Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis. This diagnosis is made when the maxillary sinus becomes inflamed. It is also known as maxillary sinus, hence the name of the disease. Sinusitis is of two types: bilateral and unilateral. In the first case, both the left and right maxillary sinus are affected. This is the most difficult situation requiring special treatment. With unilateral sinusitis, the mucous membrane on one side of the nose becomes inflamed. The disease can develop at any age. Often it causes significant discomfort, especially for young children.
Sinusitis develops as a result of colds. However, it is caused by a bacterial infection. ARI, ORI, scarlet fever create a favorable environment for its development. The highest risk of sinusitis in the absence of the necessary treatment of these viral infections. Sometimes even allergic reactions contribute to the formation of the disease.
Sinusitis is accompanied by profuse watery discharge from the nose. Moreover, its difference from the usual runny nose is that it lasts more than 7 days. With the chronic nature of the disease, the discharge does not stop even longer. Among the symptoms of sinusitis, cough and sore throat, red spots on the face, high fever are also noted. It is imperative to consult a doctor if there is no improvement a few days after the start of treatment. Often, sinusitis leads to inflammation of not only the mucous membranes of the nose, but also toothache, headaches.
What is a puncture?
Only a doctor can accurately determine the presence of sinusitis. This is usually done with x-rays. Another method of diagnosis is computed tomography of the sinuses. Additional information about the nature of inflammation is obtained using a complete blood count. After the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed. The most commonly used conservative methods such as physiotherapy and taking various drugs, including antibiotics. Sprays, drops and inhalers are quite effective. At home, you can do warming up and washing with saline.
If conservative methods of treatment do not allow to cope with the disease, they resort to surgical intervention – a puncture. This is necessary so that the exudate does not spread throughout the body and does not enter the brain.
Puncture – a small operation, during which all purulent discharges are removed from the sinuses, then the cavities are washed, and a special preparation is placed in them.
Often a puncture is one of the methods for diagnosing sinusitis. In this case, the doctor performs surgery to determine the presence and nature of the accumulated secretions in the sinuses, and to remove them if necessary.
The puncture causes discomfort to the patient. However, it is the most effective treatment for advanced cases. If you do not make a puncture on time, sinusitis can lead to serious diseases such as meningitis, otitis, rheumatism, pneumonia. The chronic form provokes headaches and migraines. Such a surgical intervention as a puncture today is performed with anesthesia, so you should not be afraid of discomfort.
Is it worth it to do a puncture with sinusitis?
Often the doctor, trying to protect the patient from complications, prematurely prescribes surgery for sinusitis. It is required only in certain cases. First of all, ineffective preliminary treatment indicates the need for a puncture. If it is carried out for several weeks, and there is no improvement in the patient’s condition, it may be necessary to resort to surgical methods.
A dangerous situation occurs when blood or pus accumulates in the maxillary sinus, and it cannot be removed naturally. To understand whether this is so, you can use ultrasound and x-rays. The patient has acute pain in the sinus area, especially when the head is tilted forward, there is an increased temperature, there is an unpleasant smell in the nose – all this indicates that a puncture is required.
How is a puncture made with sinusitis?
This operation is performed both for sinusitis in adults and in children. However, they require general anesthesia. For adults, local anesthesia is used. Due to this, such a procedure as a puncture, using modern methods, is almost painless.
The otolaryngologist, having moistened a cotton swab in lidocaine, places it in the nasal passage, in which the puncture will be carried out. Thus, anesthesia is carried out. After some time, using a thin needle with a curved end, the doctor makes a puncture in the sinus. It is introduced through the lower or middle nasal passage. Then, using a syringe, the otolaryngologist removes the secretions accumulated in the sinus, and then rinses the cavity. The extracted pus can be used for analysis. Sinus lavage is carried out with the help of several drugs. The most commonly used saline solution, chymotrypsin, sodium salts of nystatin. During this procedure, the patient’s mouth should be open and the head tilted forward. Otherwise, the discharge from the sinuses that is removed can enter the windpipe.
Possible complications
The puncture can cause complications in young children. It is not recommended to do it to patients with hypertension, diabetes or infectious diseases.
Patients often refuse puncture for sinusitis, fearing complications. However, if the operation is carried out correctly, they can be avoided. It is only necessary to choose a competent specialist. Another most common reason for refusing a puncture is the fear of pain and discomfort. To understand that the implementation of a puncture for sinusitis is a safe procedure, it is worth watching the video and making sure that thanks to a small operation, you can quickly get rid of permanent nasal congestion.