Quail eggs: benefits and harms to the body
A quail egg is the egg of a small quail bird. It has a traditional round shape, reminiscent of a large gooseberry in size. The color is variegated, with brown spots of irregular shape. Egg weight about 18 grams

History of quail eggs

Quails are mainly found in Europe, Africa and Western Asia. If we take territories, then most of the quails live in the east of the country, where there are plains and mountains. For wintering, they fly to the countries of Africa and Southwest Asia.

The image of a quail was used by the Egyptians as a hieroglyph, which denoted the letter “v” or “y”. In Our Country, quails were hunted and used as a songbird. Or they used male quails for ostentatious bird fights.

Quail eggs were used for food. They were considered a source of useful vitamins and minerals.

Composition and calorie content

Caloric value on 100 g168 kcal
Proteins11,9 g
Fats13,1 g
Carbohydrates0,6 g

Benefits of quail eggs

The quail egg contains many nutrients that allow it to become a building material for the growth and development of body muscles. So, the egg is rich in amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B, PP. There are minerals – calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and so on.

This composition has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human brain, improves memory, protects the body from inflammation and infections. For example, lysozyme has an antibacterial effect. In fact, it kills germs and prevents harmful bacteria from developing.

Quail eggs do not cause an allergic reaction, so they are ideal for baby food. So, for babies from one to 3 years old, it is enough to eat two quail eggs. Children under 10 can eat three eggs at a time, teenagers under 18 can eat four eggs.

Quail eggs harm

There are no carriers of Salmonella in quail eggs because the quails’ body temperature kills pathogenic bacteria.

Before eating or cooking eggs, it is better to rinse them with warm water. Quail eggs don’t rot. When their expiration date ends, they simply dry out.

The use of quail eggs in medicine

Quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, have a more balanced ratio of proteins and fats, vitamins and minerals. The amount of cholesterol, which everyone is so afraid of, is no less than in chicken eggs. But it is compensated by lecithin, which does not allow cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Quail eggs should not be abused by those who already have elevated cholesterol levels.

– On the one hand, cholesterol is necessary for the production of testosterone, sex hormones. Therefore, egg consumption increases male fertility (attraction). On the other hand, if a man already has a predisposition to atherosclerosis, then he does not need to be particularly fond of eggs. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s sawn eggs or chicken. In general, protein in eggs is considered a reference, because it is absorbed by the body up to 95%. The yolk is represented by vitamin D and A. Eggs strengthen the immune system. Participate in the renewal of the skin and the functioning of the mucous membranes. Support the functions of the nervous system, improve memory and reaction. It is useful to eat eggs before any exam or test, when you need to remember a lot of information. Firstly, this is a long-term saturation of the body, you do not want to eat. Secondly, the reaction rate increases, – said nutritionist Elena Solomatina, candidate of medical sciences.

The use of quail eggs in cooking

Quail eggs are boiled, fried, marinated, used as a decoration for snacks. Also added to the dough for pancakes and various pastries.

Quail eggs have a pronounced egg taste, which goes well with meat, fish and vegetable salads. Raw eggs are added to various cocktails and smoothies.

Sorrel soup puree with quail eggs

This puree soup will take pride of place among the dishes of the summer menu. It is easy to prepare. Can be served both cold and warm. It is recommended to serve it with meat side dishes and salads.

Potatoes400 g
Sorrel150 g
Cream100 ml
Leek2 stem
Olive oil2 Art. spoons
Quail eggs12-16 pieces.

Cut the leek, fry in butter. Peeled and chopped potatoes pour one liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Beat the boiled potatoes with a blender until smooth. In a homogeneous mass, add cream and sorrel, scalded in boiling water. Blend everything with a blender, salt and pepper. Boil quail eggs, peel and cut in half. Add to puree soup.

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Salad with cheese and quail eggs

This light and nutritious salad is perfect for lunch or a light dinner. Rich in useful trace elements and vitamins found in lettuce and orange

Quail eggs20 piece.
Fresh mini baguette1 piece.
Brynza50 g
Orange1 piece.
Lettuce leaves2 handfuls
Garlic3 denticles
Mild mustard2 tsp
Olive oil6 Art. spoons
Corn oil2 tsp

Leave the cheese in the freezer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the eggs, peel them and cut them in half. Break the baguette into pieces and fry in olive oil, pass the garlic. Add the fried mixture to the eggs, lettuce and chopped orange. Drizzle salad with corn oil mixed with mustard. Add cheese.

How to choose and store quail eggs

When buying quail eggs, remember a few rules. First, when choosing, carefully inspect the eggshell. Please note that there are no chips or cracks. If the egg seems weightless, then most likely it has already dried up and deteriorated.

It is important that the conditions for storing eggs are observed during the sale. In the supermarket, the product must be in the refrigerator. If you buy from the market, make sure that the eggs are not in direct sunlight.

At home, quail eggs are best kept in the refrigerator on the top shelf. The average shelf life is up to 60 days. At room temperature, the shelf life is reduced to 30 days.

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