Purification of moonshine with egg white of a chicken egg

An old, environmentally friendly method of cleaning moonshine, removing odor and harmful impurities. Works well on sugar and grain distillates, not recommended for fruit drinks as it reduces flavor. The only drawback is the relatively long settling and filtration time.

Theory. Eggs contain albumin and casein proteins, which absorb harmful impurities. According to the degree of absorption, the protein is not inferior to charcoal. Subsequently, the associated fusel oils precipitate as white flakes. The method is also good in that it can be combined with other methods, for example, cleaning with milk or soda. Losses when using protein – up to 5% moonshine.


1. Pour moonshine of the first distillation with a strength of 45-55 degrees into a jar, leaving at least 15% of free space.

2. In a plate or saucer, knock out fresh chicken eggs at the rate of 1 egg per 0,5 liters of moonshine.

3. Completely remove the yolk. The easiest way to do this is the way shown in the video.

How to separate the protein from the yolk. Secrets from SHEFMARKET

A very important step, because even the slightest remnants of the yolk will make the purified moonshine smell like eggs.

4. Add warm (25-30 ° C) water (7-10% of the volume of moonshine) to the protein, then mix with a mixer until the liquid becomes homogeneous and foam appears on top.

5. Add the protein mixture to the moonshine, then mix well.

6. Put the jar for 6-7 days in a dark place with room temperature. Stir 1-2 times a day for better absorption of the fusel protein. For 24 hours before filtering, the mixture must be at rest so that all the sediment falls to the bottom.

Purification of moonshine with egg white of a chicken egg
The flakes fell out

7. Filter the main part of the moonshine (without sediment) through pharmacy cotton wool, tightly packed in a watering can.

8. Change the cotton wool, pour the sediment into the watering can, cover with gauze on top. Gradually, the filter will become clogged with protein flakes, so filtration will take a long time (up to a day).

Purification of moonshine with egg white of a chicken egg
The simplest cotton filter

9. Dilute moonshine purified with egg white with water to 18-20 degrees and overtake again. The stage is optional, the distillate can be drunk immediately after filtration, but to improve the quality, I strongly recommend distilling the drink again.

Purification of moonshine with egg white of a chicken egg

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