Purification of moonshine with black rye bread

An old, environmentally friendly method of refining moonshine, which was previously used by landowners and wealthy peasants. It remains relevant today. In combination with other methods, it gives excellent results without requiring large time or material costs.

Attention! Only fresh rye bread without additives is suitable for cleaning moonshine (ideally still warm homemade cakes), all other varieties are ineffective and can spoil the taste of the drink. Bread cleans sugar and grain distillates well, in the case of fruit moonshine (apple, plum, cherry, etc.) it is not used, as it can interrupt the aroma of raw materials.

Colonies of yeast fungi live in freshly baked rye bread, which, together with gluten, trap some of the fusel oils, binding harmful substances and preventing them from dissolving again in the distillate. As a result, even bad moonshine loses its characteristic fusel flavor and unpleasant smell, the drink becomes lighter.

Proportions: 100 grams of bread crumb per 1 liter of moonshine.


1. Use one of the traditional methods of cleaning moonshine (charcoal, soda, milk, egg white).

2. Cut the bread into slices, then remove the crust.

3. Crush the fresh crumb as finely as possible.

4. Add crumbs to a jar of moonshine, mix, tightly close the lid and put in a dark place for 2-3 days. After exposure, a yellowish tint may appear, it’s okay, subsequent filtration will remove this drawback.

5. Filter the moonshine twice through a watering can with cotton wool or flannel cloth, allowing it to drain naturally. It is not worth squeezing the pulp!

6. Dilute the purified moonshine with water and overtake again with separation into fractions (preferably).

Purification of moonshine with black rye bread

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