Purple basil: benefits and harms

Purple basil differs from its green counterparts only in color. The benefits and harms of purple basil are almost the same as other types of table plants of this genus. It is unlikely that this variety is a separate species of the genus Basil. It is much more likely that this is a color mutation of the usual fragrant basil. Some gardeners are even of the opinion that the common species changes color from green to purple with age.

This opinion is clearly erroneous, since the green fragrant basil even blooms, retaining its color. But purple is really green in the early stages and only then gains color. The color change may be controlled by the same mutated gene that causes purple basil to have high levels of mercury.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

What is purple basil good for the body

At a time when it was necessary to be treated with what grew in the nearest forest and trust in God, basil was called the royal herb and it was believed that it brings great benefits and no harm. Data on the time when the purple variety of basil appeared is not available. Usually, when mentioning the benefits of this herb, they first of all talk about the green form.

Indeed, the beneficial properties and contraindications of purple basil differ little from those of the green variety. But differences still exist. Moreover, in purple basil, both health benefits and harms are in some cases present in greater quantities than green basil. The harm lies in the increased content of mercury, compared with an ordinary plant. The benefit is in the increased content of plant pigment from the anthocyanin group. Otherwise, the benefits of all varieties are the same:

  • anesthesia;
  • disinfection;
  • tonic effect.
Important! In the food industry, anthocyanins are referred to as food additive E163.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

What are anthocyanins

Anthocyanins are plant pigments that determine the color of flowers. Thanks to anthocyanins, flowers can be:

  • pink;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • purple.

Since the color depends on the pH of the cell, the flowers of the same plant species may be different depending on the acidity of the soil. On acidic soil, the flowers will be red, on neutral – blue-violet, on alkaline – yellow-green.

Some plants, including purple basil, also contain anthocyanins in their stems and leaves. In this case, the color intensity of the foliage also directly depends on the intensity of illumination: the more light, the richer the color.

Thus, the color of purple basil depends on 4 factors:

  • the amount of anthocyanins in the plant;
  • soil acidity;
  • illumination level
  • variety.

Accordingly, the benefits may decrease or increase, but there are no data on the harm. Perhaps the harm remains everywhere at the same level.

The benefits of anthocyanins

These pigments reduce inflammatory processes in the intestines with excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrates. Improve the barrier functions of the intestines. Accordingly, according to these indicators, the benefits of the purple variety of grass are greater than those of the green one.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

Benefits of purple basil for women

The beneficial properties of purple basil for women are, first of all, in a good mood due to the belief in the miraculous nature of the plant. A happy woman with shining eyes is beautiful at any age.

But the real benefit cannot be denied. Purple basil contains substances necessary to keep the skin smooth:

  • 1-1,5% essential oils in the aerial part;
  • 6% tannins;
  • 12-20% oil in seeds;
  • vitamin P;
  • camphor;
  • provitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • saloons.

Essential oil has a complex structure. It consists of:

  • eugenol (70%);
  • camphor;
  • linalool;
  • cineole;
  • father

Many of these essential oils are used either in perfumes or as pain relievers.

It is best to nourish the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances “from the inside”, adding fresh spice to food.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

When applied externally, basil disinfects the skin, eliminating minor inflammation and acne. To do this, every morning wipe the skin with a swab dipped in a decoction of basil. After 30 minutes, wash with clean water.

It is also believed that basil, including purple, improves the flow of breast milk. But serious research on this subject has not been conducted.

But the harm from mercury is established accurately. But if you grow grass on ecologically clean soil, then the harm will be minimal.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

Benefits of purple basil for men

In the East, basil is considered an aphrodisiac. And violet is especially honored as “the strongest”. In fact, not a single variety produces a special effect. But due to the large amount of nutrients, purple basil stimulates the central nervous system and improves overall well-being. In such cases, everything else is attached automatically.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

What is harmful purple basil

What is the benefit of an increased amount of anthocyanins in purple basil is discussed in detail above. But the benefits of this plant are balanced by the harm from the high content of another substance.

Any variety of basil contains mercury. But purple is the champion among the brothers. Mercury causes irritation and inflammation in the intestines. Thus, the possible benefits of high anthocyanin content are negated due to the maximum amount of mercury in purple basil.

Basil is contraindicated in diseases associated with the cardiovascular system:

  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • myocardial infarction.

Varieties of plants with a high content of anthocyanins are able to thicken the blood. If there are disturbances in the process of hematopoiesis or increased blood clotting, it is better to refuse all kinds of basil.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

Where is purple basil used?

The main purpose of fresh branches is to decorate dishes. Green and purple branches, with the right selection and installation, form very beautiful color combinations. There are several purple cultivars with varying aromas and leaf colors. You can choose the ones you like best.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

Anthocyanin varieties

Varieties with a high content of plant pigments. The leaves of plants have a different shade. If you look at the photos of purple varieties of basil, you can see that the color of the leaves varies from green with red veins to almost black. In addition to color, these varieties of red basil differ in taste and aroma. For each individual dish, you can choose the perfect variety:

  1. Ararat: canned vegetables, salads, marinades.
  2. Yerevan: soups, vegetable dishes, fish, meat. Looks good on a decorative flower bed.
  3. Dark opal: dry and fresh used for the preparation of vinegar, spices, aromatic oils.
  4. Eight: salads and marinades.
  5. Red ruby: universal application.

Colored varieties are also found in pepper varieties of spicy herbs.

In winter, the plant can be used dry as a spice and for making decoctions. But for this you need to be able to dry it properly so that the leaves do not lose their color and useful properties.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

How to save purple basil for the winter

Harvested during the height of flowering and obligatory in dry weather. Bushes are cut along the leafing line. Since it is a herb, although it sometimes looks like a shrub, basil will have time to grow back before autumn, and it will be possible to cut it again. When mowing grass during flowering, you can get the maximum amount of nutrients. The moment of mowing is determined by the color of the seeds in the brushes of the first order. Seed color should be brown.

Important! To accelerate the development of the second stage of shoots after mowing, the soil is loosened and the grass is fertilized with fertilizers.

The resulting raw material is dried in the shade under a canopy. It is important that the drying area is well ventilated. You can dry by tying in bunches and hanging on a twine or spreading out on a clean surface.

Purple basil: benefits and harms

The sun’s rays cause significant damage when drying raw materials. Especially they will affect the preservation of color, which will disappear under the sun. When properly dried and stored in an airtight container that keeps out air and water, basil will retain its aroma and color until the next harvest.

Another storage method is deep freezing. In this case, you can get the maximum benefit without much effort. Almost all useful substances are preserved in frozen foods. But the water left in fresh twigs destroys the cells of the leaves, causing irreparable harm. When using frozen herbs, only defrost as much as needed at one time. It is no longer possible to freeze basil a second time.

The third option is to grind the grass in a meat grinder and add salt. Other products are added if desired: garlic, lemon juice and so on. If such a blank is stored in the refrigerator in a pre-sterilized container, the basil will last until the next harvest, but its color may change.


The benefits and harms of purple basil generally balance each other, and the decorative look expands the scope. If purple basil does more harm than good, you can not eat it, but decorate it with a flower bed or window sill in the house. But the benefits of this aromatic herb will be all the same: the spice can repel insects.

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