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Tetraplegia is one type of paralysis that affects all limbs to varying degrees. Paralysis can vary in size and severity, and in extreme cases it makes breathing impossible. What are the symptoms of paralysis depending on where the vertebrae is damaged and how is the rehabilitation performed?

Tetraplegia – characteristics

quadriplegia otherwise known as tetraplegia, it is one of the types of paralysis. Its appearance is most often the result of damage to the spine or spinal cord in the cervical segment as a result of an accident. However, the source of the paralysis may also lie in other diseases or congenital disorders. This type of paralysis affects all limbs and is irreversible. The patient cannot move the limb and he loses feeling in it. Thanks to treatment, surgery and physiotherapy, it is possible to make life easier for the patient to some extent.

Types of paralysis

Paralysis, otherwise paralysis is classified differently depending on the location or extent. The type of paralysis can also be determined by prognosis and the possibility of the patient’s organism returning to normal functioning. Stands out irreversible paralysis or transient paralysis. Types of infestation by its extent:

  1. monoplegia – paralysis of one limb,
  2. hemiplegia – paralysis of one side of the body,
  3. paraplegia – paralysis of both legs, may also affect the pelvic area,
  4. tetraplegia – paralysis of four limbs.

Another division according to the type of damage:

  1. spastic paralysis – occurs when the elements governing movement in the central nervous system are damaged. In this type of paralysis, there is no muscle atrophy, but the so-called pathological reflexes associated with strong muscle tone;
  2. flaccid paralysis – occurs when the nerves that send impulses to the muscles are damaged. With this type of paralysis, the muscle tone is weak, there are no reflexes, and over time, muscle atrophy occurs.

Four-limb paralysis – causes

quadriplegia is most often caused by damage to the cervical spine. Each cervical vertebra (except the seventh vertebra) has a pair of spinal nerves. The extent of the paralysis depends on the vertebra in which the damage occurred. The higher the vertebra has been damaged, the greater the level of paralysis and the more serious problems with maintaining vital functions, such as breathing, which is very difficult in injuries above the fourth vertebrae. In turn, damage to the eighth vertebrae leads to tetraparesiswhere the full range of upper limb movements is possible. Less common cause quadriplegia is muscle spasticity associated with other diseases. If it causes paralysis, it is referred to as spastyczna quadriplegia. Paralysis of all limbs may also be caused by congenital disorders, such as, for example, muscular dystrophy.

Symptoms of paralysis and a damaged vertebra

Symptoms of tetraplegia depending on the damaged vertebra:

  1. third vertebra – paralysis of all limbs, severe breathing problems, numbness in the arms, neck and head,
  2. fourth vertebra – paralysis of all limbs, breathing disorders,
  3. fifth vertebra – paralysis of all limbs, but with retention of control of the shoulder, biceps; paralyzed, he bends his elbow on his own,
  4. sixth vertebra – paralysis of all limbs while maintaining control over the arm, forearm and partially the wrist,
  5. seventh vertebra – paralysis of all limbs while maintaining control over the arm, forearm, wrist and partially over the hand.

tetraplegia spastyczna

quadriplegia can be invoked by muscle spasticity. There are pathological reflexes, the muscles remain over-tense during passive movement. If it muscle spasticityrather than damage it causes quadriplegia, the degree of paralysis may vary in each limb. Muscle spasticity it accompanies, among others, multiple sclerosis, stroke or cerebral palsy.

Four-limb palsy – treatment

quadriplegia requires specialist treatment, but unfortunately it is impossible to return to the state before the spinal cord injury. Treatment is primarily aimed at enabling the paralyzed person to maintain vital functions at the highest possible level. Four-limb paralysis initially, it requires stiffening of the damaged cervical spine so that the changes do not deteriorate. The further stages of treatment are to allow you to breathe on your own, only later operations are possible to reduce pressure on the spinal cord.

Paralysis and rehabilitation

Affected personsj paralysis it is extremely important rehabilitation and should accompany the paralyzed person for as long as possible. In the first stages, the patient with quadriplegia it will require work with a physiotherapist in order to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers, contractures and pulmonary complications. Next rehabilitation will help to maintain the best possible mobility in the joints and control the excretory activities. Only in the last stage, when previous problems and disorders have stabilized, will the patient be prepared for independent life through exercise.

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