Pushkinia Lebanese: planting, leaving
One of the most attractive primroses is Lebanese Pushkinia. This delicate flower pleases with its appearance at the very beginning of spring, when most other plants are just beginning to wake up. Growing this culture in your flower garden is not that difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of caring for her.
Pushkinia of Lebanon: description and photo
The perennial bulbous plant belongs to the asparagus family, although some classify it as a lily plant. In its natural environment, Pushkin can be found in mountainous areas and in the meadows of Asia Minor and the Caucasus. The flower got its name thanks to the Russian scientist Musin-Pushkin, who discovered it on the slopes of Ararat.
Pushkin’s second name is dwarf hyacinth
Spring primrose reaches a height of 15-20 cm. Each plant has 2-3 leaves of a linear-belt-like shape. The culture blooms from mid-April to June. During this period, the plant produces several racemose inflorescences, consisting of bell-shaped buds. The petals are white or pale blue.
Planting and caring for Lebanese Pushkin
The easiest way to propagate a flower is with bulbs. Of course, you can also grow it from seeds. But then the first peduncles on the plant will appear in 4-5 years. For planting, choose a lighted area, although partial shade is also suitable. The plant does not have any special requirements for the composition of the soil, the main thing is that there is no close occurrence of groundwater.
The culture bulbs should be planted in September. Landing should be done in this way:
- Dig up the soil two weeks before work, remove weeds and apply organic and mineral fertilizers.
- Dip the bulbs 5 cm into the soil and lightly tamp the soil.
- Moisten the soil well and mulch the surface with peat, fallen leaves or sawdust.
With the arrival of spring, the flower needs frequent and abundant hydration. In addition, it is necessary to regularly weed the flower bed from weeds, otherwise they will clog the crop. You will greatly facilitate your care if you mulch the soil with peat. In early spring, feed the flower with a complete mineral fertilizer, for example, nitroammophos. In the fall, it is advisable to add potash preparations.
The plant is frost-resistant, but it is still advisable to cover the flower garden for the winter with a 3-centimeter layer of peat
Delicate Lebanese Pushkinia will decorate your flower garden or rock garden. With a minimum of attention, this plant will create a dense carpet of beautiful primroses that will delight with bright colors.