Putin is walking with a red thread on his wrist. He thinks it will protect him

The Kremlin establishment seriously believes in superstition, black magic and pseudoscience. Vladimir Putin takes a bath in deer antler liquid and wears a special thread on his wrist. A leader hired a woman who believes in telegony for the position of a spokeswoman for children’s rights. Fairies and charlatans also seduced some s.

  1. Anna Kuznetsova, the president’s plenipotentiary for children’s rights, says a woman should not have sex with multiple partners because her possible children will have moral problems
  2. At the request of Alexei Miller, chairman of the board of Gazprom, a private jet transports deer blood to Moscow at least once a year. Kremlin dignitaries say antler antlers rejuvenate their skin
  3. One of Our Country’s leading oligarchs recently died after he participated in a procedure for implanting a toad venom into his body, which allegedly was supposed to help him deal with his alcoholism
  4. The Kremlin infects the s with its belief in superstition, black magic and pseudoscience. «Post-Soviet people have serious problems with self-identification as a nation. Such a situation generates various forms of deviant awareness » explains Dr. Wiktor Ross, diplomat and expert
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By the decree of Vladimir Putin, signed in September 2016, Anna Kuznetsova became the president’s plenipotentiary for children’s rights. Seven years earlier, a Kremlin official gave an interview to journalists from a local service in Penza, a city more than 600 km from Moscow. In the conversation, she confessed that she believed in telegony.

Roughly speaking, this pseudoscientific theory is that the uterus supposedly has the ability to remember the genes of all of a woman’s sexual partners. Telegony charlatans argue that the more sexual partners a woman has, the more difficult it is for her uterus to determine which genes to choose. The man is also supposed to have the ability to influence the traits of the next descendants of the woman with other partners.

The absurdity of the theory did not prevent Kuznetsova from believing her theses. After she took office, journalists found her statements about telegony. «If a woman has had sex with several men, there is a high probability that the child she gives birth to will be weakened by a mixture of different genes. It has a great influence, especially on his morality » said years ago the Kremlin ombudsman for children’s rights.

A year after taking office, she tried to withdraw from the theses announced in 2009. The journalist who conducted the interview, however, argued that such an interview had taken place, was authorized, and Kuznetsova said exactly what readers could later find on the portal’s pages.

A wounded deer

Kuznetsov is not alone in the Kremlin. Recently, as a result of an investigation conducted by independent journalists creating the Projekt website, Vladimir Putin’s own sympathy for taking baths in liquid obtained from deer antlers has emerged. Bath does according to the president provide a fresh look to the skin, block the aging process and have a positive effect on the circulatory system.

Alexei Miller is also a big fan of bloody baths, who, thanks to Vladimir Putin’s sympathy, sits in the chair of the chairman of the board of Gazprom. According to the findings of investigative journalists, at the request of Miller, at least once a year a private jet flies over the Altai Mountains to take deer antler extract from there to Moscow.

In the spring, the horns of the animal grow by leaps and bounds. At this time, the antlers are not yet ossified and a lot of blood flows through them. In Our Country, there is an entire industry that extracts pantocrine, i.e. deer antler extract. To get them, the animal is hung upside down and its live horns are cut off. Animal rights activists liken deer pain to pulling human fingernails out.

For Putin, who has for years introduced himself as an animal sympathizer, pain does not matter. An aging leader is ready to believe anything that will give him hope for longevity.

Our Country in the hands of charlatans

Not only the president is seduced by pseudoscientific theories and superstition. In fact, seers, fairies and charlatans who claim that they have superpowers and are the embodiment of the Messiah remain popular throughout Our Country.

Popular in the country, Vyacheslav Bronnikov claims that he has found a way to restore sight to the blind. He does it with the technique of refining the mind.

“Vissarion”, or rather a former traffic policeman Sergei Anatolyevich Torop, who founded a sect in the valleys of Siberia, also convinces his followers that he is the incarnation of Jesus. Peter Pomerantsew, author of the book “The Core of Strangeness” published by Czarne publishing house, which describes, inter alia, post-Soviet sects, associate the activities of the “Rose of the world” sect founded by Torop with the suicidal death of the Kazakh model Ruslana Korshunova, who was a member of the group.

Korshunova threw herself from the window of her New York apartment. To this day, the circumstances of her death have not been established, especially since the investigators found the body 8,5 meters from the building from which she fell.

Magic, shamanism, occultism

Aleksei Navalny, who was in the penal colony in August 2021, told the New York Times journalist about Vladimir Putin’s fascination not only with pseudoscience and unconventional medicine. The leader also believes in black magic and the occult.

«Putin is obsessed with the occult and walks with a red thread on his wrist. One day it turns out that the president of Our Country makes decisions on the advice of an old man from the woods or some pokemon » Navalny spoke in The New York Times.

Wearing a red thread became popular a few years ago. It is supposed to have the power to protect against evil energy and the influence of the evil eye, support the wearer and give it the energy needed to resist the negative influence of bad people and their strength.

Agnieszka Bryc, a political scientist from the Faculty of Political Science and Security at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, writes in Polityka that “a fascination with occultism, in addition interwoven with Orthodox mysticism, is characteristic of the elites, both contemporary and those during the tsarist era” . And he adds that “belief in magic, shamanism and occult practices is growing in Our Country usually in times of crisis, as well as which is paradoxical religious intensification ».

What does Our Country believe in?

The program “Battle of clairvoyants”, broadcast on television, attracts millions of viewers in front of the screens. The Gallup Institute reports that in December 2015 it was one of the five most-watched television shows. One of the episodes was described by the daily The Moscow Times. Nikol, a participant in the program, had to choose one out of 30 cars with a man hidden in it. She pointed to the car flawlessly and proceeded to the next stage. Moreover, the man sitting inside said that his father had died “some time ago”. The participant of the program could not get out of delight at the allegedly supernatural abilities of Nikol. «That’s right, in 1998 You are amazing» he answered surprised.

The Rzeczpospolita daily reports that Nikol’s extraordinary skills made her a celebrity. In the following stages of the show, the woman read foretells, and even looking at a handful of soil from the crime scene, she was able to accurately describe its course.

The public opinion research center conducted a survey in 2016 which shows that 55 percent s believe in fortune telling, and 48 percent. into magic. «s, post-Soviet people, have serious problems with self-identification as a nation. They are in the process of defining their own identity. Such a situation generates various forms of deviant awareness, because it is not known what set of values ​​and goals can be realistically based on » explains Dr. Wiktor Ross, former ambassador and expert in Our Country, in an interview with Rzeczpospolita.

He told the mothers of Beslan victims that he could raise the dead

One of the greatest supporters of pseudoscience in the Kremlin is the local defense minister Sergey Shoygu. He was to persuade Putin to take bloody liquid baths made of deer antlers. He was also supposed to persuade his boss to sessions with Siberian shamans. Shoygu comes from the Asian part of Our Country, he was born in Chadan, in the Republic of Tuva bordering Mongolia.

In recent years, photographs have appeared in the media in which they both spent time in Siberia, Tuva or Khakassia. They were officially fishing. Unofficial: they took part in shamanic rituals.

Finally, it was Shoygu who, in the 90s, invited one of the greatest charlatans, the fortune-teller Grigory Grabovoy, to the ministry under his management. After the massacre in Beslan, this hypnotist, known from television shows, convinced that he was the incarnation of Jesus Christ, he told the mothers of children who died there that he had the power to resurrect. You only had to pay him 1,5 thousand. hole. per person. However, he was behind bars.

A decade earlier, he was an expert of the ministry, and in 2002 the Ministry of Culture financed a film about him.

Toad poison

It is impossible to establish what caused the death of Alexander Subbotin, the oligarch and former director of Lukoil. In early May of this year, the man appeared at Alexei Pindurin’s house. The latter, in turn, testified that Subbotin came to him in a state of high intoxication. He sought help in dealing with alcoholism and a hangover.

Officially, the services cite a heart attack as the cause of death. It is unofficially known, however, that the oligarch met Pindurin at a voodoo session. According to the gazeta.ru website, the man is called a shaman in Our Country, and the investigators found the body of the oligarch in the room where the shamanic sessions were held. Journalists add that Subbotin regularly used its services. According to reports, the oligarch was treated with toad venom, which was believed to be poisonous, from alcohol and drug poisoning.

Even if the services had their fingers in the oligarch’s death, this does not change the fact that his visit to a shaman was not uncommon, and his belief in magical solving of health problems was in him to put it mildly strong.

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