Putin’s entourage collects his excrement. Examination of the stool could tell a lot about his health

The health of Vladimir Putin is one of the Kremlin’s best kept secrets. How obsessed the president can become is evidenced by the latest report by investigative journalists who claim that even his… excrement is “protected”. Exaggeration? From a medical point of view – not necessarily. A stool test can actually provide a lot of information about our health.

  1. Journalists specializing in Our Country revealed that Vladimir Putin’s bodyguards collect his excrement after each visit to a “foreign” toilet. Then they keep them in a special suitcase until they return to the country
  2. The president’s entourage is afraid that foreign intelligence agents may seize material for research and use DNA analysis to find out what ailments the president is struggling with
  3. Speculation about Putin’s health has been going on for months and his public appearances in recent weeks have fueled rumors
  4. Most of the media coverage is devoted to the possible neoplastic disease of the dictator. It has been suggested that Putin may have cancer of the thyroid gland, blood or pancreas
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Putin is sick? The world is looking for evidence

The list of diseases and ailments that Vladimir Putin may struggle with grows from week to week. Until a few months ago, the characteristic changes in the appearance of his face (it became fuller, as if swollen) were attributed to aesthetic medicine treatments (botox) or steroid treatments. When Our Country attacked Ukraine, there was also much talk about mental disorders such as paranoia, mania and schizophrenia.

An analysis of the president’s public appearances, of which there were over a dozen in recent weeks, resulted in new “diagnoses”. Among them, Parkinson’s disease appeared, as evidenced by Putin’s peculiar motor skills, visible paresis of one hand and limited facial expressions.

However, the most space is devoted to the possible neoplastic disease from which the president suffers. Thyroid cancer and blood cancer have been speculated, and more recently, pancreatic cancer as well. There have even been reports of an operation that Vladimir Putin was about to undergo. Of course, none of the above diagnoses has been confirmed.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

The president’s entourage is well aware of the interest his health is causing. For this reason, all information on this topic is one of the best kept secrets. The level of “protection” is so high that not only Putin’s visits to the hospital are kept secret, but also his consultations with doctors, even when they are organized in the Kremlin.

When information appeared in the media about a possible pancreatic surgery that awaits him, there was even talk of the substitution of Putin, his doppelganger, while he was in the hospital and convalescing. All this so that no one would find out what the president of Our Country is ill with, or even that he is ill at all.

agents with a mystery package

Now the peculiar behavior of the president’s bodyguards has been added to the catalog of reports on his health. Two investigative journalists specializing in Our Country’s politics reported on their findings in a report for the Paris Match magazine. Regis Gente and Mikhail Rubin point out that Putin’s protection stays with him, even when he goes to the toilet.

This is not new information. A few years ago, during a trip to France (2017) and Saudi Arabia (2019), employees of the Federal Security Service in Our Country talked about the “guard” of the president in a secluded place they not only accompanied Putin to the toilet, but also took out mysterious packages of undefined contents. Even then, it was speculated that the parcels contained excrementwhich agents are vigilant about until they return home.

According to journalists, such action is intended to reduce the risk of discovering information about Vladimir Putin’s health and possible burden of disease by “foreign powers”. Such data contains the DNA that would be analyzed.

What can a stool test detect?

Fecal culture is one of the basic diagnostic tests that allows you to analyze the condition of the intestinal microbiota, detect inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract or the presence of intestinal pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, etc.) that can cause chronic ailments. The most frequently detected parasites are: salmonella, tapeworm, lamblia, human roundworm and pinworms.

The analysis of this material also enables the initial diagnosis of many diseases of the digestive system, including ulcers, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, pancreas or intestines, problems with the liver or gallbladder, but also fistulas (pathological connection between two or more organs). It also gives information about the general condition of individual organs, e.g. intestinal immunology. The occult blood test of faeces gives a chance to diagnose both benign haemorrhoids, i.e. haemorrhoids, and a malignant tumor of the large intestine.

Stool examination can also provide information on possible genetic burdens. The sample can be analyzed for the risk of intestinal inflammation (parameters of, among others, calprotectin and lactoferrin are tested), which is helpful in the early diagnosis of chronic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.

It is also possible to evaluate tumor markers, including M2PK, the presence of which may indicate a developing colorectal cancer (but also gastrointestinal polyps, adenomas or intestinal inflammation). Thanks to this, it is possible to efficiently detect precancerous conditions and apply preventive measures.

Can you have cancer? Perform a tumor marker test available at Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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