Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

After trying to get quails and making sure that their breeding is not so difficult, some quail breeders begin to think about a quail farm as a business.

At first glance, the quail business is quite profitable. An incubating quail egg costs from 15 rubles apiece, food 2-5 rubles. for one egg. At the same time, the content of nutrients in a quail egg is several times higher than in a chicken one, although the size is smaller, and there is no cholesterol at all.

Comment! In fact, the high content of nutrients and the absence of cholesterol in a quail egg is a myth, but otherwise quail eggs will not be sold at all.

Quail carcasses are also not very cheap and reach up to 250 rubles. a piece. And they eat very little quail, as the advertisement says. Quails weighing about 250 g eat only 30 g of feed per day. True, laying hens weighing one and a half kilograms require 100 g of feed per day.

Quail places take up little, they do not require walking, you can place them in an extension to the house on your site.

The popularity of quail products is growing. But few people think why, with growing popularity, the counters are still not littered with quail meat and eggs.

And why not overwhelmed if it is so profitable and convenient?

You can try to calculate and draw up a preliminary business plan for breeding quails. A full-fledged one, of course, will not work, since prices vary in the regions.

Quail breeding as a business

The proposed business must be legal, because the products must be sold somewhere. And for the sale of food, a veterinary certificate is required, at a minimum.

What livestock can be kept without registering a poultry farm? 500 quails – is it a lot or a little? What about 1000? We look at SNiP. It turns out that in order to register buildings as a quail farm (more precisely, a separate poultry house), the buildings must be located at a distance of at least 100 meters from residential buildings. This distance is called the sanitary protection zone.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

On the border of the territory, a green zone of tree plantations should be arranged. Prepare money to buy trees.

At any livestock farm, a manure collector must be built – a pit concreted around the perimeter with a closing lid. Depending on the amount of manure, the pit may be open on one side and have a sloping floor so that you can drive a truck into it and load the accumulated manure.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Such a volume of a manure collector is unlikely to be needed by a private trader breeding quails. But bird droppings belong to organic waste of the III class of danger and the sanitary and epidemiological station, together with the veterinary service, will require a manure collector. Therefore, a private owner who wants to officially register a poultry house will either have to arrange a concrete pit, or acquire a battery of plastic barrels for collecting litter.

Ideally, you can find a place to sell fresh litter, show the official services a couple of barrels for litter and get by with little blood. But this is not possible everywhere.

The cost of a 200-liter used barrel is 900 rubles. The question is how quickly it will fill up.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

If a quail eats 30-40 g of feed per day, then its feces will weigh at least 10 g per day. We multiply by the estimated 1000 quail livestock and get 10 kg of litter per day. And this is only the main quail herd, without taking into account the rearing of young animals. We add here reared young animals in the amount of 2000 quails, which must be grown to replace the egg-bearing herd every 6 months. Until the moment of replacement of the main livestock, these 2000 quails will eat and shit for 2 months. For 2 months, from young quails, 20x30x2 u1200d 6 kg is obtained. If we distribute this amount over 20 months, we get + 10 kg per month. In total, 30×20 + 320 = 4 kg of litter will be obtained per month. One and a half barrels. This will of course be seasonal. 300 months for 900 kg and the next two for 6. So you have to take at least 6 barrels. 900×5400=6 rub. If you take 5400 more for a shift, then another XNUMX rubles. subject to monthly delivery.

Perhaps someone has options for instant disposal, but you will have to count on the worst.

The farm does not need to be registered. The slaughterhouse relies on her. This will further increase the cost of buildings. So we consider a poultry house. By the way, the poultry house should also be at a considerable distance from residential buildings.

Has the desire to officially register this business already disappeared? Actually, right. If raising quails was as profitable as it is presented in most Internet articles, people with money would have built quail poultry farms a long time ago. But people with money know how to count this money.

Let’s try to consider a semi-underground version of the quail business. In this case, you need to take care of what to do with the resulting products, although, by the way, after culling and providing the family with quail meat, there will not be so much of this product left. Breeding quails as a business is relatively profitable in Ukraine, where you can negotiate with small stall holders on the sale of products or develop your own clientele. Not without reason, if you look closely, most of the quail breeders are from Ukraine. In Our Country, everything is much stricter with food enterprises, although, probably, you can also find people who want to buy an “eco-product straight from the village” who are not afraid to take an untested egg and meat. And even in Ukraine, quail breeding is not an industrial, but a home business.

Breeding quails as a business is profitable or not

This is what will be explained below.

Where to put the litter, in principle, figured out. You still have to take care of this issue if you don’t want the neighbors to start writing complaints. Therefore, either a compost pit in the garden, or barrels with subsequent removal.

1000 quails is the amount that one family can handle.

What is needed to keep this thousand quails:

  1. Premises.
  2. Cages for the main herd and young stock.
  3. Feeders.
  4. Drinkers.
  5. Room electrification.
  6. Incubator at the rate of 3000 quail eggs at the same time.
  7. a brooder for growing will be quailed for at least 2000 heads.
  8. Supplying heating to a room where quails are kept.

Feed and possible litter (you can, after all, without it) are consumables and are not yet taken into account in the main calculation.

The room

It is assumed that it exists, since the semi-underground business will be carried out at its private home. Therefore, the cost of building a barn or an extension to the house can be ignored.


Craftsmen can make Quail cages on their own, but their cost will then depend on the cost of the materials used. Since the materials can be different, the exact price of such a cell cannot be named. One can only indicate that cages should be made at the rate of 70 quails per m².

For an approximate estimate of a business plan, it is better to use the cost of ready-made quail cages.

With the planned main herd of 1000 quails, there should be 3000 seats in the annex to accommodate the young animals reared for the shift.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

The cheapest option in terms of 50 quail heads is the KP-300-6ya cell battery. Price 17200 rubles. Holds 300 quails. You will need 10 copies. The final amount is 172 thousand rubles. Quail cages are supplied fully stocked, feeders and drinkers are included in the price.

Electrification of the premises

If the incubator and brooder are in another room, then for quails you just need to stretch the wire. This is not difficult and will only result in the cost of a wire and a bulb holder. If the room is planned to be heated, you need to consider another way to connect the heater.

Incubator at the rate of 3000 eggs at the same time

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Such an incubator for 1200 chicken eggs costs 86 thousand rubles. Very “smart”, almost with artificial intelligence, which greatly facilitates the work of the poultry farmer. Dear, yes. But for now, let’s take it to the max.


Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Should be designed for 2500 quail. You will need a lot of brooders, as their capacity is small. The cost of a brooder for 150 quails, optimal in terms of the number of quails / price, is 13700 rubles. Such brooders will need 17 pieces. Total amount: 233 thousand rubles. You may be able to get a wholesale discount.


Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

This point at the initial cost is inexpensive. With good thermal insulation of the walls, it is enough to bring the wire for the heater and buy the heater itself. The issue is the size of the room. A fan heater may be suitable for a small room. The price of such heaters is up to 1000 rubles.

Total: 173000+86000+233000+1000= 492000 rub. for original equipment. You can safely round up the amount to half a million, since various little things will probably be required.

Do not forget that this is the maximum.

How to cheapen

In general, all these fixed assets can be much cheaper if you know how to work with your hands. Quail cages and brooders are easy to make yourself. The only thing you have to spend money on is infrared lamps. With an incubator, it is a little more difficult due to the fact that it is difficult to manually set the desired temperature and humidity. And turning eggs by hand 6 times a day and even more so will not work. In this case, there is a possibility that all the embryos will die. So it’s better not to skimp on the incubator and get a really good one.

One infrared lamp for a brooder together with a ceramic cartridge will cost up to 300 rubles. How many are needed for brooders depends on the size of the brooders and the temperature in the rooms. 20 lamps will cost 6 thousand rubles.

Thus, about 150 thousand rubles will have to be spent on acquiring equipment. taking into account small things, materials and unforeseen expenses.

Purchase of livestock and feed

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

An incubating quail egg costs from 15 to 20 rubles apiece. Eggs will require about 3 thousand 20 rubles for a quail broiler egg, 15 for an egg. An Estonian quail egg (a medium-sized bird with good egg production) costs 20 rubles. The same amount of white Texas egg.

1 option. For incubation, you need to take 3000 eggs. 20х3000=60 000 rub.

We add electricity here.

2 option. Chickens daily 40 rub. You need 2000 heads 40×2000=80 rubles.

No power is needed for incubation.

In both cases, starter feed is required for cultivation. A bag of 40 kg costs 1400 rubles. Up to a month you need to feed this type of food. At first, 30 g per bird will not go away, but by the month they will already reach the daily norm, so on average you can calculate the need for feed as 1,5 bags per day. 1,5x1400x30 u63d 000 rubles. for rearing the young. Some quail will be scattered, something will be fed within a couple of days after a month.

The cost of young quail per month will be:

  1. 60 + 000 = 63 + electricity costs for incubation and brooding.
  2. 80 + 000 = 63 + brooder electricity costs.

Then another month on quail feed 1300 rubles. for 40 kg.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Consumption 1,5 bags per day.

1,5x1300x30 u58500d XNUMX rubles.

Plus two options:

123 + 000 = 58 rubles

143 + 000 = 58 rubles

In both cases, do not forget about the power consumption for the incubator and brooder. During this month, only the cost of semi-twilight lighting in the quail will be added, since monthly quails no longer need a brooder and can live in cages.

At 2 months, you can slaughter extra quails and sell carcasses for an average of 200 rubles. (If there is a distribution channel.)

1000×200 = 200. That is, the costs of the main herd of quails and feed for it will be almost reimbursed.

But we must not forget that now an ideal situation is being modeled, when no one died and the planned number of young animals hatched from the eggs, and not less.

The third option for acquiring livestock

Young growth at the age of 50 days. The price for one quail is 150 rubles. At this age, it is already clear where the male is, where the female is, if the quail is of a “wild” color. “Colored” quails will have to look under the tail. But you can no longer recruit extra quails and limit yourself to only the main herd.

1000×150 u150d 000 rubles.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Important! You need to be confident in the seller, because at the age of 50 days, young quails no longer differ from old ones, and you can be sold overaged under the guise of young ones.

After 10 days and 7,5 bags of feed for 1300 rubles each, that is, another 10 rubles, the quails will begin to lay eggs. And you can earn income.

On average, quails lay 200 eggs a year, which means that each quail lays an egg once every two days. If rough. In addition, due to any stress, quails can stop laying for 2 weeks. But let’s assume everything is perfect.

We took a herd with the expectation that we would receive replacement young stock on our own. That is, for every 4 quails in the herd, there is 1 quail. Consequently, there are 800 quails in the herd and 400 eggs can be obtained from them per day. Food eggs will most likely have to be handed over for 2 rubles.

400×2=800 rub. in a day.

Feed for the same day will be eaten 30 kg.

1300/40х30=975 rub.

Income: 800 rubles.

Consumption: 975 rubles.

Total: -175 rubles.

But still it will be necessary to lay a percentage on the depreciation of fixed assets, that is, at least cages, an incubator and a brooder.

Conclusion: the production of food eggs with a full cycle of livestock reproduction is not profitable.

Production of food eggs when buying egg flocks on the side

In this case, only cages and a lamp to illuminate the room will be needed from the fixed assets. No incubator or brooder needed.

It will be necessary to buy only quails in the herd, since they rush without cockerels, and we will not breed them.

The cost of a quail population at the age of 50 days will be the same: 150 rubles, feed consumption for up to two months will result in 000 rubles.

Without cockerel eggs from quails, it will be possible to get 500 pcs. in a day.

Income: 500х2=1000 rub.

Consumption: 975 rubles.

Result: +25 rubles.

At first glance, though small, but a plus, you can at least go to zero. But here we must remember about the bills for electricity and water.

At best, it will turn out to be a real 0. If we consider that again nothing can be put aside for the depreciation of cells and the purchase of a new livestock will be quailed, the scheme is a failure.

Conclusion: the production of edible eggs is unprofitable.

 Quail for meat

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

In this case, it is necessary to take broiler quail breeds. Whether it makes sense to keep a broodstock is a difficult question. The best broiler breed is Texas Whites. But the quails of this breed are too apathetic and for high-quality fertilization of eggs per quail there should be only 2 quails. Thus, a broodstock of 1000 heads would consist of approximately 670 quails and 330 quails.

Quail broilers eat 40 g of feed per day, therefore, 1 bag of quail feed at a price of 1300 rubles per day will go away.

The number of eggs received from quails is unlikely to exceed 300 pieces per day. Broiler quail breeds do not differ in egg production. For the most favorable period of 5 days for obtaining the maximum number of hatchery quails, 1500 eggs can be collected.

The incubator, respectively, will also need to be smaller.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Such an incubator costs 48 rubles. and more than 000 quail eggs will enter it. Quite enough.

Incubators can be found cheaper, but do not make the mistake of novice quail breeders who purchase incubators that do not allow you to control the incubation process without opening the lid.

However, you need to estimate the cost of growing broiler quails and the amount that can be obtained after the sale of carcasses. You may not need an incubator at all.

From one and a half thousand eggs laid in the incubator, in the end, about 1000 marketable quail carcasses will be obtained.

The first month quails will receive starter feed for 1400 rubles. per bag. Broilers will eat a lot. Accordingly, 30 bags per month will cost 30×1400 = 42 rubles.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Further, up to 6 weeks, quails should be put on fattening and fed with food for broilers. A 40-kilogram bag of such food costs 1250 rubles.

1250 rubles x 14 days = 17 rubles

Total feed costs will be 42 + 000 = 17 rubles.

A carcass of a broiler quail costs 250 rubles.

After slaughtering quails, the proceeds will amount to 250 rubles.

250 – 000 = RUB 190

This should include the cost of water and electricity, but not so bad.

True, the broodstock of quails also consumed their feed at a cost of 1300 rubles during all these months and a half. per day and ate 1300×45 = 58 rubles.

190 – 500 u58d 500 rubles.

Worse, but not all that bad. In addition, the quails rushed all the time while the first batch of eggs was incubated.

But it is also necessary to return the costs of buying and growing quail broodstock. You will have to take 1500 one-day quails.

1500 quail x 40 rubles. = RUB 60

This means 1,5 bags of starter food at 1400 per day for 30 days; 1,5 bags per day of quail food at 1300 for the next 15 days and 1 bag per day of quail food for the next 15 days until the first eggs.

1,5 x 1400 x 30 + 1,5 x 1300 x 15+ 1 x 1300 x 15 = RUB 111

In total, before the first laying of eggs in the incubator, you will have to spend 172 rubles. (rounded).

Income from slaughtered extra 500 quails: 500×250 u125d 000 rubles.

172 – 000 u125d 000 rubles.

Another 47 thousand rubles will have to be deducted from the first batch of home-grown quails sold.

132 – 000 = RUB 85

The next batch of quail carcasses will have to bring 132 rubles. arrived.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Incubation lasts 18 days; eggs no older than 5 days are laid for incubation. So there are 13 days to collect food eggs.

Broiler quails lay large eggs and you can try to sell these eggs for 3 rubles apiece.

13х300х3= 11700 rub. If you sell for 2 rubles, then 7800.

These amounts can simply be written off as overheads, they are not significant.

The “quail cycle on the farm” will be repeated every 18 days, but additional cages with 3000 seats for young quails should be enough.

The cost of equipment when targeting broiler quails will also change. More cages will be needed, for 4000 heads (1000 broodstock and 3000 young), and fewer brooders, since quails will come there in batches periodically. The incubator will also need to be smaller.

Cages: 14 blocks for 300 heads for 17 rubles. per block.

14х17200=240 800 rub.

Brooders: 10 pcs. for 150 goals for 13 rubles.

10х13700=137 000 rub.

Incubator: 48 rubles.

Freezer for carcasses, volume 250 l: 16 600

Total: 240 + 800 + 137 + 000 = RUB 442

Here you should also add lamps for brooders and the cost of mandatory heaters, which may require several or one powerful one. Broilers are demanding on temperature, humidity and feed.

At temperatures below 20 degrees, they will stop growing. At temperatures above 35 will begin to die from overheating.

On a note! When buying equipment, it is better to count on the amount of half a million. If there is something left, then good. It is also worth remembering the possibility of self-manufacturing of a part of the equipment.

Conclusion: in a rough approximation, breeding quails for meat pays off and brings a fairly high income. But this will happen only if you manage to establish a distribution channel at such a price. It may very well be that the price per carcass will be lower.

Fattening broiler quails for meat

You can try to save on the incubator and cages by buying ready-made daily quails. Brooders in this case will also need less.

Bruders – 7: 7 x 13 = 700 (95) rubles.

Cells – 4 blocks: 4 x 17 = 200 (68) rubles.

Freezer: 16 (600) rubles.

Total amount: 96 + 000 + 69 = 000 rubles.

The cost of 1000 broilers will be quailed at 50 rubles. per head: 50 rubles.

Feed up to 6 weeks: 59 rubles.

Sale of 1000 carcasses: 250 rubles.

250 – 000 – 50 u000d 59 rubles.

There is no additional income from eggs, so water and electricity costs must be deducted from this amount.

As a result, the profit will be approximately the same as the first method. That is, about 130 thousand rubles. for a month and a half of fattening.

But the cost of equipment in this case is much lower and easier to return. In addition, it is difficult for one person to cope with 4 thousand quails, which will inevitably live permanently in cages if the quail reproduction cycle is not interrupted.

Conclusion: a fairly profitable and relatively low-cost type of business, but the income is lower than that of the first option.

Attention! When calculating the cost of equipment, one should not forget about the litter barrels. Although their price is low compared to the rest of the equipment, they are important to ensure peace of mind when breeding quails.

Simply put, so that the neighbors do not complain about the stench to different authorities.

Summing up: how profitable is the quail business

The answer to the question is whether quail breeding as a business is profitable or not – rather no than yes.

After the calculations, it becomes clear why a serious business does not seek to occupy this niche. One way or another, they work in the legal field and pay taxes, even if they hide part of the income.

Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit

Even when selling eggs at a maximum price of 5 rubles. per piece, which is unrealistic for a manufacturer supplying an egg to a chain of stores, at best, the income from the “egg” business will be only 45 thousand rubles. This is just a good salary for an employee in a hazardous industry. But from this money it will be necessary to deduct taxes and certain amounts to the depreciation fund for fixed assets of production, which in the case of a large entrepreneur are farm buildings, cages, incubators, brooders. In the end, there will be nothing left.

The private owner, working underground, will either have to hand over the egg at the lowest price, or sell it from hand to hand so as not to spend money on intermediaries. To do this, you will either have to trade illegally on the streets, or have your own limited circle of buyers. Both are very difficult to accomplish, despite the actively spread myths about the benefits of a quail egg.

In addition, if we turn to the feed intake of laying hens and quails, then one and a half kilograms of chickens eat almost half as much feed (100 g per day) as one and a half kilograms (6 heads) of quails (6×30 = 180 g), and egg masses are given out the same way: 60 g each. At the same time, modern crosses are carried almost every day and are quite resistant to stress, unlike quails, and the minimum price for a chicken egg is 3,5 rubles.

Places for one chicken will also need less than for 6 quails.

Thus, the egg business is unprofitable even for private traders.

Broiler quail for meat could be profitable if it were not necessary to pay taxes and build a slaughterhouse. And also, if the population could afford to pay 250 rubles. for a carcass weighing 250 -300 g. That is, about 1 thousand rubles. per kilogram, while the price of chicken meat is up to 100 rubles. per kilogram.

Conclusion: with all the favorable calculations made, frankly, in a very rough estimate and without an attempt to seriously conduct marketing research, we can say that even quail meat is unlikely to be profitable to breed.

Those quail breeders who do not try to make a business selling hatching eggs (such a product costs 3-4 times more than the highest price for food eggs) and breeding birds also frankly state the fact that quails can only be kept to provide their families with quality meat and eggs.

The only option to slowly promote this business is to start quails primarily for yourself, and sell the products to interested friends – acquaintances.

Or, if there are enterprising comrades in the village who trade in the city a couple of times a week in a place they feed with regular customers, you can try to hand over the products to them for sale.

The video perfectly tells what needs to be figured out and done for a legal quail breeding business. The conclusions are also disappointing.

QUAIL business / QUAIL BREEDING, how to avoid MISTAKE

Important! The video supports the myth that quails do not suffer from chicken diseases.

They suffer from all the same diseases, including leptospirosis. It’s just that quails do not come into contact with the external environment and they are much less likely to get infected.

But in any case, the quail business will not bring golden mountains.

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