Celadon is a breed of quail that is rare and gives a large number of eggs of an unusual color. Birds have high productivity, are characterized by unpretentious content. Quail eggs are large and have an unusual color.
Quail Celadon – what kind of breed
Celadon is also called celadon. In total, the breed includes about 6 varieties of birds. All quails differ in color. It is interesting to know where such an unusual bird came from. The progenitor of the breed is the common quail.
Quail bred in the USA. Thanks to the hard work of breeders, it was possible to obtain birds of the highest class.
Celadon is an egg breed. Birds are small in size. Quails do not differ from wild ancestors. However, their egg production is many times higher.
Each quail grows to a weight of about 90-125 g. The birds are also small in size. The body length of quails is up to 20 cm.
Quails have excellent egg production. Each bird can produce up to 300 eggs per year. That is why this breed is often preferred by farmers. On average, a quail produces 1 egg per day. The beginning of oviposition begins at the age of 40 days. The maximum number of eggs per month is 25 pieces.
The weight of the eggs that the bird gives is about 10 grams. It is cost-effective to keep quails, since the breed begins to lay eggs early. To provide the whole family with a tasty and healthy product, it is enough to keep 5-8 individuals.
The color of quails can be varied. There are blue, brown, silver and other colors. Young quails are the most productive. The plumage of the chicks begins to change starting from the 10th day after hatching.
Quails have a small head, and the beak is slightly pointed at the end. Celadon has thin and long legs. Their color is beige or light brown. The back of the quail is wide, and the tail is small.
Important. Up to 3 weeks, female quails are very noisy. This is the only thing that distinguishes them from males. There are no other signs that help to understand which of the livestock is male or female.
The meat productivity of Celadon is low. With the correct maintenance of livestock, the risk of disease is practically eliminated.
Celadon refers to unpretentious birds. However, you still have to follow certain rules.
Photo of quail breed Celadon
Pros and cons of a bird
The Celadon quail has both advantages and disadvantages. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them in advance if you decide to engage in poultry farming.
Quail has more advantages than disadvantages. The main positive qualities include:
- unpretentiousness;
- lack of special conditions of detention;
- high decorativeness of quails;
- dietary eggs with a high content of nutrients;
- high productivity of eggs;
- lack of salmonella in eggs.
It was not without its shortcomings. They are insignificant, but they can significantly affect the decision of a person who decides to go into poultry farming. In winter, Celadon needs additional lighting. The owner of the livestock will have to incur additional expenses for its arrangement.
Quails have a short lifespan. Breeding up to a maximum of 3 years is possible.
Despite the life span of up to 3 years, already at the age of 8 months, Celadon’s fertility decreases. After this period, keeping quails becomes unprofitable.
Features of blue quail eggs
Representatives of the Celadon breed are the owners of a unique gene. It is he who contributes to the coloring of the shell of quail eggs in blue. Quails can lay both pale in color and brightly saturated eggs. The surface may be uniform, but most often there are small spots.
Quail eggs contain many nutritional components. With a minimum number of calories, they are very high in protein.
Important. Eggs do not contain salmonella, so they can be eaten raw.
Regular use of the product makes it possible:
- strengthen immunity and stimulate metabolism;
- improve vision and increase vitality;
- restore blood pressure and eliminate inflammatory reactions;
- eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Blue eggs are much healthier than regular quail eggs. They have a lower fat content.
Care and maintenance of Celadon quails at home
The risk of disease will be reduced if favorable conditions for the life of quails are created in the house. It is very important to take care of everything you need in advance. Young animals are placed in a pre-prepared poultry house.
Quails can be kept together with chickens. They are placed in cages in a free area of u1,5bu2bthe chicken coop. Approximately XNUMX mXNUMX of free space is required per bird. Cells can be stacked on top of each other. However, in this case, be sure to ensure that there is no free space between the upper cage and the ceiling. Otherwise, the chickens will perch there and leave feces.
When kept together with chickens, care must be taken that the birds do not have access to the legs of quails. Their chicken may be mistaken for a worm. You need to collect a kind of aviary. To do this, the cages can be protected from chickens with a galvanized mesh.
When keeping chickens and quails together, they are fed separately. This is due to the fact that the former are less picky in the diet. The only drawback to raising chickens and quails together is the rapid transmission of likely diseases to each other.
Celadons are not kept together with geese and ducks. These are completely different birds in terms of requirements.
Quails are adapted to both cage and floor maintenance. In the second case, each individual should have about 20 cm2. The main absence for the poultry house is the complete absence of drafts.
Quail care includes:
- maintaining the recommended temperature and humidity;
- correct feeding;
- disease prevention;
- compliance with the temperature regime.
If all recommendations are followed, the bird will produce the maximum possible number of eggs and live as long as possible.
If cell content is planned, then drinkers and feeders are attached to the cells from the outside. The space should also be equipped with litter disposal and egg collection trays.
Egg production directly depends on the diet of quails, so feeding must be of high quality and compliance with all the rules. For Celadon, feed for broiler chickens is chosen. Feeds that are created exclusively for quails do not exist.
Feeding with conventional chicken feed is not allowed. Such a diet will significantly reduce egg production. For a similar reason, you can not give shit and other low-calorie foods. Otherwise, keeping a bird will simply be unprofitable.
The individual must have a clear feeding regimen. The recommended number of meals is 3 times. Both underfeeding and overfeeding are harmful. One Celadon should have 25-35 g of feed per day.
Feed will need to be delivered on schedule. In the feeders, food should not be stale. Any excess should be removed promptly.
Important. If you plan to change the diet, then it is strictly forbidden to do it abruptly. A rapid change in nutrition leads to prolonged stress in the bird.
You can either buy ready-made food or cook it yourself. In the second case, crushed corn and wheat grains, bone and fish meal, skimmed milk powder, soybean meal are used. In order for the food to be better digested, you need to add chalk and sand to the diet. This will improve the health of the livestock.
The nutrition of birds should be enriched with cabbage and carrots. Finely chopped fresh herbs should be added to the daily diet. It can be lettuce or nettle. You can also add 3-4 herbal flour.
For young animals under the age of 7 days, glucose and a complex vitamin for poultry are added to the water. Drinking bowls are installed vacuum. This will prevent drowning and hypothermia of the bird.
Quails of this breed need high-quality lighting. Celadons have a fast metabolism, and it depends in part on the amount of light. If its amount is excessive, then the quails become aggressive. The birds begin to peck at each other. Weak individuals may die. Also, with an excess of light, the plumage begins to fall out.
With a lack of light, egg production is actively reduced. The general activity of the representatives of the breed also falls.
The best option is subdued light. Experienced flower growers claim that the risk of pecking is reduced when using red and blue light.
In a room with quails, there must be a window. This is necessary for the trouble-free entry of daylight. In the summer it will be enough. In winter, the use of artificial lighting is mandatory. The best option is to install infrared lamps. You can also resort to LED. They are expensive but economical to operate. These lamps provide soft lighting. Infrared lamps also have a significant advantage – additional temperature maintenance.
Light day should be 15 hours. At night, the lights are completely turned off. This will allow the quails to rest and get hungry.
When keeping quails, be sure to monitor the level of humidity. It should be in the range of 50-65%. With a decrease in indicators below 40%, the birds begin to feel thirsty. At first it may not be noticeable, but in the very near future unpleasant symptoms will begin to appear. These include:
- deterioration or complete cessation of egg production;
- disheveled plumage;
- opening of the beak and quickening of breathing;
- fragility of feathers and their constant loss.
For an emergency improvement in the well-being of birds, you need to cover the cage with a wet cloth. The main thing is not to overdo it, because quails can catch a cold.
The breed has strong immunity. However, there are diseases to which she is prone. Preventive examinations are carried out at the time of feeding. Birds should show no signs of illness.
Celadons can have:
- Helminthiasis. You can recognize the pathology by the disappearance of appetite in the livestock or in its individual representatives. In birds, yellow liquid stools appear. Additionally, coughing and shortness of breath may sometimes occur. Treatment is carried out using thiabendazole. In case of illness, young animals are isolated from adults. The main thing that is needed for prevention is to plant a new individual, which has just been acquired. It should be released into the common poultry house only after 30 days.
- colibacillosis. This is the name of an intestinal infection that can cause an epidemic. Birds can become infected at any age. Transmission of infection can occur through water, feed, contaminated feces. You can recognize the occurrence of pathology by drowsiness, lethargy, falling quails. Treat the disorder with antibiotics. All cages must be disinfected. Prevention of deviation is to timely remove cells from quails. You should also always give quality food and change the water to fresh.
- Rickets. With pathology, deformation of the skeleton begins. Additionally, there is growth retardation. The gait of young animals becomes shaky, and the surface of the beak softens. Birds give few eggs, and those that have a soft shell. For treatment, vitamins are included in the diet. As a preventive measure, it is required when choosing feeding to give preference to fortified feed.
All pathologies in the breed with timely detection can be easily eliminated.
Productivity characteristics
The Celadon is not a beef breed. Birds are bred for the purpose of obtaining eggs. The resulting product has excellent taste and can be consumed raw.
Individuals begin to rush when their weight reaches 100 g. The best period for collecting eggs is up to 8 months. After that, egg production is significantly reduced.
In the most active period, the bird can produce 25 eggs per month. After 8 months, this figure drops to 8-15.
Bird breeding
Breed in captivity does not incubate eggs. You have to do it artificially. To begin with, about 5 females are planted with the male. When the quails give eggs, you will need to pick them up. To get offspring, you will have to use an incubator. Eggs are kept there for about 17-18 days.
You will need to turn the eggs in the incubator about 5 times a day. During the first 10 days, the temperature should be kept at 39 degrees. Then it is reduced to 38. On the last day, the indicator should be around 37.5. Hatching is extended over 10 days.
For incubation to go well, you need to choose the right eggs, even though they all look alike. They must be of the correct shape, have a smooth shell. Inside should not be dark blotches and two yolks. Only such incubation material will meet expectations.
Reviews of quail Celadon
Reviews about the breed are mostly positive:
Anna, 38 years:
I have been involved in poultry farming for more than a year, but, to be honest, I didn’t even know about the existence of either white or brown, but blue eggs! Before I saw it for the first time, I only bred chickens. When I found out about blue useful eggs, I decided to take up Celadon quails as well. Birds are picky, easy to care for, have strong immunity.
Nikolay, 45 years:
I live in the city, in the private sector. There are few people involved in poultry and animal husbandry. I decided to start a quail, because the whole family loves eggs. Moreover, they are dietary. Due to inexperience, he took the Celadon breed. At first I was afraid that they are much more difficult to maintain than ordinary ones. Fortunately, I was wrong. Great birds. 5 individuals is enough to provide the whole family with eggs. The only thing – I had to buy an incubator.
Irina, 58 years:
I have been growing various quails for several years, including Celadon. Completely satisfied. Once only had to treat helminthiasis in them. Other than that they are great birds.
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