.
These and other, probably tough, but really necessary measures led to the fact that the epidemic was quickly brought under control.
The recipe of traditional medicine, popular among the Chinese, also worked. They have one and immediately from all diseases – drink hot water. As for medicines, now all antipyretic and pain relievers are banned in pharmacies.
There were no difficulties with the products. Large supermarkets, pharmacies and all European and American establishments, including McDonald’s and KFC, continued to receive visitors. Street vendors started showing up a week and a half ago.
Food delivery worked in a reduced mode. The only thing was that the couriers had to be met at the house, no one was allowed to the apartment.
Starting this week, the delivery has completely resumed its work, but it is still customary to meet everyone who rang the doorbell in masks.
Small shops and restaurants closed immediately. And not all of them have already opened – the quarantine has seriously hit small businesses.
I still don’t work. My school, when switching to distance learning, made very weak attempts to attract us (foreign specialists) to work. And if in February we recorded some online lessons and prepared various assignments, then in March the school was limited exclusively to Chinese teachers. Therefore, I had a lot of free time, which I spent on reading, watching movies in the evening, and other such activities, which in ordinary life, hands rarely reach.
As far as cash payments for these months are concerned, I was fortunate enough to be among those who received full salaries for January and February. Unfortunately, not everyone was so lucky, although the government clearly announced the law on the payment of salaries under quarantine.
We are gradually returning to our former life and hope that this will not happen again.
China managed to stop the growth of coronavirus infection
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I would like to remind all compatriots once again about the seriousness of the situation and the importance of discipline. The Russian “maybe” will not help! Anyone can get sick, but not to be cured. Don’t be selfish, don’t endanger people, stay at home. “
All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.
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