Putin will die soon? His alleged disease has a terrible prognosis
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Not thyroid cancer or leukemia, but pancreatic cancer – this is the most likely cause of Vladimir Putin’s deteriorating health. According to the latest media reports, the president is preparing for an urgent operation. Below, we explain the causes, symptoms, and prognosis of pancreatic cancer.

  1. Pancreatic cancer is born imperceptibly without any specific symptoms. When these do appear, the disease progresses very quickly, devastating the entire body
  2. Even 80 percent. at the time of diagnosis, patients are eligible only for palliative treatment, the aim of which is to prolong life and improve its quality
  3. Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst-prognostic cancers. Every fourth patient dies within a year of diagnosis, and 5% survives for five years. patients
  4. Not everyone is eligible for surgery. It happens that the neoplastic changes are too extensive and the tumor is too large to be removed; the procedure would not bring any improvement to the patient’s condition
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

New reports on Putin’s health

According to the Italian Il Messaggero, Vladimir Putin is to undergo surgery soon. Israeli journalist Mark Kotlyarsky, who was the first to publish this information, cites two sources from Moscow (one of the informants is to be associated with the medical services, the other with the Kremlin). The reason for the hospitalization of the president is pancreatic cancer.

This is completely new information about the health condition of Putin, who has so far been attributed a number of different diseases, but no one has mentioned pancreatic cancer so far. Although the journalistic investigation showed that the president of the Federation has been surrounding himself with medics for some time, and among them an oncologist has a permanent place, but it was believed that it could be about the treatment of another neoplastic disease: thyroid cancer or blood cancer.

If this diagnosis were to be confirmed, Putin’s health picture looks diametrically different than what has been suggested by recent speculations. Pancreatic cancer has a much worse prognosis than cancer of the thyroid gland or blood.

What is the prognosis for pancreatic cancer?

Many factors influence the prognosis for pancreatic cancer. Among the most important are:

  1. the severity of the disease at the time of its detection,
  2. presence or absence of metastases to other organs,
  3. location and size of the tumor,
  4. patient’s age,
  5. the condition of the immune system,
  6. individual predispositions of the organism.

However, the average life expectancy with the disease is not optimistic. Every fourth pancreatic cancer patient dies within a year of diagnosis (usually several weeks). Five years after diagnosis, only 6-7 percent survive. patients. In Europe, pancreatic cancer is the seventh most common cancer and the fifth most common cause of death. In Poland, it kills about 4 people annually. people.

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Late diagnosis worsens the prognosis

The biggest problem in the treatment of pancreatic cancer is late diagnosis. The disease produces non-specific symptoms that patients often ignore or confuse with symptoms of other diseases. Some patients struggle for months before going to the doctor and performing basic tests, which the diagnosis is often made when it is too late to have the tumor removed.

– Pancreatic cancer is a real scourge. It is true that in terms of the number of cancers in Poland it ranks only 10th in men and 12th in women, but it is a cancer with an exceptionally poor prognosis. Why? Because it gives very late clinical symptoms. Therefore, it is most often diagnosed at such a stage of its advancement that it is no longer inoperable. 100 percent patients who come to surgery with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, as much as 80 percent. it is only subject to palliative treatment. The remaining 20 percent. patients are eligible for resection, but only 5 percent. from this group has a chance of about 5-year survival after surgery – said in an interview with Medonet prof. Wojciech Kielan, specialist surgeon, head of the XNUMXnd Department and Clinic of General and Oncological Surgery at the Medical University of Wrocław.

These are the most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Ailments that may indicate a developing pancreatic cancer include:

  1. lack of appetite
  2. weakness,
  3. weight loss
  4. nausea,
  5. vomiting,
  6. satiety is achieved quickly after a meal,
  7. abdominal pain and discomfort in the abdomen,
  8. radiating pains in the lumbar region,
  9. recurrent diarrhea
  10. discolored stool
  11. dark urine
  12. itchy skin.

“But the first symptom of pancreatic cancer is mechanical jaundice: a tumor in the head of the pancreas grows and invades the main biliary tract.” This prevents bile from being drained from the liver. The appearance of jaundice is the moment when we know that the patient’s organism is going very badly – emphasizes prof. Kielan.

What is the treatment of pancreatic cancer?

The first stage of pancreatic cancer treatment is surgery to remove the tumor located there. However, since it is not always possible, doctors usually go straight to the second stage, i.e. classic chemotherapy.

Supportive measures also play a very important role in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. It includes anticoagulants, including low molecular weight heparin, as well as painkillers, e.g. morphine. At the same time, possible comorbidities are treated, including depression, which is common in cancer patients.

Can you have cancer? Perform a tumor marker test available at Medonet Market.

The state of health of Vladimir Putin

The health of the president is one of the Kremlin’s best kept secrets. Moscow does not provide official information on this subject, and the only public statements on this subject (such as the recent speech by Sergey Lavrov, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), almost always deny the rumors circulating and ensure that the dictator is in a good mood.

Despite this, speculation about Putin’s health continues. So far, the president has already been assigned diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, thyroid cancer and blood cancer. There was also much talk about spine surgery, as well as steroid treatment or taking other medications on a permanent basis that would be responsible for changing his facial features and the effect of swelling.

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