purple pepper varieties

Pepper is a bright representative of vegetable crops. It contains a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. At the same time, the external qualities of the vegetable are amazing: the different shape and color of the fruit amazes the human imagination. Green, yellow, orange, red peppers have long been grown by gardeners around the world. But purple pepper can be considered absolute exotic. It is unique not only in color, but also in agrotechnical features. Unfortunately, there are not too many purple varieties and the most famous of them are listed below. 

Purple Pepper Differences

The purple color of the vegetable is caused by a high content of anthocyanins.. This violet pigment is present in almost all cultures, but at a low concentration its presence is imperceptible. At the same time, a high concentration of anthocyanins gives the plant and its fruits not only a unique color, but also resistance to cold, which is especially important for such a heat-loving crop as pepper.

Anthocyanins allow the plant to absorb solar energy and convert it into heat, thereby increasing the viability of the plant. So, many purple peppers can be grown in the northern regions of Our Country.

Anthocyanins are also essential for the human body, since they can have the following effects:

  • destroy harmful bacteria. In the process of treating colds, it is recommended to increase the consumption of anthocyanins by 1,5 times;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels, including in the retina;
  • lower intraocular pressure.

A person who regularly consumes foods rich in anthocyanins has strong immunity and sharp eyesight. Purple peppers, along with other vitamins, contain a huge amount of this substance, so a unique vegetable grown in your garden can become not only tasty, but also extremely healthy food.

purple pepper varieties

Among purple peppers there are varieties and hybrids. All of them differ in shade, shape, taste, yield. Choosing the best variety is quite difficult. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, a novice gardener should “listen” to the reviews and recommendations of experienced farmers. So, according to farmers, the best purple peppers adapted to domestic latitudes include:


purple pepper varieties

Variety “Arap” excellently “looks” both in the garden and on the table. Its color is very deep, dark purple. The surface is glossy, with a very thin skin. The walls of a vegetable of medium thickness (6,5 mm) are very juicy and sweet, and are particularly tender.

The vegetable has a conical shape. The mass of each fruit is approximately 90-95 g. It is recommended to sow pepper seeds for seedlings in March, and after 110 days after that you can enjoy the first harvest. Both indoor and outdoor areas are excellent for cultivating the variety. The plant painlessly tolerates temperatures above +120C.

The bush of the variety “Arap” is medium tall. Its height reaches 75 cm. The plant needs regular loosening, watering and feeding. Its total yield under favorable conditions is 5,5 kg/m2.

Maxim F1

purple pepper varieties

Pepper “Maxim F1” is a hybrid. It was obtained by the domestic breeding company “Semko-Unix”. Each bush of this culture forms at the same time peppers of dark red and purple color. Vegetables of this variety have a cone-like shape. Their average length is in the range of 9-10 cm. The mass of one vegetable is from 60 to 80 g. The thickness of its walls is small (0.5-0.6 mm). For the ripening of the crop, at least 120 days must pass from the day of sowing the seed.

You can grow purple peppers of the Maxim F1 variety in seedlings. In this case, seed sowing should be carried out in March. You can cultivate pepper on the open ground or in greenhouses, greenhouses. The bush of the plant is semi-spreading, medium tall. Its height reaches 90 cm, which undoubtedly requires a garter. The recommended scheme for placing peppers provides for the cultivation of 4-5 bushes per 1 m2 soil. The yield of the variety “Maxim F1” is 8 kg / m2.

Othello F1

purple pepper varieties

Hybrid “Othello F1” is another representative of the domestic selection. Its distinctive feature is the short ripening period of peppers – 110 days. The fruits of this variety at maturity have a deep purple color. Their shape is conical, the length is within 11 – 14 cm. The weight of each fruit is from 100 to 120 g. The flesh of the purple Othello F1 pepper, 7 mm thick, is sweet and juicy. To evaluate the external qualities of a vegetable, you can view the photo below.

The variety can be grown in protected and open ground. March is considered the best time for sowing seeds for seedlings. With early cultivation, already in June, you can taste the crop. Plants of this variety are vigorous, so do not sow them densely. The recommended scheme for the variety is 3 plants per 1 m2 soil. Mandatory operations during cultivation are garter, watering, loosening, top dressing. In gratitude for the proper care, the pepper bears fruit in the amount of 9 kg / m2.

Important! Even with significant temperature fluctuations, Othello F1 pepper forms a large number of ovaries, which makes it possible to achieve excellent yields.

Lilac fog F1

purple pepper varieties

This hybrid has a light purple color. Some fruits on the bush at maturity are red in color. The shape of the peppers is like a truncated pyramid. Each vegetable weighs within 100 g. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, its thickness is average. The variety is disease-resistant, tolerates cold snaps, is recommended for cultivation in the northern regions of Our Country.

From the day of sowing the seed, until the ripening of the fruits of this variety, it is necessary to wait 120 days. Suitable for growing open ground and greenhouses, greenhouses. The bush of the plant has an average height, so it is planted at the rate of 3 bushes per 1 m2. Each bush of this variety produces up to 2 kg of peppers, which provides a total yield of up to 6 kg/m2.


purple pepper varieties

“Amethyst” is recognized as one of the best cold-resistant varieties. It has an amazing, record-breaking yield for a crop, up to 12 kg / m2. At the same time, the fruit ripening period is short – 110 days. One plant forms red and purple vegetables, weighing up to 160 grams. The walls of the pepper are fleshy, juicy, especially sweet. The variety is characterized by a unique pronounced aroma.

You can grow the Amethyst variety in greenhouses or on open ground. The plant is compact, medium height (up to 60 cm). This allows you to plant 4 bushes per 1 m2 soil.

Important! To obtain maximum yield, pepper must be watered abundantly, fed in a timely manner and loosened the soil.

Oh yeah

purple pepper varieties

An excellent variety of sweet peppers. Its fruits are colored in colors ranging from light purple to dark purple. Their shape is cuboid, weight varies from 100 to 150 g. The pulp is juicy, fragrant, sweet. Peppers are used for making fresh salads, preserving and cooking paprika as an additional component.

It takes at least 115 days to ripen peppers of the Oda variety. The bushes of the plant are compact, undersized (up to 50 cm), do not need a garter. The variety is resistant to cold and diseases, recommended for cultivation in areas with difficult climatic conditions. The total yield of pepper is 6 kg/m2.

Important! Pepper “Oda” is suitable for long-term (up to 4 months) fresh storage.

Star of the East (purple)

purple pepper varieties

Pepper “Star of the East” is familiar to many gardeners. It is represented by a number of varieties, with fruits of various colors. So, under this name you can find vegetables of red, yellow, orange, golden, chocolate, white and, of course, purple. Purple “Star of the East” surprises with its beauty and deep dark purple color. The vegetable is recommended for cultivation in Our Country, and the poor climate of some regions is not an obstacle to its cultivation.

The variety is early ripe, pepper fruits ripen in 100-110 days. Their shape is cuboid. Each vegetable weighs about 200 g. Its walls are thick and fleshy.

Important! The taste of purple pepper “Star of the East” is neutral. It does not contain sweetness or bitterness.

Sowing seeds of this variety for seedlings can be carried out in March-April, depending on the climatic features of the area. The plant develops favorably at temperatures above +100C. The total crop yield is 7 kg/m2.

Pepper belongs not only to the category of heat-loving, but also quite whimsical crops. Therefore, in addition to choosing a variety, attention should be paid to the rules of cultivation. Features of growing a vegetable are described in detail in the video:


Purple sweet pepper, due to its agrotechnical features and adaptability to cold weather, is excellent for the middle and northwestern parts of Our Country. Each variety of this unusual vegetable undoubtedly brings aesthetic and gustatory pleasure, as well as irreplaceable health benefits. Having picked up a good variety and observing all the rules of cultivation, every farmer will be able to grow a marvelous crop with his own hands.


Valentina Ivanovna, 44 years old, Voronezh
I have been growing peppers in my garden for a long time. Previously, these were predominantly red varieties, but for the last 2 years I have been sowing purple ones. I plant two varieties “Arap” and “Amethyst”, both of them are unpretentious, they tolerate cold snaps and drought well. “Amethyst” always pleases with a particularly plentiful harvest. I use purple vegetables both for “eating” and for seaming.
Vladimir Fedorovich, 62 years old, Vyazma
I have been growing Amethyst for many years. I really like the taste, aroma and juiciness of this pepper. In care, the variety is unpretentious, I grow it on open ridges. I plant seedlings in May, with the onset of stable warm weather. I get a rich harvest, the variety bears fruit for a long time. For those who want to grow good, tasty purple peppers, I advise you to pay attention to Amethyst.

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