Purslane: planting and care in the open field
Flower beds should be not only aesthetic, original, but also bright. A purslane plant will help to put things in order with this, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult even for novice gardeners. Flowers look especially beautiful against the background of natural landscaping.
Purslane ordinary: planting and care in the open field
For planting purslane, it is better to choose sunny places or partial shade. In this case, the peak of flowering will fall on the morning hours. If you plant a flower in the shade, then the budding process will be very poor. Regarding the choice of soil, it can be said that mixtures with a large amount of sand are best suited for planting purslane. If the soil is well fertilized, then only greens will grow, but flowering will leave much to be desired.
Purslane, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult, is able to decorate any personal plot
Purslane does not tolerate stagnant water. For planting it, it is worth choosing sufficiently dry areas. Otherwise, the root system of the plant may completely die. Frequent watering also adversely affects the condition of the flower. But he tolerates drought perfectly. If the purslane is properly looked after, then it will show tremendous resistance not only to diseases, but also to pests.
How to plant and propagate purslane
Reproduction of purslane occurs in two ways:
- seeds;
- cuttings.
The most practical way is seed propagation. They are sown from late February to early March. In this case, it is necessary to check that the dishes intended for planting have holes in the bottom designed to drain excess water. Seeds should be spread directly on the surface of the soil, without sprinkling them with earth. No light required for germination.
If you want to grow purslane from seeds, then every year you need to purchase new planting material. This is explained by the fact that hybrids have very poor germination. Even if you manage to collect the seed on your own, then the expected flowering from it will no longer work.
Purslane is a real decoration not only for flower beds, but also for a garden plot. Its bright flowers can transform the site and add new colors to it. In addition, this plant is also worthy of attention for being unpretentious in cultivation. Its flowering begins in the summer and does not stop until the very frost. That is why it is worth allocating the purslane a proper place in your flower bed, or simply decorating the front garden near the house with it.