- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: The Simulator
- Level of difficulty: Beginner

Push-UPS in the simulator technique exercises:
- Securely arrange in the simulator, select the weight and firmly grasp the handle.
- Arms bent at the elbows at right angles. Keep elbows to the sides, during exercise, they should move close to the torso.
- Straining your triceps as you exhale, straighten your arms, exerting force downward. Tip: do not fully straighten your hands, even at the end of the movement they should be slightly bent at the elbows.
- On the inhale slowly return to starting position, flexing arms.
- Complete the required number of repetitions.
Variations: you can perform this exercise on the parallel bars.
exercises for the arms exercises on the parallel bars exercises for triceps
- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: The Simulator
- Level of difficulty: Beginner