Put the atlas in place: who needs it and why?

Now many clinics vying with each other offer to “put the atlas in place.” The first cervical vertebra – the atlas – is indeed often displaced, and if its correct position is restored, the blood supply to the brain improves, headaches go away, and even vision improves. Is it true? To whom and under what conditions is this procedure indicated?

Recently, a new trend proposal has appeared on the Russian market of manual health services: to put the atlas in place – to set the first cervical vertebra, because it is displaced in 90% of the population. This causes many complications: from a banal headache to problems with blood pressure. Is this procedure really necessary for everyone? Let’s figure it out.

Why does Atlanta suffer?

It is no secret that with age, the spine often changes shape. The reasons for this are a sedentary lifestyle, minor or major injuries, unbalanced physical activity. We, as a rule, notice only stoop – without special training, others, for example, small scoliotic deformities, cannot always be determined.

However, they are: take a closer look, if, for example, you have one shoulder higher than the other, you can talk with a certain degree of certainty about some scoliosis. And if there is a curvature of the spine, then the neck – and the region of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas – will also be curved or, at least, subjected to increased stress. Why?

The axis on which our eyes are located should be flush with the horizon line. Otherwise, the balance cannot be established. Therefore, if there is a scoliotic curvature in the thoracic spine, then the body will adjust the neck for it – bend it – and the line passing through the pupils will be parallel to the horizon line.

Thus, the neck will suffer with any curvature of the spine, even if they are in the lumbar or thoracic regions.

To lead or not to lead?

So is it necessary to set the atlas? After all, when it is displaced, not only does the head hurt – the outflow of blood is disturbed, and hence the work of the cardiovascular system, and even vision falls. But not everything is so clear.

Please note that the spine is a single structure, which means that the procedure for “repositioning the atlas” will affect all its departments. If you release the neck, open the area of ​​the first cervical vertebrae, the atlas will fall into place – but the body will lose balance.

If, for example, the curvature was in the thoracic region, then the neck curved accordingly. Therefore, if the doctor deals only with the neck, the balance will be disturbed. So, it is necessary to return tension to the cervical region and begin to work with scoliosis in the chest.

Impact on one point without balancing the entire system can be not only useless, but also dangerous to health. Therefore, you should not respond to promotional offers to “set” one specific section of the spine, press the magic button. Trust those who work with the body in a complex.

A complex approach

How to competently restore the health of the cervical vertebrae, restore flexibility and beauty? How to establish blood flow by putting the first cervical vertebra in place so that the brain and organs of vision receive enough oxygen?

A holistic approach is needed that includes:

  • systematic work with an osteopath – the doctor will restore the natural shape of the spine, its flexibility. If there is a strong curvature, pain in the back and neck, a course of 5-10 sessions may be needed (everything is selected individually). If a person is relatively healthy, one or two procedures per month will be enough;
  • healing exercises that relax the active points of the spine – from the neck to the coccyx. Please note that gymnastics should be relaxing – relieving the usual muscle tension – and you need to work on the entire spine, not just on the neck. If a person leads an active lifestyle, there are no chronic back and neck pains, then to maintain health, it is enough to exercise for 15 minutes a day, perhaps even without regular work with a doctor.

Effective relaxing gymnastics for the spine – qigong Xing Shen Juang. It acts on active points from the first cervical to the fifth lumbar vertebrae, relieves tension and forms a beautiful posture. With an integrated approach, the spine will straighten and in the area of ​​​​the first vertebra the neck will move freely without “repositioning” or other hard manipulations.

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