
Purity is an ultra-premium Swedish vodka that has won a record number of awards in world competitions. The brand has gained recognition due to the complex taste that gives vodka slow and repeated distillation on unique equipment. Purity is certified organic and made from grains grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Historical information

Purity Vodka is the result of many years of experimentation by Swedish blender Thomas Kuuttanen to invent his own distillation method. The winemaker has been blending whiskey for a long time, but has always been interested in the history of Swedish vodka. Kuutannen decided to get away from the inexpressive taste of the national drink and set himself the task of creating a special vodka with a silky structure and the sweetness of natural grains.

Kuuttanen mixed various grains and distilled herbs many times to achieve the desired taste. It took a lot of time to search for water – the master tried to preserve the mineral taste of the drink to the maximum, but too many trace elements led to the fact that salt marks remained on the glass. After a long search, the winemaker found the optimal ratio of deionized and natural water, which gave the desired result.

In 2007, Kuuttanen registered Purity Vodka AB and set up a distillery in the old Swedish castle Ellinge Castle. The place was not chosen by chance – in the past there was a mineral-rich spring in the area, the waters of which were considered healing. A resort pavilion was built not far from it, which was often visited by the nobility in the XNUMXth century. Now this source has dried up, but the company takes water from artesian wells located on the estate.

Thomas Kuuttanen after the award of the International Wine & Spirit Competition

The distillery is located in a small one-story building that looks like a medieval outbuilding. Only the distillation of alcohol takes place here, since the size of the premises does not make it possible to equip workshops for bottling. The distillation columns made of copper and gold are installed at the plant, each of them contains eight plates. The alcohol is distilled from a mixture of wheat and barley malt grown on an organic farm near Copenhagen. The number of distillations is from 17 to 51, the first distillation takes at least 10 hours, and the full process takes more than three days.

A feature of Purity vodka is that multiple distillation eliminates the need to filter the water-alcohol mixture. As a result, vodka acquires a slightly viscous structure and a special taste with spicy, slightly sweetish hues. Already in 2010, Purity Vodka AB products made a splash at industry competitions. Given the young age of the brand, it can be called the most titled in the world. To date, vodka has already won more than 200 awards at international competitions.

Recent gold medals include:

  • International Wine & Spirit Competition — 2017;
  • International Spirit Challenge — 2020, 2021;
  • Ultimate Spirit Challenge – 2020 (96 points and inclusion in the TOP 100 Sprit in the world).

Thomas Kuuttanen in 2016 received the honorary title of “Blend Master of the Year” at the competition of the authoritative edition of The Spirit Business. Purity vodka was recognized as the highest achievement of the winemaker.

Types of Purity Vodka

The company produces three types of vodka, where the number of distillations is indicated in the name:

  • Estate 17 Reserve is a versatile drink recommended for cocktails. The taste of vodka is neutral and smooth, with hints of bell pepper, vanilla and almonds. In the aroma, spicy and lemon tones come to the fore;
  • Purity Signature 34 Edition is the company’s very first and flagship product. Vodka with a rich herbal aroma and flavors of oatmeal, anise and black pepper. The perfect appetizer is Caprese Salad with Buffalo Mozzarella;
  • Connoisseur 51 Reserve is an ultra-smooth vodka with a clean aroma and a velvety texture. The taste is refreshing and mineral with a long aftertaste dominated by earthy tones.


The manufacturer recommends diluting vodka with spring water in a ratio of 3:1 and adding ice and organic orange peel to the drink. Purity Vodka pairs well with strawberry juice, lime juice, citrus liqueurs and absinthe.

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