Film «The Sword in the Stone»

You can move vigorously to the top, and then find that this peak is not yours. Set life goals!

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Film Air Force. Mind of Man»

This girl’s goal in life is to become an Olympic champion. She started doing gymnastics at the age of 7. She has been studying for 6 hours, six days a week for 10 years.

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A goal in life is the biggest task that you want to achieve in life. A person can have many big goals in life — to get a decent education, to live in his mansion on the shore of such and such a sea, to raise such and such children, but the goal in life is the most important of all other life goals.

How many people have a purpose in life? — No, units. Why? Because, unlike dreams, the goal in life involves a lot of work, daily work to move towards your goal. If every day you think about what is important to you, and do something for this, you have a goal in life. If you don’t know what is really important to you, or on different days you think about it differently, or think a lot, but do little, you don’t have a goal in life yet.

During his studies at Harvard University, Burres Skinner set himself a very strict study regimen, for example, he set aside 15 minutes a day for extracurricular activities.

Alexander Lyubishchev in 1918 formulated the goal of his life: to create a natural system of organisms. He is 28 years old, for life — that is, for work — he set himself 90 years. Then he drew up a life plan and began to work together with the whole country on five-year plans — only for his personal five-year plans. Plan is a report. Weekly report. Monthly report. Annual report: this is already a multi-page statement, a whole notebook. Report for 5 years, plan for 5 years ahead. Everything was considered in detail, with an accuracy of 5 minutes, the time devoted to the purpose of life, direct scientific work, was especially carefully analyzed. In this mode, he worked for the next 54 years.

Do you need to have a purpose in life? Your answer depends on your philosophy of life and your personal development.

Many people live without any big goals, and nothing — they live well, calmly, without straining themselves. The one who has a goal — or goals — in life, lives a more intense life. Do you need it? I think you need it. When a person has a goal in life, he wants to live more. Those people who have goals in life are treated with great respect by other people as a person with personal potential.

The meaning of life is what makes life worth living. Interests and incentives to live, goals in life, meanings of life, favorite business. Related concepts: Motive — for the sake of what a person does something, the main and usually perceived reason for behavior. That which explains the activity (behavior) of a person, gives it meaning.

The purpose of life is more often characterized by energetic people, but life energy in itself does not guarantee that you will find yourself in life where you want. You can move vigorously to the top, and then find that this peak is not yours. If you are not just energetic, but also able to think, love to think, you will think over the goals of your life.

The goal of life is needed for those who need a lot in life: to get a lot from life or to do a lot for life. To only receive, it is enough to be a Parasite, but in order to receive a lot and achieve the goals of life, you must already become a Consumer. To do something for life, you can be a Romantic, but in Creator mode you will do more. A developed personality wants to lead not only a plant or animal, but also a human way of life, to leave behind a worthy mark. People who have decided on their goals in life live more efficiently, achieve more, live richer and more fulfilling lives.

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How to determine the purpose of your life?

I give the most serious hint: do not look for your purpose in life, it is meaningless; you will never find your purpose in life. The fact is that the goal of your life can only be created: invented and set as a goal. To say: I choose this as a goal. And why exactly this? Because so far I haven’t come up with anything better. As I come up with a better one, I’ll put it better. For now, this is the purpose of my life. All. After that, you have a purpose in life.

In total, I suggest that you create the goal of your life in the coming week: come up with and set it as a goal. If you don’t, I can come up with your goal for you. I think, however, that it is better for you to do it yourself.

However, there are more specific tips. You may be interested in the reflections of Heinrich Altshuller, the founder of the theory of invention (TRIZ), about what a Worthy goal in life is.

When setting your goals in life, it makes sense to do it systematically, connecting them into a chain (or wheel) of life tasks . There are many good systems that describe such bundles of life tasks in one way or another, see the articles Chain of Life Tasks and Wheel of Life.

In any case, it should be borne in mind that there are only three core areas in life: business, personal life, personal growth and development, and it is very important that we have certainty on each of these lines. Accordingly, with one goal it will not work in any way. If you do not understand what you want in your personal life, you will have it anyhow. Only when you decide what you need in the business area, things will start to take shape for you. And if you plan to really live, and not turn around in life, then you will choose to develop. Accordingly, with you here too — a plan. And better — concrete. What will you learn this year, what will you do in a couple of years …

How to achieve your goals?

To achieve your goals, you need a good head to form a vision, grope for a movement strategy and make a specific plan of action. Health, connections, education and determination will always help.

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