Pureed chokeberry

Chokeberry without cooking is a great way to prepare a berry, while retaining all the nutrients and trace elements. Aronia has a sweet and sour, slightly tart taste, so many do not favor it, but everyone will like chokeberry with sugar.

How to cook chokeberry for the winter without cooking

For the preparation of chokeberry with sugar without cooking, fruits and a sweet ingredient are taken in proportions one to one. First of all, the chokeberry is removed from the bunches, carefully sorted out, leaving only whole fruits. Damaged and wrinkled specimens are not suitable for this.

Pureed chokeberry

The fruits are washed by placing them in a colander. Spread out on a paper towel, leave to dry. The sweet ingredient is combined with raw materials in a blender container, interrupted until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If there is no such device, they grind it with a pusher and a fine sieve.

Canning containers are thoroughly washed with a soda solution and sterilized in an oven or over steam. They dry well.

The berry mass is left for a while, stirring occasionally, until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pureed chokeberry with sugar is poured into hot jars, covered with nylon lids or rolled up with tin lids.

Pureed chokeberry with sugar is stored in a refrigerator or a cool room. There are recipes for chokeberry with sugar and the addition of lemon, apples or oranges.

Chokeberry mashed with sugar

The chokeberry recipe will allow you to prepare a tasty and healthy delicacy that will support immunity in the winter, when the body must resist viruses.


  • 800 g of fine crystalline sugar;
  • 1 kg 200 g chokeberry.

Pureed chokeberry


  1. Pick aronia. Rinse the selected fruits under running warm water. Lay out on a paper towel, pat dry.
  2. Place ½ of the raw material in a large blender container, pour in half of the bulk ingredient, close the lid, start the device. Grind until smooth.
  3. Transfer the resulting puree to a saucepan, after scalding it with boiling water. Place the remaining ingredients in a bowl, chop. Pour into a container with berry puree.
  4. Stir the crushed raw materials with a wooden spatula. Cover the pot with a lid and set aside for ten minutes.
  5. Wash small jars, sterilize over steam. Pour raw jam over them and seal tightly with lids, having previously treated them with boiling water. Store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Pureed chokeberry without cooking with sugar and lemon


  • 1 kg 300 g fine sugar;
  • 2 lemon;
  • 1 kg 500 g aronia berries.


  1. The lemon is thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water, wiped. Cut off a thick layer of peel so that only the pulp remains. The bones are chosen. Citrus is twisted in a meat grinder with a sweet bulk ingredient.
  2. Aronia sorted, washed and dried. Grind in any convenient way to obtain a puree state. Citrus mass is combined with berry. Stir with a wooden spatula, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Glass containers are thoroughly washed and roasted in the oven. Chokeberry mashed with sugar without cooking according to this recipe is distributed over prepared containers and corked with lids.

Pureed chokeberry

Chokeberry without cooking with sugar and orange

Cooking chokeberry with sugar according to this recipe will save time and allow you to save all the benefits.


  • ½ kg of fine sand;
  • 600 g chokeberry;
  • 4 g of citric acid;
  • 1 orange


  1. Rinse the carefully sorted raw materials under running water, trying not to crush the fruits.
  2. Peel the orange, remove the pits. Twist the pulp of citrus fruits and berries in a meat grinder.
  3. In the resulting mass, add citric acid, fine sugar. Stir until crystals dissolve.
  4. Pack the berry puree in small fried jars. Close tightly, store in a cool place.

Pureed chokeberry

How to cook pureed chokeberry with sugar and apples


  • 2 kg of fine sand;
  • 1 kg of chokeberry;
  • 1 kg of apples.


  1. Banks are washed in warm water with baking soda. Rinse thoroughly. Containers and lids are sterilized over steam or in the oven.
  2. Aronia sorted out. Selected fruits and apples are washed under running warm water. Aronia is thrown back on a sieve, and the fruit is wiped with paper napkins. The table is covered with a towel, berries are scattered on it.
  3. Apples are peeled. Each fruit is cut into slices, removing the seed boxes. The pulp of the fruit is put in a bowl, covered with cling film.
  4. Aronia is poured into a blender bowl and ground to a puree state. Add apple slices to the resulting mass, continue to interrupt until a tender airy mass is obtained. Pour the bulk ingredient into it and stir until it is completely dissolved. Packed in prepared containers, hermetically rolled up.

Pureed chokeberry

Rules for storing chokeberry grated with sugar

Whatever recipe the chokeberry is prepared for, store it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in a cool room. The preparation is suitable for use for six months. The main thing is to follow all the rules for the preparation of raw materials and containers.


Sugar-free chokeberry is a delicate, very tasty and healthy dessert that you can enjoy all winter. Just a few spoons of “live” jam from this berry will strengthen the immune system and protect against colds in the cold season.

Aronia chokeberry mashed with sugar recipe healthy delicacy

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